

Udo - 10-1-2015 at 03:25 PM

After my recent illness of well over a year, my doctors finally gave me the go-ahead to travel by vehicle for more than two Jana and I decided to take the plunge and head to our beach house in Bahia Asunción. Our current renter, Ross (the kayak fisherman), was going to the US for three weeks and he offered the house to us while he was gone.

On our first day we managed to make it to Jardines hotel in San Quintin. What a serene and park-like atmosphere the hotel has. Birds chirping everywhere, and at a specific time, all the bird noise just shuts off all at once! The plants and flowers on the gardens of the hotel are also incredible.

Early the next morning we headed for Bahia Asunción, and once we got past El Rosario, anxiety started in on me...I was going to be away from a doctor for a couple of weeks and to get to my doctor was going to take most of a day. But by the time we got to Guerrero Negro and stopped at Mario's Palapa Restaurant for some margaritas, ceviche and guacamole, my anxieties waned.

We made it to Bahia Asunción later in the day, and after unpacking, we headed to Shari and Juan's place. With beers in hand, we drove to Bladdy's palapa on the beach for dinner and more beers. Two days later, it rained pretty good in BA.

That evening we sat on the front porch to admire the sunset and the stars and milky way working their way from east to west. I had forgotten how bright the stars and galaxies are in BA.

We went on several off-road trips, and the first one was to San Roque to check out the newly built church and a great drive down the beach. Other trips included Punta Prieta, San Hipólito, and La Bocana to spend some time with our friends Blanca and Les.
On the one trip to Punta Prieta, Jana wanted to go shell hunting on a pristine beach which turned out to be made of some sand and the rest was decomposed shells which composed an extremely soft base for the tires. The FJ got really stuck in the stuff and I needed to drop the air pressure from 18PSI down to about 9PSI. Plus I REALLY needed the use of the 4X4 differential and A-Track locks. I had to do the slow rock-on-top-of-the-deep-sand-thing about 30 times as the tide was now two feet away from lapping at my tires. It took me about ½ hour to get out of it. My winch would have helped a lot, but I had no dead-man.

But no experience to our place in BA is complete without some gourmet foods for dinners and breakfasts. Dinners included lamb, roasted chicken, fresh fish, rib-eye steaks, kicked up seafood macaroni and cheese (thanks to Shari for supplying the lobster and crab). Breakfasts included eggs Benedict, shrimp and eggs, steak and eggs, blueberry pancakes, waffles. We also served a variety of dips to go with some chips.

One of the most incredible experiences of the trip was the viewing of the blooming cacti as well as the fruiting prickly pears. It was incredibly lucky for us to be able to experience this spectacle of nature. If we would have been there three more weeks, we would have seen the pithayas in full fruit mode also.
The trip home was also unremarkable, and made it to the border in a day-and-a-half. However, one of my surprise pleasures was when we stayed at Jardines on the return trip; I had the pleasure of meeting Nick Gula, of Pedregal, San Quintin. He came by to visit with the owner of Jardines and recognized the FJ Cruiser, and could no give up the opportunity to say hello to a fellow Nomad. What a super guy! The hot churros could not have come soon enough at the border crossing.

Shrimp and eggs

Eggs Benedict

Shari enjoying ceviche

Lamb chops on the BBQ

Shari showing off her lamb chops served with fresh asparagus

Blanca, Jana and myself at the seaside restaurant in La Bocana.

A friendly osprey

The FJ on a beach

And they say it never rains in BA

This wind chime (thanks to Shari) says it all!

Fresh local sea bass, white asparagus, hollandaise sauce, kicked up rice pilaf

The local car wash helper

Jana enjoys another eggs Benedict breakfast on the front porch

The FJ on the beach @ San Roque

Here is a little competition for Russ in Punta Chivato with his magnificent sunrises:

This says it all

Checker shoes at the front door of our beach house

Yes, we do have a Pemex in BA

And we'll close with a picnic under the Bahia Asunción arch (also in front of the house.)

Our daily ritual of watching sunsets from the front porch.

