
The Mike McMahan Project

CortezBlue - 1-7-2016 at 09:18 PM

Ok, I have created a reproduction of Mike's wonderful Baja map that is printed on canvas and has turned out awesome.

I have searched, asked around on this site and even looked into the copyright office to find any family or children to get permission to reproduce this wonderful piece.

If anyone has any contact information please U2U me so I can have my attorney make contact.


fdt - 1-8-2016 at 02:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

To answer your question:

There is no more family interest in the Baja publishing. If you want me to forward an email to Mike's granddaughter if you would feel better hearing this from her, I would be happy to help you.

David is correct in what he's saying to you. It's all yours and I'm sure Mike McMahan would be glad you did.
What I would do; Go to Loreto, take a panga out and let Mike know what you're doing.

PS I'd love to have one once you have them.

CortezBlue - 1-9-2016 at 08:34 PM

As I mentioned in my post, if anyone has an email or phone number go ahead and post it to my u2u

David K - 1-9-2016 at 08:45 PM

As I said to you above, if you want me to forward an email to Mike's granddaughter (if you would feel better hearing this from her), I would be happy to help you.

I will not give out emails or phone numbers to people not seeking any contact. I will be happy to relay to her your email or u2u for her to reply through me or directly to you.

[Edited on 1-11-2016 by David K]

CortezBlue - 1-9-2016 at 09:30 PM

What part of this is difficult?

If anyone has a connection to the McMahon family for "me" to represent myself to present my art directly and negotiate a equitable solution, please send me a u2u with a phone number or email.

fdt - 1-10-2016 at 12:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
What part of this is difficult?

What part of David's explanation was so difficult?
He has the contact info, he offered to contact them about your interest and leave it up to them to decide.
BTW thank's dK for never giving out my info before asking me, I like people with integrity

tripledigitken - 1-10-2016 at 09:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
What part of this is difficult?

If anyone has a connection to the McMahon family for "me" to represent myself to present my art directly and negotiate a equitable solution, please send me a u2u with a phone number or email.

Rather snarky attitude while you're looking for help, I'd say.

LancairDriver - 1-10-2016 at 12:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
What part of this is difficult?

If anyone has a connection to the McMahon family for "me" to represent myself to present my art directly and negotiate a equitable solution, please send me a u2u with a phone number or email.

Looks like you have already been given all the information you need to accomplish your stated goal. Reminds me of the old saying "Beggars can't be choosers".

CortezBlue - 1-10-2016 at 04:35 PM

I've not received anything.

I did not ask for anyone to make a connection. Here is what I asked for:

"If anyone has any contact information please U2U me so I can have my attorney make contact."

Now, if I read this post and I did in fact know how to contact this person. I would ping them and ask, "is it ok to forward your email or phone number to this person?"

Simple. I want to present my proposal first hand and discuss what I changed etc........

dtbushpilot - 1-10-2016 at 06:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
I've not received anything.

I did not ask for anyone to make a connection. Here is what I asked for:

"If anyone has any contact information please U2U me so I can have my attorney make contact."

Now, if I read this post and I did in fact know how to contact this person. I would ping them and ask, "is it ok to forward your email or phone number to this person?"

Simple. I want to present my proposal first hand and discuss what I changed etc........

It's like we are speaking in different languages, and I am sorry if it is I who doesn't 'get it'. That you choose not to send me an email or message that I can forward her (the only way I can maintain her privacy) is why you are still here asking for it to be done your way.

Because I am a history buff/ writer and have high respect for Baja authors, I have tried to meet as many as I can in my life. I am likely the only Nomad who knows the Mike McMahan family as much as I do (and it isn't much, grant you). You may not like that for whatever reason, but I am trying to do you a favor here as you sound like you are trying to do something to help the memory of Mike and his work live on and I, for one, appreciate that.

Even though you keep blowing me off, I did have an email exchange with her this morning and I gave her the link to this thread for her to see for herself why it is you are being so insistent that you get her email instead of allowing her to contact you, privately. She tells me that indeed she does maintain all the copyrights to her grandfather's maps.

