
Sentri car pass

Maron - 12-4-2015 at 04:14 PM

Any recent experiences with getting a car Sentri approved? Last couple of posts I read, it was taking in excess of 9 wks


Ron and Mary Ann

BigBearRider - 12-4-2015 at 05:34 PM

It took me about 3 months when I applied in mid-August to get the conditional approval. The weekday after I did the vehicle inspection, they stopped requiring it.

DENNIS - 12-4-2015 at 06:29 PM

I believe they still do the inspection, but no longer use the windshield sticker. I guess it was causing problems.

BigBearRider - 12-4-2015 at 06:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

I believe they still do the inspection, but no longer use the windshield sticker. I guess it was causing problems.

As of November 17th, they don't do vehicle inspections:

"If you are receiving this message, you have an application pending that includes a vehicle for use in the SENTRI lanes. As of November 17, 2015, a vehicle inspection is no longer required to register your vehicle. Please do not try to schedule a vehicle inspection. If you have a scheduled appointment on or after November 17, 2015, your vehicle will be processed without an inspection and you will receive an updated notice when the application is approved. Once approved, the vehicle will be registered for use in the SENTRI lanes.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply."

gsbotanico - 12-5-2015 at 07:56 AM

I just got a Sentri renewal without an interview and vehicle inspection. I received the notice to pay the fees a week before the November 17 notice. I received the new Sentri card about a week after the notice. I simply went on line to activate the card. All without a trip to the Otay office.

DENNIS - 12-5-2015 at 07:58 AM


Bajakiter - 12-10-2015 at 06:39 PM

Yep, they are pretty backlogged from what I've been told by a US Customs agent (when I recently went to see them). They put your car approval in the same cue as a human applications. My wife got a new car and the day we brought it home from the dealership, she entered it into her profile. It's going on 11+ weeks now and still not approved!!

My son (4 1/2 months old) just got his Global Entry approved after 12+weeks. Yes, even he needs it to ride in the car with us or when we fly internationally. His interview was 12 days ago at the LAX office and it took less than 3mins. Pretty much sat down, handed his passport over and took the photo (not like they could ask him a whole lot of questions :lol::lol::lol:) Took me longer to park and walk to the office, that the whole time I was there.

Keeping our fingers cross that her approval on the car comes soon.

dasubergeek - 12-11-2015 at 01:03 PM

Same with my (then-) 7 year old daughter, Bajakiter. They asked me a couple questions and took a picture.

carlosg - 12-11-2015 at 02:24 PM

Just yesterday I logged on to:

And placed my Application (+ $42.00 charge) for another of my vehicles, its still pending for approval or as it states on the website: Pending Review... lets see how long it takes... I'll keep you posted....:smug:

[Edited on 12-11-2015 by carlosg]

carlosg - 1-15-2016 at 07:01 PM

GOT IT ! ! !

Quote: Originally posted by carlosg  
Just yesterday I logged on to:

And placed my Application (+ $42.00 charge) for another of my vehicles, its still pending for approval or as it states on the website: Pending Review... lets see how long it takes... I'll keep you posted....:smug:

[Edited on 12-11-2015 by carlosg]

Finally on January 10 I got the approval for my second vehicle thru the online SENTRI vehicle registration option: only one month... that's not bad...!!! :bounce:

bigboy - 1-16-2016 at 03:46 PM

I just received mine last week as well! About one month for me also.

carlosg - 1-16-2016 at 04:01 PM

Today my son ans I crossed over to Tj to enjoy Texcoco Style sheep tacos and back to US thru SY: it was my lucky day, the first time crossing north on this vehicle and was sent to secondary inspection; it only took less than a 40 minute wait time, but during this time we saw two separate groups (two young men and a pregnant young women and a young couple as well) of individuals being escorted in handcuffs into the offices... you pay for what you bargain for... I told my fourteen year old...:(

BigBearRider - 1-16-2016 at 07:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by carlosg  
Today my son ans I crossed over to Tj to enjoy Texcoco Style sheep tacos and back to US thru SY: it was my lucky day, the first time crossing north on this vehicle and was sent to secondary inspection; it only took less than a 40 minute wait time, but during this time we saw two separate groups (two young men and a pregnant young women and a young couple as well) of individuals being escorted in handcuffs into the offices... you pay for what you bargain for... I told my fourteen year old...:(

Unfortunate. Probably a good lesson for many kids to see.

Ojalero - 1-17-2016 at 02:42 PM

I made the initial application Dec 5. I got the approval letter Jan 14 and an interview appointment Jan 18.

41 days to get the approval letter and 4 more to the interview.


BajaMama - 1-20-2016 at 11:18 AM

I applied early January and I just got my conditional approval. Now I just need to schedule the interview, so only a few weeks for the first phase. My understanding is that I have 30 days to schedule an interview within four months.

So it was only a few weeks, if that. Hope this helps.

cansea6 - 10-7-2016 at 09:10 AM

Update to add on a vehicle to your Sentri/Goes account.
Applied in July 2016 and was just approved.
It took eleven weeks from start to approval.