
TRIP-Mulege to Guadalupe Jan 10 2016

willyAirstream - 1-4-2016 at 07:06 PM

Leisurely trip, 73km each way, return via same route. This will not be a race, many stops and if anyone has trouble, all will stop. This groups moto , all for one , one for all. Everyone is invited, motos, quads, buggys, bugs, 4x4 etc. Beginners and experienced riders are coming from Mulege, SR and San Marcos and maybe some from Loreto. 30 some people last trip. Commited...3 buggys, 2 bugs, 2 quads, 2 Rzrs, a Cherokee and a bunch of motos. Here is the map and will post another tomorrow with more details.

Aguadalupe.jpg - 169kB

on edit. meet at the Bukovecz Moto Shop 8am sharp ( near last tope north of town, on the highway)

[Edited on 1-5-2016 by willyAirstream]

David K - 1-4-2016 at 10:58 PM

I would appreciate seeing photos taken around the mission ruins.
The mission was a few hundred feet west of the fork for La Presa (straight) and San José de Magdalena (right).
The base is a rock wall which was one side of the mission church. The was some adobe end walls in 1996.
Many thanks!

[Edited on 1-5-2016 by David K]

Guadalupe 1996a.jpg - 71kB

willyAirstream - 1-5-2016 at 07:58 AM

You got it David!

David K - 1-5-2016 at 11:12 AM

I just got an email from Kevin and they just were there... sent me the GPS and I added it to the Google Earth image below... The GPS point is just 72 feet from my push pin for Mission Guadalupe. As you can see (image with north at top) the mission ruin is west of the fork in the road. You can see how you can drive right to it perhaps... past the modern building on the south.

The major fork in the road on the right is the washed out road to Magdalena (right) and the La Presa road (straight). Note the extensive rock walls to the southwest of the missions, as well. Corrals or ?

willyAirstream - 1-8-2016 at 07:46 AM

Leaving at 8am , so come a little early. A variety of vehicles are coming, so join in.

David K - 1-8-2016 at 09:32 AM

Kevin (BajaOkie) was up to the mission last week in his Jeep.

Here are the photos, for you to compare to when you get there. I can remove these after you see them, Richard, so they don't distract from your trip post.

willyAirstream - 1-8-2016 at 09:48 AM

Good thing you posted the pics - I would not have recognised the architecture. :)
No problem with leaving the pics up, may add to the interest.
Kevin, want take Killers jeep for another spin ?

David K - 1-8-2016 at 09:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by willyAirstream  
Good thing you posted the pics - I would not have recognised the architecture. :)
No problem with leaving the pics up, may add to the interest.
Kevin, want take Killers jeep for another spin ?

I hope you find more or get a better angle or wider shot of the site. Close ups are hard to get a perspective of the overall area. I am guessing the adobe end wall is gone? But surprised that the large block/rock side wall is either different looking or not seen because of overgrowth.

In any case, it is sad that there isn't any action from INAH or locals to preserve the area as a historic park. The mission was active from 1720-1795.

Here is a photo Kevin took about 20 years ago:

Here is the mission wall in Ed Vernon's photo from about 18 years ago:

I already posted the photo (above) from Max Kurillo also taken about the same time as Ed's, but of the inside floor of the mission church, with adobe end wall.

[Edited on 1-8-2016 by David K]

BajaOkie - 1-8-2016 at 03:27 PM


I would go in a second but "Killer" would do me in and I might slow you down. The Jeep was great and a fun drive, even Tecate enjoyed it - first trip since Cabo died. You will enjoy all the water crossings and the greenness of everything. Nothing is dusty and everything is growing with abandon. We came across a group of 4 Mexican pack trippers up there with horses and pack animals. They were great guys and said they would come back by the mision - if you see them tell them Howdy from the Okie's!!!

Have a great and safe trip and I will talk to you when you get back.


willyAirstream - 1-9-2016 at 03:33 PM

pot luck dinner at the mission. tacos, tamales, burritos etc. Dress warm!

David K - 1-9-2016 at 06:17 PM

Wish I was there! Have fun Richard..

elfbrewery - 1-10-2016 at 03:52 PM

Took that road in April, 2013. Dead end at canyon. Would like to know what it's like now, even though I swore I'd never go out there again.

David K - 1-10-2016 at 06:47 PM

Looking forward to hearing from Richard when he can post again, after today's ride! Maybe they are still out there somewhere?

willyAirstream - 1-10-2016 at 08:26 PM

8 cars, 16 motos, 2 quads, and a road bike. Very leisurely trip. We spent way too much time at the mission site and didn` t leave there until about 4. First way got back to Mulege around 6, second way provided lights for 4 motos without lights and got back at 7 and the third of 2 cars is still out there. The group had 3 flats all in town, before we even left! No flats on the trip, few minor hicups, but everything was smooth. A 4x4 , a Toyota LC, had to go very slow, as would any jeep type vehicle. The bugs and buggys had no problems with the road conditions, nor did the motos or quads. Allow a fullday + if you go out there in any 4x4. Lots of shallow water crossings, but not nearly as many as last July. The views are fantastic . The mission ruin was one stone wall, one out building, circa 1900, flowing water, huge palms,and many fruit trees. Photos tomorrow, video from 4 cams next week.
On edit, 4 nomads showed up, all non posting types.
Fantastic trip!

[Edited on 1-11-2016 by willyAirstream]

David K - 1-10-2016 at 09:09 PM


willyAirstream - 1-12-2016 at 10:30 AM

Here are a few pics. 60 more on FB. I am putting a video together from 5 or 6 cameras, stills and video and it will be ready in 5 or 6 days. Hopefully Guiliver Vato will post some pics here too. I blew it and didnt get any pics of the ruins. Sorry David.
People enjoyed it so much, we are planning another trip there in the next 2 months (when it gets warmer)

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motoged - 1-12-2016 at 11:49 AM

Cool.....looks like a good day.

David K - 1-12-2016 at 12:49 PM

Yep, when you have photos of pretty girls eating fresh fruit, who wants to see some 275 year-old rock walls???:biggrin:

willyAirstream - 1-26-2016 at 05:59 PM

Video of part of the trip

I can't embed it, if someone can assist porfavor...

Gulliver - 1-26-2016 at 10:22 PM

It was great fun and one of the reasons was the wide variety of machinery and people. Lot's of stops to regroup and plenty of confidence inspiring support for people new to the back country.

A week later I ran into some vaqueros up there at the mission who thanked (me) us for closing the gates behind us.

Kudos to Richard for sorting out a wide variety of video formats into one effort. A subject of which I am sorely ignorant!

BajaBlanca - 1-27-2016 at 08:13 PM

wonderful report!