
Woody gets his tuna in Bahia Asuncion! y 1 ola mas!

shari - 10-17-2015 at 04:49 PM

We finally wooed Woody over to the Pacside again with the promise of tuna and surf of which he caught both this week. The weather has been less than ideal with a weird succession of mini storms with 30 knot winds, rain, thunder and lightning and even a 12' swell...which has made fishing a challenge.

The lack of sardines in the area has made for some very hungry sea lions who watch for the sport fish boats and hang around them for meals. The sea lions have a very discerning pallet and leave the skip jack and only devour the yellowfin tuna! I think they got their limit! hahaha..but Woody and Bia did stretch some fish lips and here is the proof!

They brought a gorgeous hunk of tri-tip to share with the Asuncionites so we hosted a potluck gathering here at La Bufadora Inn.

Other anglers Miki & Tony staying at the Beach House made fantastic sushi..gotta love guests that cook!

It was a fun evening with old and new friends and great food! Many of you will recognize other Nomads around the table!

BajaRat - 10-17-2015 at 05:53 PM

Great stuff, congrats diners and anglers.
Shari, whats the water temps, fishing and pitaya potentials for this Novembre....
Thanks, Lionel :cool:

[Edited on 10-18-2015 by BajaRat]

shari - 10-17-2015 at 06:24 PM

the water is way too warm for comfort...over 80 still which is really affecting the lobster and the abalone fishers are very worried...the surfers are happy but the warm water has also brought sharks in close to the beach...dun dun dun dun.

We have lots of pithaya though so there should still be some in November...early this year from all the bloody heat.

Mateo-Feo - 10-18-2015 at 06:13 AM

Yeah! Mas Olas! Buen hecho

woody with a view - 10-18-2015 at 07:23 AM

it was a fun trip! got out in the only window in 5 days! final score lobos 4 - us 2. at least they let us keep 2. surf was fun and tropical style! 13+hour run for the border including 2+ hours at TJ. fotos coming in a few daze!

Thanks Zac and Shari, we had a blast again! oh, and finally ran into Igor! that was cool!!!

[Edited on 10-18-2015 by woody with a view]

bacquito - 10-18-2015 at 08:32 AM

Looks like you had a good time, thanks fr sharing.

motoged - 10-18-2015 at 10:32 AM

You guys are having WAY too much fun.....:cool: :saint:

woody with a view - 10-18-2015 at 11:26 AM

it's hard work, but someone has to do it!

CaboMagic - 10-18-2015 at 07:27 PM

Wasabi Woody with a view :P!
Way to go W & B
Looks like good timez for all!

rts551 - 10-18-2015 at 07:48 PM

With all the activity the sport fishing boats out of Socal have been off of San Hipolito..... The wahoo are getting scarce.

shari - 10-19-2015 at 08:31 AM

I got some calls from La Bocana fishermen saying it was real slow there and asking how it was here. The guys staying with us brought a Trophy fishing machine and are going to Pta.Prieta way today so I will have a report soon.

Yesterday they finally got into some nice yellowtail as well as tuna & wahoo...often we are the only boat out there which is a problem as the sealions target the sport fishers.

DianaT - 10-19-2015 at 05:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
With all the activity the sport fishing boats out of Socal have been off of San Hipolito..... The wahoo are getting scarce.

When we lived there, from several different people in Bahia Asuncion, including one of the guides, we heard the same thing over and over. They had no problem with sport fishing, and no problem with visitors catching enough fish to eat and maybe feed others who were there. That was great and they also fished that way.

But, they really disliked the idea of people taking many pounds of fish back to the USA. Whether their concerns about over fishing were justified or not, it is just how they felt.

[Edited on 10-20-2015 by DianaT]

shari - 10-20-2015 at 07:36 AM

we seem to be getting quite a few what I call "meat run" guys who are bringing whole freezers to fill and bring back...pretty sure some have restaurants too.

many pounds

chatolj - 10-23-2015 at 06:05 AM

to fill the freezer we bring south, it takes about 100 pounds of fillets. trips average 8-9 days. the fishing has to be very good to fill it. some trips its filled some trips not. the average trip cost costs $2500.00. hotels, fuel for boat and truck, restaurants, liquor store housing, etc. A lot of different people up and down the coast get a little slice of the pie.
So on a productive trip we pay $20.00 - $25.00 per pound for the fish. Looking at the big picture (i could be wrong) it is good for us and the people of Baja.
There are probably a few other areas that could be looked at, such as the Local Sport fishing guy that is selling his catch or illegal nets / long lines. Not trying to justify our actions but i will keep an open mind on the amount of fish we harvest.

shari - 10-23-2015 at 08:39 AM

dont get me wrong...our village certainly appreciates and welcomes sport fishermen as they do enhance the comment was an observation on more anglers are taking home more fish.

I dont think it puts much of a dent so far in our fishery here in Asuncion as we get so few sport boats. Like the guys who were here this week noted...they couldnt believe they were often the only boat on the grounds! they said in California there would have been dozens of boats around. Although I know our local guide outfitters probably wouldnt like to see the big party boats fishing the small local spots.

What DOES bother me is when captains allow clients to take more than the legal limit and those who take sport fishers that dont have any permits or insurance. If everyone observed the regulations, it would be better for all as well as the fishery.

Udo - 10-23-2015 at 09:21 AM

Way to go Woody & Bia!