The model panga builder, Luis

The lighthouse near Punta Prieta

Russ posts sunrises, At this time of year I can only post sunsets

Blanca, Les, Jana and myself

Shari enjoying a glass of fine wine

Our local correcamino pays a visit again (I think the parrot food has been helping because of his frequent visits.)


[Edited on 10-2-2015 by Udo]

[Edited on 10-2-2015 by Udo]

[Edited on 10-7-2015 by Udo]

[Edited on 10-7-2015 by Udo]

woody with a view - 10-1-2015 at 03:37 PM

we had the joy of the loose shell experience one time north of Bocanita. pucker factor was off the charts with the water right there! "the tides going out, RIGHT?"

we'll see ya next time!

Meany - 10-1-2015 at 03:50 PM

Great stories and Pictures. Thanks

shari - 10-1-2015 at 03:56 PM

I gotta say I thought we may never see you again here Udo and was pretty darn happy we were able to share food and fun together what if I have to join Eaters Anonymous after you leave eh! As always your lamb was orgasmic! Eggs benny...perfectly delightful, seafood mac & cheese was scrumptious and chicken yummy!

Here you are enjoying your ocean front view.

And in the kitchen with your beautiful sous-chef/wife cooking for all of us.

teaching Tomas of Loncheria Mari fame how to make the perfect margarita

and here are some of the Asuncion locals sporting smiles from a fantastic meal and beverages and comradery.

It was wonderful to have you two lovebirds back in town! I am proud of you both for overcoming your serious health setbacks.

Udo - 10-1-2015 at 04:16 PM

That's an epic photo of Jana and myself in B&W, Shari.

I also noticed who were not wearing shoes or flip flops!!!

TMW - 10-1-2015 at 04:19 PM

Wow, excellent report. Glad you are so much better.
I've never cooked lamb. What is the sauce you put on them. It kind of looks like it's made with avocados.

David K - 10-1-2015 at 04:26 PM

Perfect Udo, perfect!

I am so happy you ar feeling well again and up to do some serious off roading. A-TRAC makes it more secure if nobody is around to help with a pull!

Lamb is my favorite, and I hope to try your way of serving it someday!

Keep on healing up amigo... :light::biggrin:

bajabuddha - 10-1-2015 at 04:28 PM

Udo, one of the most touching pieces I've read on Nomads. I hope your teeth didn't get sunburned from grinning so hard! You are truly an inspiration. Happy trails,

Udo - 10-1-2015 at 04:38 PM

What I have done with the lamb (for several years I never mess with success,) is to rub it down with a spice combination from a company in South Africa called NOMU, and simply enough it is called LAMB RUB. Afterward I slather the chops with a green pesto and let it sit overnight in a plastic bag. Large lamb chops are very hard to come by, and therefore I buy a lamb rack and cut off every other rib bone from the rack, and then slice off 4 chops from the now modified rack. Each slice should come out about 2+" thick. Cook it on a very hot charcoal grille at less that two minutes per side (the bone side doesn't count, so your total cook time is less than 6 minutes). Be sure to use a watch or you'll overcook the lamb!
I have tried buying lamb chops from several different meat purveyors, and so far no one has been able to beat COSTCO'S lamb flavor.

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Wow, excellent report. Glad you are so much better.
I've never cooked lamb. What is the sauce you put on them. It kind of looks like it's made with avocados.

Udo - 10-1-2015 at 04:41 PM

Thanks DK!

All the walking and off-roading we did really helped my stamina after we got back. I really noticed the difference this week!

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Perfect Udo, perfect!

Keep on healing up amigo... :light::biggrin:

Bajahowodd - 10-1-2015 at 04:46 PM

Great to see you healthy. Great report. And without any dissing of Asuncion, I did want to mention your description of Jardines. We stay there every time we pass though, and always think that we should stay for another night.

motoged - 10-1-2015 at 04:48 PM

You are looking spry and like the time at your place was "good medicine".

Glad you are feeling better...and getting back on the road.

Needless to say, your cuisine looks fantastic....thanks for the lamb tip (Costco has great meat....better than any butcher most often).

BornFisher - 10-1-2015 at 04:57 PM

Glad you`re getting your good health back. And glad you were strong enough to rescue your FJ (looks just like mine)!!

