Tio Rocky - 1-18-2005 at 09:52 AM
Nomads that have Baja Websites
As some of you may know I run a few web sites for Baja. On my list of things to do in 2005 is to better promote and manage my Link Strategy.
If any of you Nomads our interested in exchanging links for ?Baja or Travel? related sites, please u2u me and I?ll forward the sites info for your
review? don?t want to pimp myself here on this great resource.
Tio Rocky
Link exchange is a good idea
flyfishinPam - 1-19-2005 at 05:53 AM
I think this is a great idea and I'll bet David K could provide a list of all the nomads with websites! Or we could just put them here somewhere for
all to see. At any rate, check your u2u and mail me with your info.
Tio Rocky - 1-19-2005 at 07:18 AM
4:53am... you are definitely a fishermen, or fisherwomen/person?
I have been hooked up with David K. for quite some time?. the guy is great and all over helping to promote others with an interest in Baja?.
Everyone seems to have a different opinion and mine is that cross referencing or exchanging links between ?same? site content websites, i.e. Baja /
Travel related sites helps all involved.
Check your email and let me know what you think.
Tio Rocky
Bruce R Leech - 1-19-2005 at 08:12 AM
I think your Link Strategy is right on, I would be happy to exchange with you.
David K - 1-19-2005 at 08:28 AM
A list sounds great... I also suggest all Baja Nomads (with a Baja web site) put their web site's link into a signature that appears at the bottom of
each post, like me, Bruce, and others already have. Click on 'Your Control Panel' on the top menu bar to set it up.
Thanks for the kind words Pam and Tio Rocky!
Oh, a few Nomads have sent me their photos to make a web page for them (incl. Neal Johns, Desert Rat, M, Bedman, Mexitron, Jack Swords, etc.) and you
will find them at VivaBaja.com in my contributed photos section, Baja locations section, or listed in my notebook link.
The List
Tio Rocky - 1-19-2005 at 08:58 AM
Thanks Bruce,,, I already have you hooked up and I believe I am already hooked up on yours.
Pam, I just went through your site and it is AWESOME, for those of you who have not ventured there it is well worth a few minutes of your time?. more
info then you can digest? http://www.bajabigfish.com
Now, since I started this I will volunteer to make a list of Nomads with websites. If everyone interested sends me the following information I will
compile it and post it for all to see?? I will post it in alphabetical as to not play favorites.
Please u2u the following info:
Web Address.
A 10 word max description.
Nomad User name.
For the sake of this list lets keep it Baja related. Also? please don?t send sites you have visited, they should be your sites.
Tio Rocky
[Edited on 1-19-2005 by Tio Rocky]
let's do it!
yankeeirishman - 1-19-2005 at 09:07 AM
okay...put me on that list. u2u me
Tio Rocky - 1-19-2005 at 09:18 AM
Please u2u me with the info above.
Tio Rocky
Tio Rocky - 1-19-2005 at 02:41 PM
To this point here is what I have. I will update / edit the list as people notify me.
I also have this list available as a word.doc with live links. If you would like a copy forwarded to you just email me at
Nomads with Baja Related Websites.
Off Road racing in Baja Sur.
Tio Rocky
Loreto Fishing, Conventional and Flyfishing.
Baja Birding.
Baja Books, Maps and Travel Guides.
Baja California Conservation.
Baja Events and Activities From Tijuana to Los Cabo.
Tio Rocky
Serving Los Barriles and East Cape for 16 yrs
Viva Baja News and Notes.
David K
Online Mexican Auto and Travel Insurance.
Tio Rocky
Ensenada?s Largest Dedicated Website.
Shared expense soft adventure travel club specializing in Baja
capt. mike
Local San Juanico information, photos, stories and related links.
Juan del Rio
A personal and visual Baja Trip
Ken Bondy
Personalized Services, fm3's, fideocomisos,property for sale by owner.
Mulege Business and Financial Services.
Bruce R Leech
An interesting personal view of a trip thru Baja.
richard nauman
Cabo San Lucas Sportfishing Charter.
Tio Rocky
Information, pictures, stories, links, all relating to Baja.
Tim Walker
Informative Baja Site, Missions, Trip Reports and Much More.
David K
A collection of photos by aanarchist
[Edited on 1-21-2005 by Tio Rocky]
David K - 1-20-2005 at 04:28 PM
There are so many... I hope Capt. Mike, Timothy Walker, Ken Bondy, and all the other Nomads with Baja web sites submit them to you!
Feel free to include mine....
Ken Bondy - 1-20-2005 at 07:42 PM
Tim Walker
academicanarchist - 1-21-2005 at 07:23 AM
Not to forget Tim Walker's web site: http://www.timsbaja.com/
He also has graciously given me space on his web site for my research and PowerPoint:
[Edited on 1-21-2005 by academicanarchist]
academicanarchist - 1-21-2005 at 07:25 AM
I also have this web site with mission photos, including from Baja California:
Tio Rocky - 1-21-2005 at 11:54 AM
Awesome pic sford and welcome to Nomads.... On the next update I will post to your galleries main index page.