
pulled over by police in San Felipe

BajaDanD - 3-22-2016 at 03:50 PM

I got pulled over Saturday night in San Felipe I was driving the speed limit and stopped at every stop sign so when I got pulled over I figured he was going to try to get some money out of me and I wasn't going to give him any. So I rolled down my window and dug my wallet out of the center console. Before I could ask him why he stopped me He reached in and asked to shake my hand. Baffled and still a little uneasy I shook his hand and showed him my license. He looked in the car with his flashlight then handed me back my license and walked away. when he shook my hand I looked him in the eyes He looked drunk I mean really drunk. That's a first for me.

woody with a view - 3-22-2016 at 04:06 PM

maybe he was looking for a date?

DENNIS - 3-22-2016 at 04:26 PM

Just fishing.

willardguy - 3-22-2016 at 09:38 PM

checking for an ice chest!

bajatrailrider - 3-23-2016 at 09:50 AM

That is a good one.Years ago camped at Beach Ensanada. The police Knocked on my camper door at night.Asked If we where alright, I said all good. They asked for two beers.

sancho - 3-23-2016 at 11:13 AM

That's a first, not totally out of the realm. A checkpoint going on
to Blvd 2000 to Otay, the 2 military guys asked for a couple beers, sorta had to oblidge. Got in a taxi in La Paz, the driver
had a quart beer which he was drinking. Probably why we like
Mex, the unexpected. Reminds me of another, back in the day,
camping at Muertos Bay, so. east of La Paz, was the Police
Chief from Los Planos, the Delagado of the area, we were
all drinking beer at 10 am

[Edited on 3-23-2016 by sancho]

Bob53 - 3-23-2016 at 03:55 PM

I got pulled over a couple years ago in San Quintin in the evening. The officer walked up and shook my hand and said my trailer lights weren't working. He said he was really concerned about our safety and asked if I could look at them. So I walked back and jiggled the plug and they came on. He said thank you and have a safe trip. I was surprised at how polite he was.

Gulliver - 3-24-2016 at 10:45 AM

I, as are most of us, am affected by selective memory. I can be driving down the freeway in the U.S. and fuming over a car or two being driven by complete dolts. But tend to forget the hundreds and hundreds of drivers who are aware and courteous.

Staying on one town all Winter means I only see our local police who know everyone and are not interested in graft. They operate with a very loose hand. I would have to really act out to get in trouble. One of the reasons I live in Mulege.

motoged - 3-24-2016 at 11:10 AM

....and you bikers are often up to no good.....:cool:

Gulliver - 3-24-2016 at 11:28 AM

At least Barbara thinks so . . .

Mateo-Feo - 3-28-2016 at 03:00 PM

La Bocana seems to be one of those spots. If you aren't driving like an idiot it's OK to have a beer in your hand.

surabi - 5-8-2016 at 07:01 PM

One guy I know was sleeping in his car driving out of Mexico for a few hours, off a side road, before driving on. A cop knocked on the van and told him he couldn't do that. When he asked why,he wasn't bothering anyone, the cop started to really hassle him until my friend asked him if his mother knew that he behaved like that. Cop got embarrassed and left.

bajabuddha - 5-8-2016 at 07:14 PM

.............. a slow Saturday night in San Flip (Little Sandy Eggo)............

BajaMama - 5-9-2016 at 07:14 AM

Rosarito 1987 New Years Eve, got stopped at a check point, asked if we were drunk (8 people in their mid twenties crammed in a Bronco, after midnight...). My (now husband) replied Hell yes, heffe. And of course he sent us on our way...