JimNTerri - 2-23-2016 at 08:23 PM
Hello... I was hoping to get some advice regarding a Dermatologist in La Paz. I am looking for any information I can get. I need a dermatologist
for a Cyst removal. I have never had it done, but have been told it is very routine. Any leads or information you have will be greatly appreciated.
bajalinda - 2-24-2016 at 09:57 AM
Dr. Carballo, dermatologist
His office is in a separate clinic across the street from the Fidepaz (purple) hospital.
JimNTerri - 2-26-2016 at 01:08 PM
Thank you VERY MUCH!!! Bajalinda
bajalinda - 2-26-2016 at 07:38 PM
de nada, JimNTerri!