The 1000 race first ran as an organized event in 1967... Some speed runs ran even before then to see how quickly one could get fro Tijuana to La Paz
when only 200 miles were pavement.
With the new highway (end of 1973), different routes from north to south were utilized to maintain a mostly dirt route. If pit teams and chase crews
using the highway exceed a safe speed, then it would seem the windfall from writing tickets could go a long way to help the local economy... and slow
the people down!? Right?
If you moved to Mulegé after 1972, then you came with Baja races already part of the norm and a paved highway through your town. To me, that's kind of
like buying a home below to an airport's flight path then complaining about the noise. No excuse for bad behavior by race people, but they may be
young and have to learn still?
I am sure a compromise can be developed. The 1000 races don't go down there every year and the race is actually on the Pacific side of the sierra from
you. Say hi to Wild Bill (on the radio) for me, he brought me my first ballena of Pacifico to my home back about 17 years ago when we met.