Move on David, dust off your sandals, it's not worth any more of your time or effort. I don't know how much clearer Cortez can make it for you, he doesn't want your help.

bezzell - 1-10-2016 at 07:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CortezBlue  
I've not received anything.

c'mon fess up. What you're really lookin' for is a bunch of ancient irrelevant maps to their location that maybe Christopher Colombus coulda used ... or maybe directions with a 20yr old road-condition report! right? ;D

mtgoat666 - 1-11-2016 at 01:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Well, she read the thread.... Email from 10:29 am Monday 1-11-16

Please post that you confirmed that the McMahan family still holds copyrights and will take action if this is published. I don't like being walked over this really upsets me what he did without my knowledge. I don't know how to post to nomad, but would probably start with How dare you!"

I told her how to post on Nomad if she wanted to.

[Edited on 1-11-2016 by David K]

I dont think cortez did anything yet, no copyright law broken yet. Only bad behavior seen here is peeiness between dk and cortez, and dk publishing private communication that defames cortez. :(

David K - 1-11-2016 at 01:06 PM

That's the point 666, I won't publish private contact info unless asked to.
1) Cortez asked if anyone knew the family, and I did and offered to relay his request to her (keeping private info private).
2) To help Cortez achieve his desires, I also emailed the granddaughter letting her know what was being asked for, and the link to this thread for her to read herself.
3) The above in bold is her response, and she asked me to post it.

I also don't think Cortez did anything wrong and that's why I wanted to help him do it correctly if he was going to sell it. I guess the granddaughter didn't care for his replies here and got angry???


Email just in (12:04pm)...

Thank you.
You can refer to me as Mike McMahan's granddaughter who lives in Spring Valley, CA.

I think my dad knew Doug Means. I will look again at joining...this weekend. I sure appreciate your response for now.

*Her dad did indeed meet Doug Means at my Viva Baja #3 party, in 2002.


To reduce the cluttering of this thread, I have deleted my replies when thet are repeated with quotes posted by others.

[Edited on 1-11-2016 by David K]

dtbushpilot - 1-11-2016 at 01:19 PM

Well, this didn't go well, I knew it wouldn't be long before DK got blamed for it. The DK fan club has been surprisingly quiet lately, who else thinks this post will reinvigorate the base?:(:(

motoged - 1-11-2016 at 02:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Well, this didn't go well, I knew it wouldn't be long before DK got blamed for it. The DK fan club has been surprisingly quiet lately, who else thinks this post will reinvigorate the base?:(:(

David (DT),
Now I know you aren't really trying to start something here....hope this dies a quick death. :light: :saint:

Mike McMahan's Map Reproduction

McMahan Granddaughter - 1-11-2016 at 03:34 PM

I don't know who you are or what you think you are doing reproducing a copy of my grandfathers map without discussing it with me first. I own the copyright and you didn't do your homework. I don't know how to use this U2U thing, but I suggest you get me your contact information before you go any further with this.


bajaguy - 1-11-2016 at 03:58 PM

We seem to be missing some posts on this subject :?:

David K - 1-11-2016 at 04:01 PM

Read my edit above, 4th post up from yours bajaguy.

Well, so everyone is happy (I hope), McMahan Granddaughter asked me to send her email address to CortezBlue.

Let's hope this has a happy result!

McMahan Granddaughter - 1-11-2016 at 04:18 PM

I apologize. You can certainly understand my surprise that my grandfathers name and map are being used by someone I don't believe I even know. It certainly had me stirred, as well as the negativity towards David. I hope to be contacted so that this can be resolved.

Currently, this person does not have permission to publish this version of the map. There are still copies of Mike's Map being sold via Baja Travel Club for anyone who is interested.

dtbushpilot - 1-11-2016 at 04:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Well, this didn't go well, I knew it wouldn't be long before DK got blamed for it. The DK fan club has been surprisingly quiet lately, who else thinks this post will reinvigorate the base?:(:(

David (DT),
Now I know you aren't really trying to start something here....hope this dies a quick death. :light: :saint:

Sorry, I couldn't resist sticking the spoon in the pot for a quick stir, I'll try to be better. I hope it goes quietly too......

CortezBlue - 1-11-2016 at 05:05 PM

Final remarks:

I received an email and will reach out to Mike's granddaughter.

But to clarify, as a photographer, I have not and would not publish and or sell this art piece without getting approval from Mike's family.