
Killer lobster tacos

bajajudy - 1-27-2005 at 06:12 PM

Move over Mama Espinoza!
We are in Loreto for the turtle conference and on the way up we stopped at San Augustin Restaurant(as we always do) for breakfast. I had never tried their lobster tacos as it seems we are always leaving from La Paz in the morning and breakfast seems like a better choice. But today we were later and I went for it. The absolute best I have ever had. They make their own tortillas for one thing but the lobster was tender and tasty and had just the right amount of chiles.
So this is between La Paz and Constitucion Just before the turn off for Punta Conejo(big white tire) headed north it is on the left hand side. The building is pink and gray with a bright yellow second floor(it sure was cute when it was just pink and gray!) Emilio is the guy behind the counter and everything there is tasty.

eatin bugs

fishinrich - 1-28-2005 at 07:43 AM

Thanks judy I will give the place a try. Always nice to know the places off the beatin path. Another I recommend is a little restaurant at chapala, that is the turn of from mex-1 to gonzaga/san felipe. There are two restaurants there. The one a few hundred yards south of the turnoff is the one I recommend. I had lobster burritos in there that were mighty tasty and also a chunk of thres leche cake that was yummy. fishin rich

Natalie Ann - 1-28-2005 at 10:02 AM

Judy - I will take a lobster taco any time of the day, including breakfast! Thanks for the tip on a good spot.
When you return be sure to tell us about the Turtle Conference.

Bruce R Leech - 1-28-2005 at 10:16 AM

next time try Gonzales bros. in La Paz.

bajajudy - 1-28-2005 at 10:59 AM

Oh I love Gonzalez Hermanos! The stand near La Perla department store must be closed because the street is completely torn up.
Thanks to whomever recommended Bistrot Francesa(that may not be correct spelling but its close!). We had dinner there and it was delicious and very reasonable. My pato a la naranja was excellent. Only a $2 corkage fee for our wine. We will go back.


Pompano - 1-28-2005 at 01:10 PM

Tell you drop off a couple of those lobster burritos at Coyote Bay next time you are headed Northside and I will put a plate of these in front of you....Chocolate Eroticas...patented by my good friend, Johnny Tequila. We will cut up some roma tomatoes, some red marinated onion, sprinkle with fresh grated Romano, squeeze some fresh lime on them to make 'em wiggle and pop down the hatch...or bake 'em on the grill for 1 minute to melt the cheese and have Baja Pizza.

Bon Appetite!

bajajudy - 1-28-2005 at 03:02 PM

Pompano, you're killing me!
And I just finished a taco de cabeza from El Rey here in Loreto.
Those guys look good enough to eat!
I am a make them wiggle kinda girl.
We will be going by you Monday on our way to Guerrero Negro.

I always thought that Mama Espinoza's lobster burritios were overrated

BajaVida - 1-29-2005 at 11:56 AM

I had one once in 1978, it was a long skinny burrito with more mayo in it that lobster and did not taste good. Maybe it was a bad day. I have not eaten one there since, but have eaten other meals there.

Anyone share my opinion?

Gypsy Jan - 1-29-2005 at 08:09 PM


At the risk of being accused of being sacriligeous,

that sushi picture looks like the last supper, with only three disciples, who immediately, after ingesting, died and went to heaven!


bajajudy - 1-30-2005 at 07:49 AM

The last Mama burrito I had cost $9 and I decided then that I would probably never have another. The ones at San Augustin were 25pesos each and two was more than enough as they were stuffed with lobster meat(no mayo)
Its too early for these food posts...I am hungry

Sorry, Bajajudy, I have to do it..............

Pompano - 1-30-2005 at 08:33 AM

May I offer you some cabrilla fillet..with a special mango salsa, spinach salad, oven-hot crusty roll slathered with butter...and flute of chilled Asti?

Adios Mama's.......

San Augustin ??

LaTijereta - 1-30-2005 at 12:07 PM

Are you talking about the one above Catavina? KM:?:

The Legend of Mamma E

thebajarunner - 1-30-2005 at 07:32 PM

How do you put down a legend?
Gently, I guess.
I too had my first taste at her place the night before the 1971 Mexican 1000. I thought it was the best thing I ever tasted.
During the '70s this continued to be true and the ambience and the stories were terrific.
Then, from the mid-'80s on it was 'mayo and mush' as Baja Vida so accurately points out.
And the cheap Burger King plastic seats did not add to the sense of history.
Have not dared try it in many many years, sad!
We have had great breakfasts at El Progreso, just down the road a bit in the last couple years. Worth a try, for sure.