Udo - 10-1-2015 at 05:12 PM

Helluva halibut in your avatar...that monster could only come from Alaska.

Quote: Originally posted by BornFisher  
Glad you`re getting your good health back. And glad you were strong enough to rescue your FJ (looks just like mine)!!

MMc - 10-1-2015 at 05:13 PM

Udo, thanks for for the report. Sheri was giving us up dates while you were there. Your report is even better, easy to tell it comes from your heart. I'm glad you are on the comeback trail.
One of my favorite meals In baja is, bagels, cream cheese, red onion, lobster, topped with a poached egg, we call bagels benedict. The hollandaze is too much for us.
Have you checked or Sprouts for there lamb? We are able to get double cuts from ours, Costco is probably a better price.
We're glad you made the trip.

SFandH - 10-1-2015 at 05:35 PM

Good to hear you're travelling baja again. Modern medicine is amazing.

Lee - 10-1-2015 at 05:41 PM

Whoa, Udo, you're the man. Living high, my friend. Glad to see you out and about. Nice words and photos. Pura vida.

Whale-ista - 10-1-2015 at 07:11 PM

Wonderful to see you all enjoying yourselves. No better medicine than good friends, good food, and a trip to Baja.

Thanks for sharing!

Udo - 10-1-2015 at 07:17 PM

Thanks for the kind words by you, SF and H and Lee. You guys are tops in my book!

Bagels, cream cheese, red onions, lobster and a poached egg. That sounds decadent! I'll have to try it in the US first and see how that comes out...with or without hollandaise.

I have tried the double lamb chops from SPROUTS. They were really expensive.
I don't mind the expensive if it is what I am looking for (God knows that I have traveled many miles to get just what I want). But their chops just did not deliver the flavor, which was my thing.I have tried about 12 different purveyors of lamb that service to restaurants, but COSTCO'S lamb delivered the flavor. Once I move to Baja, I may have to go to a different spice combination which I have yet to determine. Mexico lamb is considerably different in flavor. It is probably determined by their feeding.Which is why most restaurants in Mexico that serve lamb serve it barbacoa style.

Quote: Originally posted by MMc  
Udo, thanks for for the report. Sheri was giving us up dates while you were there. Your report is even better, easy to tell it comes from your heart. I'm glad you are on the comeback trail.
One of my favorite meals In baja is, bagels, cream cheese, red onion, lobster, topped with a poached egg, we call bagels benedict. The hollandaze is too much for us.
Have you checked or Sprouts for there lamb? We are able to get double cuts from ours, Costco is probably a better price.
We're glad you made the trip.

MMc - 10-1-2015 at 09:40 PM

Thanks! I'll go to Costco for the lamb.

Lee - 10-2-2015 at 11:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Udo  
…. rub it down with a spice combination from a company in South Africa called NOMU, and simply enough it is called LAMB RUB.

Udo -- where'd you get the NOMU? I'm seeing it sold out of Cape Town but not locally.

Ingredients at the website are rosemary, mustard and garlic -- which is easy enough…..

BajaBlanca - 10-2-2015 at 01:42 PM

I so enjoyed meeting you both! You really are a fighter and an inspiration to all of us!

coming over here after the rains was courageous.

Udo - 10-2-2015 at 02:05 PM

Hola Lee!

There are many more ingredients in the mix, some of which will be more obvious if you use the rub on beef or chicken (not a good mix for those items). I generally buy their spices directly from SA and usually buy a case or two of mixed spices. For single item quantities, got to the website Use the phone number provided and they'll send you your required quantity.

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Quote: Originally posted by Udo  
…. rub it down with a spice combination from a company in South Africa called NOMU, and simply enough it is called LAMB RUB.

Udo -- where'd you get the NOMU? I'm seeing it sold out of Cape Town but not locally.

Ingredients at the website are rosemary, mustard and garlic -- which is easy enough…..

cliffh - 10-2-2015 at 04:50 PM

great report, we have only been to Asuncion once, had a great time stayed for a week at Sharies RV park. Have to get back there next year on our way south. Udo we will be in Estero tues for 2 weeks, hope you 2 can stop by CC&S

BajaRat - 10-2-2015 at 06:44 PM

Great to see you and Jana back at the Flip Flop Shack !
Thanks for the pics and uplifting words !
All the best, Lionel :cool:

[Edited on 10-3-2015 by BajaRat]

Udo - 10-2-2015 at 07:27 PM

We'll be in Ensenada this Saturday and next Saturday for viewing of the progress on our construction job. We'll probably see you next weekend Cliff.

