
Cabs Pulmo Reserve

jbcoug - 1-22-2016 at 02:52 PM

Can someone provide information about fishing and this reserve. I will be spending some time in this area in March and just fishing from shore and kayak (have license) and want to know actual boundaries of the reserve. I don't know what can and can't be done in this general area.

toronja - 1-22-2016 at 03:44 PM

I would recommend talking to the guides/rangers at Cabo Pulmo or the conapesca (fisheries enforcement) guy in La Ribera (he's really nice) once you get down there. As best we could sort out, there were certain extensions of reef (restricted use zones) that were off limits totally, but we couldn't quite figure out whether the other areas were open to everyone or just local guys with permits (see rules here: Several of the palapa beach resorts within the park advertise fishing, which would be strange if fishing was not allowed.

There's an airstrip and associated group of houses/beach ~10 min south of La Ribera. The reserve starts at the arroyo immediately south of there. There was a big sign there for the reserve as of last year.

[Edited on 1-22-2016 by toronja]

jbcoug - 1-22-2016 at 07:49 PM

Thanks Toronja, maybe someone can suggest the southern boundary. I had read the regulations you linked and it sounds like no commercial or sport fishing. It certainly seems like I've seen fishing in the area though. Any other information would be appreciated.

vandy - 1-23-2016 at 06:27 AM

Lack of enforcement has encouraged both sport and commercial fishing in the park.
As a guest of Mexico, I try to observe the correct boundary, that basically bisects Bahia Los Frailes on an east-west line, about 1km from the rocky point.

Floatflyer - 1-23-2016 at 08:27 AM

There is no fishing within the Park from the water, including boats or kayaks. Fishing from shore is allowed in certain areas but not all areas. One area is from Cabo Pulmo Point, at the north end of Pulmo Bay, heading north just under 2 miles ending at the first casita on the road at the beginning of Club Las Barracas.

The Eco Palapa, north of Las Barracas is the start of another fishing allowed section and heading north. Good luck.

imlost - 1-23-2016 at 01:14 PM

The best way I have found to view the boundaries, is to see it on Goog le Earth. If you have Google Earth loaded on your computer, click on the "Ver mapa en Google Earth" link on this page:
This will download the .kmz file to google earth, and shows you the boundaries in satellite view.

If you have a boat and want to enter the coordinates as a route you can see on your chartplotter, then click "Ver mappa con coordenadas".

Cancamo - 1-23-2016 at 04:33 PM

The airstrip mentioned above by toronja is describing Rancho Antares, well outside the park's southern boundary.

Widely accepted southern boundary, (by pretty much everybody including the Pesca/Semarnat authorities), is just south of the Hotel Los Frailes, (the vacated palapa casitas) southern part of Frailes Bay on the other side of the submarine canyon.

Last few times I checked the park's office in La Ribera, it was closed, not known if is temporary or more permanent. I heard their federal funding was cut recently. That has been the go to place for permits, answers, etc. They were also making daily trips to Pulmo for some time.
Overall, the on- the- water management has never been consistent, (except Semana Santa), maybe that will change with the new visitor center. Hope so, as the park area rules are still being exploited regularly without any vigilancia.

Floatflyer - 1-23-2016 at 04:43 PM

Cancamo: You are accurately describing the airstrip south of Los Frailes but the airstrip mentioned by Toronja, I believe, is referring to the El Rincon strip which is associated with the proposed development of a marina, condos, golf course etc. by numerous names.

I am very familiar with El Rincon as back in '04 my T-210 was stolen from there, never to be seen again, sigh.

toronja - 1-25-2016 at 10:21 AM

Still sorry to hear about that plane, Ford, we'll definitely try some of your part-removing tricks if we fly down in the future.

I was indeed referring to the Rincon strip, and this arroyo as the northern border: