
Sharing a Gofundme request.

DianaT - 12-1-2015 at 03:34 PM

I do not personally know Deanne Cervantes, but she has been a supporter of Penny and her grandpas which is enough for me. Besides Penny, I know BajaGringo knows Deanne and describes her as someone always helping others.

They have a second home in San Quintin and last Friday she had a terrible accident while walking her dogs in San Quintin. She fell off a cliff. Lots of serious injuries as listed on the Gofundme site. Evidently, she has about a 5% chance of ever walking again. She is in the hospital in San Diego and will be there for a long time as she will require several surgeries.

The family needs financial help in order to retrofit their home to accomodate a wheelchair.

So this is just for anyone interested in helping a fellow Baja lover whose life was drastically changed so quickly. The request and more information is also pinned at the top of Talk Baja facebook page.

Deanne's Recovery Support

[Edited on 12-1-2015 by DianaT]

Bajahowodd - 12-1-2015 at 05:18 PM

So awfully horrendous. Just really hope for the best possible recovery. Thank you for posting it here and hope some Nomads will chip in.

rts551 - 12-1-2015 at 05:27 PM

This should not happen to anyone. There are only a few gofundme things I will support, but this is one of them.

DianaT - 12-1-2015 at 07:13 PM

Yes, is is horrendous and it should not happen to anyone. It is difficult to comprehend how quickly one's life can change.

Thank you, both of you.

BajaGringo - 12-2-2015 at 04:19 PM

Thanks so much for sharing this Diane. Steve and Deanne are amazing people and Deanne was always the first one to lead an effort, organizing people and resources to help someone in need.

Last weekend they spent the day with Cristina and I out here on the beach and after they had dinner with us they left for their place on the bay. Once home, Deanne took one of their dogs out for a quick walk. While passing near an elevated ledge of the bay, it appears that the ground underneath her gave way and she fell down onto the rocks below, causing serious injuries and completely severing her spine. Doctors tell them that they see little chance that she will ever have use of her legs again. So tragic for such a wonderful, kind and giving soul who so loved spending time down here in this part of the peninsula. Many of you on facebook have seen some of her breathtaking photos she posted from time to time. We are all so thankful that she is alive but in spite of their medical insurance, the family faces many expenses to help Deanne face a future in a wheelchair and many of those expenses are not covered. I ask all of you to consider making a donation of whatever you can afford to help these wonderful friends who today are bravely facing a very difficult and challenging future.

Thanks and please share their story on your own facebook timelines...


Susana - 12-2-2015 at 10:28 PM

We also are friends of Steve and Deanne. We were with them within minutes of her fall. They are truly terrific giving people. Please help out if you can, this family really needs some support at this time.

BajaGringo - 12-4-2015 at 10:34 AM

Latest news on Deanne, from her daughters Danielle & Rachel :

"Just visited mom again today, she's still on the breathing ventilator - hoping to have it removed tomorrow. No mention of her fever today and she looks so much better, swelling in her face has subsided. We can't wait for her to be off the breathing ventilator so we can talk to our momma again. Again thank you everyone for your continued love and support, we will continue to update as much as possible..."

BajaGringo - 12-6-2015 at 08:04 AM

Deanne's family posted another update:

"Got to visit mom again today & great news! She's sitting up!!! We are hopeful that the breathing ventilator will come out tomorrow. Tonight she was up for a selfie! She was trying to give the thumbs up - sitting up makes her pretty dizzy especially with all the pain meds she is on. Wanted to share this picture of her huuuuuge progress with everyone.

-Cervantes Family"

Thank you all for your support for this beautiful spirit and her wonderful family...

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DianaT - 12-6-2015 at 10:47 AM

That picture is so encouraging. She has such a long road ahead, but she is lucky to have that beautiful family around her.

