
Hotel Costa del Sol, BdeLA

23S52N - 3-4-2016 at 10:05 PM

I just read a couple of recent reviews on line which were not favourable regarding customers who made reservations through email, had them confirmed, and when they arrived were told there were no rooms available, in spite of the customer showing the confirmation email. Customer said the hotel had the attitude of 'too bad' for you.

I just sent an email request looking for a room next month.

Can anyone comment on their experience with this hotel? I know many reviews give them high marks, but these few negative reviews concern me and have me wondering if i should book elsewhere.

Thanks in advance,

Sweetwater - 3-5-2016 at 08:50 AM

It's a great place.

I think that it runs on a first come, first served basis. Whether I've had a reservation or not, I've never gotten a room there. The kicker was that we came back for breakfast and learned that another group had not arrived to honor their reservation and we could have had rooms. Double edged sword kinda deal if you ask me. We have always needed two rooms so maybe a single will have different results?

Some Nomads seem to always stay there, perhaps they have a secret.....

Marc - 3-5-2016 at 09:01 AM

I have stayed there a number of times. First time I reserved in person six months ahead with cash and it went OK. Other times it was drop in. She has a computer in the office so I know she does reservations. Hey this is Mexico! If there's a snafu just drive down the road. Not to worry. There are plenty of good rooms available.
I will say the AC is top notch. 110 outside 68 inside.

[Edited on 3-6-2016 by Marc]

redhilltown - 3-5-2016 at 09:14 AM

Only good experiences there...nice restaurant and clean rooms.

durrelllrobert - 3-5-2016 at 09:20 AM

Last time I stayed there (about 6 years ago) The old section was hooked up to power but the new section where we stayed was still running off the generator that was shut off around 8 PM and not restarted until after 7 AM the next morning. So much for in-room coffee before heading out fishing.

motoged - 3-5-2016 at 10:03 AM

Victoria runs Costa del Sol and has always been a gracious hostess....times have been tough past few years due to fewer folks passing through.

Costa del Sol is my #1 choice for BoLA....

David K - 3-5-2016 at 10:31 AM

Victoria is very nice and a great cook, too.
We only stayed there once, in 2009. We stayed in her new building as the original ones were full.

mtgoat666 - 3-5-2016 at 10:40 AM

Sure is a bummer to cap a long day traveling with getting bumped from a hotel reservation,...
Hotel operators can be excused from it happening once in a blue moon,... But if it happens frequently, the hotel management should be replaced, or potential guests should avoid the hotel.

Btw, there is a great new (revived) hotel north of town, forget it's name, but if their management lives up to their remodeling, I suspect they are not overbooking and inconveniencing guests

23S52N - 3-5-2016 at 10:40 AM

Thanks for the responses. I have two pups with me, a large and medium. I included that in my email but haven't heard back from her in 3 days. I did stay at Villa Bahia on the way down but they didn't have a restaurant. Any other recommendations for lodgings there? Thinking maybe eat at Costa del Sol and stay at Villa, the beach walk is nice although they are a fair trek out of town.


David K - 3-5-2016 at 11:20 AM

Las Hamacas is an option perhaps, since you want dogs in the room? They have a restaurant. Guillermo's as well, but not sure on the dogs. A restaurant to try also is Alejandra's. I posted their menu in 2012.
I think goat is thinking of Los Vientos, a hotel way north on the La Gringa road.

Udo - 3-5-2016 at 11:49 AM

Perhaps we got lucky, but the last four times we stayed there we managed to just walk in and get a room.

David K - 3-5-2016 at 11:54 AM

I think the busy times would be Semana Santa (Easter Vacation/ Spring Break), Christmas-New Years, any off road race going through (Baja 1000 every 2-3 years often does, in November).

Terry28 - 3-5-2016 at 02:25 PM

We stayed there last week...just walked up and got problem, good food and very clean...with wifi...

23S52N - 3-5-2016 at 02:27 PM

Yes, I would like to have the pups in the room. I always used to show up without reservations, but it seems to me that more hotels down here are starting to follow the gringo way with reservations, and prices climbing accordingly.

As was stated by another poster, it's nice to have a room waiting after a long day on the road. I will check out some of the other places mentioned here. Again, thanks for the input.


desertcpl - 3-5-2016 at 04:44 PM

arrive early, not late in the evening

Dog was no problem

mooose29 - 3-9-2016 at 12:05 AM

Stayed there last May and had a great time. The food was great the Mayweather fight was on in the bar area and they had no problem with us having our large lab with us in the room or hanging with us while we ate dinner in the patio. The place was full but we were able to get 3 rooms for our group, we did not have reservations as the week before they told us they were full when we called. Decided to just go and figure it out when we got there and it worked out when we stopped in.

23S52N - 3-9-2016 at 07:49 AM

Thanks Mooose, that is what I was looking for. I haven't heard back from them so will drop in unannounced and take my chances. I've eaten there before and the food and service was good and friendly. As stated there are other hotels in a pinch.


TMW - 3-9-2016 at 10:09 AM

FYI for those planning on being in LA Bay on Sunday April 24th. NORRA books all the hotel rooms for the racers on that date. I think it is just that date and not Saturday too.