
Boleo Mine above La Paz wins another round

Osprey - 9-28-2015 at 01:07 PM

Today's Gringo Gazette newsletter says regulators signed off on permission for the gold Mine in the Laguna mts. to begin operation.

They held a secret meeting just before they each left office with the outgoing admin and snuck off into the mist.

Now there will be protesters and maybe armed guards all around the project to keep them out.

Look for many more blockades on highways and byways of Baja Sur.

akmaxx - 9-28-2015 at 01:20 PM

Fascinating machinations at work here. After being shot down repeatedly by a grass roots environmental campaign the mine has been on and off for a year. The last act of a couple of cabinet members slid permission through but the minutes of the secret meeting were not recorded properly by the Notario. When the minutes were to be recorded the office was barricaded by the protesters. During this peaceful show of popular resistance the current mayor (for three more days) tried to show up and register the secret meeting but the police prevented him from entering the building. The social media blew up because people didn't realize the newly elected mayor (who is opposed to the mine) wasn't in power so the old mayor could still ram it through.

The people have really shown backbone here and the mine just won't happen as the people get more and more wound up. IF their irritation extended to the corruption, killings, student disappearances, narco's et al than Mexico would be off to the third revolution and airports would be jammed with Gulfstreams fleeing north while the citizens were out for blood.

If I got the order or characters backwards in the mine showdown backwards it's because my Spanish still has a long ways to go with pronombres.


P.S. I don't think Los Cardones is Boleo (that's the copper mine that just reopened in St. Rosalia after a money grab by the out-going mayor).

[Edited on 9-28-2015 by akmaxx]

BajaBlanca - 9-28-2015 at 01:46 PM

and to further muddy waters -many of us teachers from the high school have not been paid yet - I am guessing the cash was taken by the gvt heading out??? just a guess but why else not pay us?

I agree that IF irritation extended to the other issues - we would indeed have a revolution.

rts551 - 9-28-2015 at 02:00 PM

BOLEO mine reopened because incoming politicians sighed off.

El CARDONES mine (proposed) is under protest because outgoing politicians signed off on land use change.

Russ - 9-28-2015 at 02:20 PM

Hold off on the revolution until I get home please

tehag - 9-28-2015 at 02:56 PM

Permission for Cardones mine granted in secret by outgoing ayuntamento de La Paz and now reversed in public by incoming governor, and he swears it's permanent.

Stay tuned.