BajaGringo - 12-9-2015 at 01:39 PM

Update on Deanne from Danielle & Rachel:

"We got to go visit our mom in her new private room in the ICU earlier today. She was moved to a room with a partial window view & our dad went out into the hall and moved any carts that were obstructing her view, (he's not messing around) so she can get sunlight in. The doctors have decided to switch out her breathing ventilator to a tracheal tube and that procedure will be happening on Thursday. She is doing very well with her physical therapy which currently consists of getting her acclimated to sitting up and moving her arms as much as she can. Thank you everyone for the continued love and support for our mom. We are attaching a short video of Mom making progress during physical therapy this morning, you can see how she lights up when her favorite respiratory nurse comes in."

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JZ - 12-10-2015 at 04:00 PM

That is terrible.

BajaGringo - 12-12-2015 at 08:06 AM

Update from Danielle & Rachel:

"She has yet to have a tracheotomy so she's still on the breathing tube, but we're thinking it might happen tomorrow. She's been having daily physical therapy, and she does great at it but is very tired out afterwards. Some good news came today though, she had more feeling around her hip where she hadn't been able to before! We are truly ecstatic about it. Everyone's love & prayers has certainly been appreciated..."

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DianaT - 12-12-2015 at 05:23 PM

Keeping hopes that the positive progress keeps happening.

BajaGringo - 12-14-2015 at 03:47 PM

Update from Danielle:

"Mom is doing great after her surgery. She is more awake and has gotten used to the trach tube so her anxiety level has decreased . Today in physical therapy she sat up with her legs off the side of the bed for 10 MINUTES!!! Her dizziness and pain have subsided as well. We are so thrilled with her progress. Thank you everyone for your continued love and support. If you get a Facebook notification from our mom today.... It's actually her!!!"

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BajaGringo - 12-16-2015 at 10:28 AM

Another update on Deanne:

"Mom had her physical therapy earlier today and they have started working her arms more, building up strength and muscle in her triceps. Her pain and dizziness have subsided and is being controlled with medication. It's so nice to see her more awake and alert and smiling...and even on Facebook! Thank you everyone for continued prayers and support - she has a long journey ahead of her."

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BajaGringo - 12-17-2015 at 08:39 PM

Latest update on Deanne!

"Hi everyone! Mom just had another physical therapy session and she's is kicking butt! Every day they comment on her progress and determination. She pushes through the pain and dizziness and we are so proud. Thank you so much for you continued prayers for her recovery - her legs are starting to "twitch" and have muscle spasms which move her feet & she can feel it happening in her chest! Keep the prayers coming, miracles can happen!"

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BajaGringo - 12-21-2015 at 12:50 PM

Another update on Deanne:

"Hi everyone!

Mom had another amazing PT session yesterday, her balance sitting up is improving each time. She works so hard that she's usually resting the rest of the day, and she will check her FB periodically as you may notice her status updates! She is still on the ventilator, but on a very low setting - she is basically breathing on her own. The Drs are taking it slow just as a precaution and we hope the ventilator can come out in the next couple of days. Today was a hard day for her, she's becoming more aware of her situation and has to go through her own grieving process. Everyone's sweet messages really help pick her spirits up, so thank you for continuously letting her know you are thinking of her.

Thank you for all the love and support."

[Edited on 12-21-2015 by BajaGringo]

Video Message from Deanne

BajaGringo - 12-23-2015 at 10:26 AM

Update on Deanne Cervantes​ with video:

Great news! Starting last night our mom was taken off the ventilator and breathed on her own! It was about 7 hours last night, then she was back on the ventilator for night while she was sleeping. Today she's been breathing on her own for 12 hours now. 3 different times today she's been able to talk with us and she's doing so great and her spirits are so high and she's been smiling so much. She's very grateful for everyone praying for her and we are so proud of her progress.

Video says: "Hi everyone, big milestone for me today. I feel your love and I appreciate your prayers. Peace and love from me to you "

elgatoloco - 12-23-2015 at 11:34 AM

Heartening news. Do not know Deanne but her courage is evident and we wish her the best. Go Deanne go! :dudette: