ligui - 3-20-2016 at 06:48 AM
Hi everyone !
Has anyone had a study done in the area ? And if so any details ?
ligui - 3-21-2016 at 06:28 AM
How about a study done anywhere in the baja ?
TMW - 3-21-2016 at 09:53 AM
A few years ago when Sal Fish still owned SCORE I remember part of the race course needed an Environmental Report done. I seem to remember it was in
the San Felipe area. If one was done or not I don't remember.
Also I think it was last year that NORRA had issues in the Viscaino area concerning an Environmental Study since the race course went thru the
Biosphere Reserve.
You could contact Mike Pearlman at NORRA and ask what became of it. His phone number is USA 805-390-1671.
grizzlyfsh95 - 3-21-2016 at 10:15 AM
Contact Profepa, that is the Mexican EPA. They have lots of employees and lots of studies.
ncampion - 3-21-2016 at 01:06 PM
Not sure exactly what your question is about. Are you talking about the environmental study that is required by Profepa before construction on vacant
land? If so, we had one done on our Loreto property but it was about 7 years ago. Quite a hassel and expense. Had to hire a firm from La Paz.
Profepa has a list of "approved" vendors. Good luck
ligui - 3-21-2016 at 01:13 PM
Thanks , i'll try to get my hands on that list . study is for pre construction on vacant land on the coast .
What hassels did you have and about how long did it take ?
Thanks for your help
Bob and Susan - 3-21-2016 at 04:48 PM
actually you don't deal with profepa at all...
they are the police agency for SEMARMAT
this is the agency that grants the EIR
you need a survey...a plant guy...animal guy...and a guy to put it together
oh yea...and money
get assistance...well worth the money...if you want it done in a timely manner...takes about 90 days
SFandH - 3-21-2016 at 05:11 PM
Is the amount of money needed a secret?
Let's say a 1000 sq. meter lot.
Bob and Susan - 3-21-2016 at 07:45 PM
ours was done long ago...I wouldn't even guess a price today...things are going up and the rules are changing
ncampion - 3-22-2016 at 07:48 AM
There are two fees. One is the fee to Semernat which is published on their website. There are more than one fee as the process is a bit complicated
(at least to gringos) and the other fee would be to the Biologist/engineer who actually prepares the study. That can vary. I'll try to find the link
to Semernat site. As I recall, together they came to about $8,000 usd. That was 7 years ago, I doubt it has gone down!
Found it.
ncampion - 3-22-2016 at 07:54 AM
Here's the site. You can also track the progress of your permit on the site once you initially file the report.
Good luck, if you want to U2U me I can give you the contact info for the person that did ours, she was quite good and professional.