
SY Greyhound station?

Alm - 2-6-2016 at 02:06 PM

Will be taking Greyhound from SY to Camionera Central in Tijuana.

In the past, there was a bus station in the dead end next to the US customs building. From there, the bus was going either South through the Mex gates, or North to the US.

Now, after all the changes, the Northbound stop is on the circle in front of the exit from US customs - I know because took it once. Didn't notice any actual station nearby.

So, where do people board the bus Southbound - is it still in the "old" station where it was?

SFandH - 2-6-2016 at 02:11 PM

Is this it?

Alm - 2-6-2016 at 05:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Is this it?

As a general area, yes.

The bubble with #1 is placed right in the middle of the road, this is a no-stopping zone with fences on both sides, there is no station there.

Here is where it "used to be": Greyhound. Like I said, Northbound buses don't stop there anymore, but instead they stop at the circle - where you see a small bus icon. I hoped somebody recently took the Southbound bus, to tell if anything changed.

wilderone - 2-12-2016 at 04:46 PM

Last time I took Greyhound southbound, the bus went up the little hill behind the McDonalds where there is a small transport station and dropped everyone off there - everyone re-boarded into a small collectivo, which then had a route which included a couple stops in SY, into TJ, a couple stops, and finally - to the central bus station. It took about an hour. I'd just go, give yourself plenty of time (if you've got a particular schedule); go up the hill to the little bus station there and ask for transport "rapido" to the bus station. Or walk across and take a taxi.

Bob and Susan - 2-12-2016 at 06:07 PM

tell me why you would use a greyhound bus and
not the trolly that takes you right to the border and
then a taxi after you cross

why greyhound?