Quote: Originally posted by cliffh  
great report, we have only been to Asuncion once, had a great time stayed for a week at Sharies RV park. Have to get back there next year on our way south. Udo we will be in Estero tues for 2 weeks, hope you 2 can stop by CC&S

BajaBlanca - 10-2-2015 at 08:59 PM

Cliff -if you go to Asuncion you all BETTER stop by here too for some fun with us!

You will love the new restaurant!

Maron - 10-2-2015 at 09:03 PM

Truly great post, stay happy and healthy, the both of you.


Ron and Mary Ann

Udo - 10-3-2015 at 05:46 AM

I took almost a 1000 photos (probably 400 are of magnificent sunsets). A hundred of them are posted in my Facebook page, for those of you who wish to see more great photos.
Posting photos here is a chore, unlike FB where you just pick the photos you want, make an album, and post along with the story that goes with the photos. Really easy.

boe4fun - 10-4-2015 at 08:56 AM

What a great time we had with you and Jana, and of course the rest of the BA gang. I'm hoping to go down again after Thanksgiving to finally get my 18' Klamath in the water. Today I'm smoking about 50 pounds of tuna that Neal and I caught with Juan. Take care amigo!

BajaRat - 10-4-2015 at 09:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by boe4fun  
What a great time we had with you and Jana, and of course the rest of the BA gang. I'm hoping to go down again after Thanksgiving to finally get my 18' Klamath in the water. Today I'm smoking about 50 pounds of tuna that Neal and I caught with Juan. Take care amigo!

Don't you find 50 pounds hard to keep lit :?:
All the best Amigo, hope to see you guys in Novembre
Lionel :cool:

Kgryfon - 10-4-2015 at 10:22 PM

Glad to see you up and around Baja again! Great trip report :)

Elona - 10-6-2015 at 04:38 AM

Fantastic to read that you're feeling better. I hope that was the first trip to the Baja of many that will follow.

Greetz from Deutschland and stay healthy.

Udo - 10-6-2015 at 08:53 AM

Vielen dank, Elona!

Yes, we will be going to Bahia Asunción many one times as my health allows.

I have added some more content to the writing on edit, and I will also add some moe photos.

If you go to my Facebook page (Udo Winkler), you will see almost a 100 photos). It is quite a chore to post photos here on Nomads.

Elona - 10-7-2015 at 12:08 AM

Hi Udo,

the images would be interesting, but I'm not a fan/member of Facebook and therefore not registered ;).

Viele Gruesse aus Deutschland!

Udo - 10-7-2015 at 10:12 AM

You don't need to be a member of FB to look at the content...only to post.

Elona - 10-7-2015 at 10:53 AM

Without registration I can see only 2 pictures of you.

boe4fun - 10-7-2015 at 10:56 AM

Hey Lionel, I have a Big Chief smoker and it holds a chitload!

bacquito - 10-8-2015 at 10:30 AM

Great photos and good comments from all. Viewing your photos makes me hungry-I like lamb!

Geo_Skip - 10-8-2015 at 03:29 PM

Udo, Thanks for the trip story and excellent photos. You have certainly earned many more years on this planet!

wessongroup - 10-8-2015 at 03:36 PM

Thanks for the trip .. :):)

Udo - 10-9-2015 at 09:01 AM

Thank you all for your kind comments!

BajaLuna - 10-14-2015 at 12:36 AM

So good to hear that you have healed well, Udo! And that you were able to get back to the land that you love, Baja!

Everyone eats like kings and queens when you are in Asuncion!

great pics and glad you and Jana had a nice trip!

EnsenadaDr - 10-14-2015 at 10:52 PM

Great to see you feeling better UDO, how long was the transition from TPN to Bagels and Cream Cheese? Haha so glad you are enjoying your second lease on life!!