Baja Arriba!!

Mama's last Thanksgiving...

David K - 1-31-2005 at 09:47 PM

Where the three of us had 'Baja Turkey' (ie. LOBSTER)... and it was GOOD!
I guess it is all in the timing when you order lobster at Espinosa's???

Bruce R Leech - 2-1-2005 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by David K
Where the three of us had 'Baja Turkey' (ie. LOBSTER)... and it was GOOD!
I guess it is all in the timing when you order lobster at Espinosa's???

David can you please tell us who your having diner with in the picture?

For Pompano

lindsay - 2-1-2005 at 01:16 PM

I was just reading through this thread and had to chuckle at your sushi shot!! I used to live in Mulege from 1998-2000 and your picture with Tom & John is great. Back in my Mulege days, John and I used to hang out with our mutual friends at Mesquite (then the Mulege "Cheers" bar as we used to say!!) and that expression on his face is classic John!! If you see John and Tom, please pass on my "Saludos" from here in San Diego!! I hope to visit in June when I take my daughter to see her Mulege relatives. Enjoy all the fine dining and local offerings..yum!!

David K - 2-1-2005 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
Originally posted by David K
Where the three of us had 'Baja Turkey' (ie. LOBSTER)... and it was GOOD!
I guess it is all in the timing when you order lobster at Espinosa's???

David can you please tell us who your having diner with in the picture?

Sure Bruce... I didn't because this photo was posted after my trip to El Rosario and it is in my web site (look at the November '04 trip link, ). That is (L to R)Antonio Munoz 'BajaCactus' and Tony Miranda of the Diamante Del Mar project. You know my grinning face already!

Gracias Pompano!!

lindsay - 2-10-2005 at 10:07 PM

Thanks for the message and I love the shot from Jungle Jim's. Are you sitting next to Miguel?? I think that we have met before maybe?? I used to work up at the museum with the Mulege high school students from 1998-2000 and as I wrote in my previous post, I come down usually twice a year so my daughter, Sara, can see her dad and Mulege relatives. We were in Mulege in November and had a great visit.

Thanks again for your e-mail and I'm glad to see you had a good time with John, Tom and the rest of the gang...lots of familiar faces in your photo. Take care and best wishes from San Diego!!:lol::lol:

Great Photo!!

lindsay - 2-11-2005 at 09:31 PM

Hi Again from San Diego!!
Thanks for your nice e-mail and I love your shots from Mulege!! Makes me look forward to seeing all the gang on my next trip. Miguel and Claudia were always such great supporters during my time at the museo and I always love hitting their shop when I'm visiting.

Looking forward to seeing you and the "usual suspects" my next time down...try to relax a little too, you all look like life is really taxing you from your photo at La Jungla!! I also wanted to let you know that I read your story about the John Wayne fishing episode. What a wonderful story and memory!!

Take care and keep the stories and photos coming...they're great!! :bounce:

Hola from SD

lindsay - 2-13-2005 at 09:46 PM

I remember hearing about how he got his nickname with that story so I'd love to read the post. Is it in the fishing section or somewhere else on the Nomads sections??

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and I'm sure that the rain has made everything look great. San Diego is starting to look as green as Hawaii with all the storms that we've had this season.

Thanks again for the message and I also saw your other post with the "Request for Visit Form"...very useful questions for screening potential guests!!

Take care,


the best, only second to puerto nuevo

amarena - 2-18-2005 at 06:38 PM

we were there last week, they are great!

Puerto Nuevo Lobster...

Mexray - 2-18-2005 at 07:39 PM

We stopped in PN on a Thursday in late Jan on the way down to Mulege this year. It was about 11AM and things were just beginning to stir in the village.

We drove down the main road, turned left at the last side street, and ate at the (inside) corner restaurant where you have to turn right to go back up the hill at the end of the block...don't remember the can sit at street level or go upstairs to the 'view' floor...there were half dozen locals eating, so we decided to give it a try.

We had their $10 lobster 'special', which included two small, but yummy critters, and their 'complementary' margarita...the margarita was CRAP, as they must use some rot-gut tequila! BUT, the lobsters were really great for the price - tender, juicy, etc. They brought out a tray with different sized frozen critters, so you can select the size you want (which are priced accordingly). Ours were the smallest, but really hit the spot...and left room for a couple of fish tacos by the time we got our shopping done in Ensanada!