
Killer potholes!

SFandH - 1-18-2016 at 08:13 AM

Just returned from BCS. There are many wheel breaking potholes, especially from Catavina to the Bahia de Los Angeles turnoff. That stretch of road is the worst I've seen it in many years. Less so in other places but the biggest, deepest one I hit was just south of Ensenada. Glad I have a 3/4 ton pick-up with fat tires.

Passenger cars and trailers with small wheels beware. Flats and bent rims will happen otherwise.

brewer - 1-18-2016 at 08:22 AM

Thanks for that info. I'll be driving it the 30th...

woody with a view - 1-18-2016 at 11:16 AM

that stretch has been for awhile. with all of the rain this winter it's gotta be really bad.

David K - 1-18-2016 at 11:38 AM

Being a federal highway, why is there no procedure in place to address potholes on the only highway between the north and south states of Baja California? I mean, one dump truck full of asphalt, one roller, and maybe 6 people could patch them up in a week, right?

A good dirt road is more pleasing to drive than a pot-holed paved road!

Howard - 1-18-2016 at 11:43 AM

David, you of all people are asking for a clear, concise and logical solution in Baja for a normally clear, concise and logical solution in Baja? :biggrin: You know better than that!:biggrin:

[Edited on 1-18-2016 by Howard]

rts551 - 1-18-2016 at 12:11 PM

Bad roads bring....or something like that.

bezzell - 1-18-2016 at 01:29 PM

Thanks for the heads-up! 17 days & countin'

great to have UP-TO-DATE info

[Edited on 1-18-2016 by bezzell]

mtgoat666 - 1-18-2016 at 01:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
I mean, one dump truck full of asphalt, one roller, and maybe 6 people could patch them up in a week, right?

The job looks a wee bit bigger than that.

mtgoat666 - 1-18-2016 at 03:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

A bad Unpaved road brings good people...
A bad Paved road just brings angry people! LOL

I dont think your folksy wisdom is true.
Bad roads just bring fewer people.

P.s Did you read sean penn's story and notice that uber bad guy el chapo was hiding out in a land of unpaved roads?

rzitren - 1-18-2016 at 04:04 PM

Why would the state of northern baja spend the money to fix the road just to make it faster for the traffic to get to southern baja to spend their money.

BigBearRider - 1-18-2016 at 04:18 PM

Jeez. That went ridiculous fast. Is this another attempt at the "Hijack Thread"?

Bajahowodd - 1-18-2016 at 05:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Just returned from BCS. There are many wheel breaking potholes, especially from Catavina to the Bahia de Los Angeles turnoff. That stretch of road is the worst I've seen it in many years. Less so in other places but the biggest, deepest one I hit was just south of Ensenada. Glad I have a 3/4 ton pick-up with fat tires.

Passenger cars and trailers with small wheels beware. Flats and bent rims will happen otherwise.

Despite all the Sean Penn crap posted on this thread, I just want to point out that roads you are referring to are NOT in BCS. The are in BC.

The roads in BCS are far superior to those in the North state.

I have wondered for many years why so much of the highway in BC is in such crappy condition, especially around Catavina.

On the other hand, once you cross the border to BCS, with the exception of a few actual construction areas, it is far superior to Mex1 in El Norte.

rts551 - 1-18-2016 at 06:10 PM

5 and 3 are nice in BC.

David K - 1-18-2016 at 07:13 PM

To return from BCS, you drive through BC... unless you ferry across the gulf.

rts551 - 1-19-2016 at 07:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
To return from BCS, you drive through BC... unless you ferry across the gulf.


bajaguy - 1-19-2016 at 08:07 AM

Don't know much about the politics of Baja do you???. It's a constant fight (mostly for money) between the Feds, States and Municipalities and which pockets get lined and which hands get greased........

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Being a federal highway, why is there no procedure in place to address potholes on the only highway between the north and south states of Baja California? I mean, one dump truck full of asphalt, one roller, and maybe 6 people could patch them up in a week, right?

A good dirt road is more pleasing to drive than a pot-holed paved road!

David K - 1-19-2016 at 08:21 AM

BAJAGUY, It was a general statement for discussion.
Ralph, see howodd's post above mine for clarity on why my reply that baffles you.

rts551 - 1-19-2016 at 08:29 AM

His post makes sense. The roads in BCS with the exception of 3 and maybe 5 (and they are under construction) are far superior. Why? except you obviously do not understand the politics and economics. Yours well, " To return from BCS, you drive through BC... " speaks for itself. Brilliant statement.

bajaguy - 1-19-2016 at 08:32 AM

David, my post is fact, not something up for discussion. You need to live here to know the "real" Baja

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
BAJAGUY, It was a general statement for discussion.
Ralph, see howodd's post above mine for clarity on why my reply that baffles you.

David K - 1-19-2016 at 09:49 AM

My "discussion" comment reply was in regards to the OP, SFandH... You did not reply until AFTER me, so I wasn't suggesting discussing your reply, as it wasn't even here, yet?

Ralph, howodd seemed to wonder why SFandH talked about BC roads? Yes, BCS roads are fine... but to go to, or come back from there, one drives on BC roads. That was what I was clarifying. It baffled you, too. So, I am glad to help more than one Nomad!

mtgoat666 - 1-19-2016 at 11:55 AM

Whats the optimim tire pressure for hitting pot holes at highway speed? I really dont have time to delay, so need to roll over the punches.
Anybody got gps waypoints for the largest holes? Would be great help for my high speed night driving.

BajaMama - 1-20-2016 at 11:29 AM

Ha Ha - I have never seen the road near Catavina w/o potholes. The road was pretty good in October, just drive careful.

Udo - 1-20-2016 at 03:16 PM

The is a huge difference between October of last year and this month after several large rain storms.:O

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Ha Ha - I have never seen the road near Catavina w/o potholes. The road was pretty good in October, just drive careful.

Taco4x4 - 5-17-2016 at 11:39 AM

Wifey and I just returned from a drive down Baja, San Diego to Cabo and return. Went south 19 April and the road for about 50 miles north/south of Catavina was fairly bad and full of potholes. On the return trip, we passed through the same area mid-May and there was a road crew patching the potholes. Doesn't look like the patches will last long but at least they were trying to make repairs. Without a doubt, this stretch of road is the worst of the entire trip.

Terry28 - 5-17-2016 at 01:50 PM

I watched the road crew "repair" the pot holes...guys shoveling asphalt out of the back of a truck..just dumped the stuff into the holes...they relied on passing vehicles to tamp it down....job security I think as the large trucks will pull it out pretty quickly.......

motoged - 5-17-2016 at 09:49 PM

Bad roads......

......are just bad roads:light:

wessongroup - 5-17-2016 at 09:55 PM

I never expected a good road when going down to Baja ... just didn't ... and also anticipated live stock et al to be on the "road" too .... as it just wasn't like the United States

geoffff - 5-17-2016 at 09:59 PM

I was in La Paz 15 years ago after a big rainstorm following behind a truck with guys filling potholes with sand.

Seemed like a real short term solution.

-- Geoff

BajaMama - 5-18-2016 at 06:16 AM

All I can speak to is what I know - I have only been driving to Santa Rosalia/Mulegé since 2003. Hwy 1 now vs. then is a fabulous improvement. There are shoulders in some areas! Yay! However, in all the years I have made the drive, Catavina ALWAYS has potholes. I can only assume it is the geology - washouts, sand, whatever, but no matter how often that area is repaired, it just wants potholes. So I drive really slow there.

In four days! I am beside myself with happy. Love fishing/paddle boarding in Baja!

durrelllrobert - 5-18-2016 at 07:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Udo  
The is a huge difference between October of last year and this month after several large rain storms.:O

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Ha Ha - I have never seen the road near Catavina w/o potholes. The road was pretty good in October, just drive careful.

Just be careful. Some of them are huge:

charliemanson - 5-18-2016 at 11:10 AM

Has anybody considered that it is a ploy by the people who feel that the holes are to get drivers to slow down for their families riding their bikes and don't get their kids in the cart ran over?. Brilliant?!

Not to steal the thread though.

Never drive through Coco's however...REALLY bad. Don't do it! Please don't.

I need to go slay some fish and deplete the SOC supply

elgatoloco - 5-18-2016 at 11:46 AM

My theory - no (few) constituents to impress with fancy billboards and new pavement leading up to election time. :coolup:

Roads are better then they ever were that is for sure. :dudette:

Speaking of Catavina

captkw - 5-18-2016 at 04:37 PM

back my first few trips(1977) the arroyo, had gals washing clothes in the middle of the road and I remember THAT CURVE before it was marked..took a few life's..But still rough as day one....