
Fishing La Paz-Espiritu Santos

capitolkat - 3-28-2016 at 11:06 AM

Been living here for 5 years now and have a boat at Costa Baja marina.
Fish- not enough but about 12-15 times a year and target from north of Cerravalo Island to north of Espiritu Santos Island and have favorite spots for bottom fish.

Friday while fishing off the NE side of the island a boat with fish and game guys came up and told us we were fishing in a restricted area. We could troll but not bottom fish. They didn't ask for licenses but did ask for my ID and I gave him my permanent residente card and he said perfecto, and told us to move on from the regular spots I fish for cabrilla and grouper.

Never heard of any restricted areas for bottom fish in this area and I had a local captain who was also confused about the restrictions.

WE trolled around the island seeing lots of fish markers but no bites and back to the south side where we believed bottom fishing was allowed as there were several boats doing the same.
Jigged for a couple of hours and got a nice yellowtail several spotted sea bass. The next day at about the same spot we got two yellows and a 40 lb or so grouper. Good couple of days on the water and filled the freezer.

But, still confused about the supposed restricted area on the NE side of the island. Any information would be appreciated.

capitolkat - 3-30-2016 at 11:45 AM

Well I guess this proves my point- 176 views and no one has any answers to the restrictions that the fish and game guys gave me.

gnukid - 3-30-2016 at 12:05 PM

Funds were raised by local groups including Christy Walton, as I recall, to "purchase" Espiritu Santo, Isla Partida and Islotes islands and then donate them to Mexico as National Park Protected Areas.

The following web sites have information on the protected areas, however, it's not clear what the defined outer limit of the Island Parque Protected Area is, though, there are diagrams with lines around the islands, so it may be up to interpretation. A similar policy is in effect for Loreto etc...

CaboMagic - 3-30-2016 at 03:11 PM

Hola Norm, didn't know you'd settled in LaPaz - congratulations!

I don't know the answer to your questions, but I would think Jonathan and/or Jill Roldan at Tailhunter might/would know! Please give them regards ..

All fishy best wishes :)

4x4abc - 3-30-2016 at 03:16 PM

Since you live here, why don't walk into the Semarnat Conanp office (3 in La Paz) and ask. Then tell us what you have learned.

Afraid of Spanish? Ask in the Tailhunter office (Malecon), same building as the cantina. They know. Or should know.

Alan - 4-1-2016 at 08:33 AM

When I bought my annual Island pass last year they gave me a pamphlet with a map that showed restricted areas Ie; down around Punta Bonanza. But I don't recall any restrictions in the NE area. The map is on my boat so I don't have access to it at the moment but I certainly don't remember anything in that area.

If you get that pamphlet when you pick up your pass you'd at least have something "official" looking that you could show the guy that he may be mistaken.

A couple of years ago I was out at the Bajo and I had a Park Guard pull up and ask to see my island pass. I told him the Bajo wasn't in the park. He said I know, we just want people to know that a pass is required to be in the park???

Alan - 4-1-2016 at 08:38 AM

Oh by the way. Big congrats on the YT. What a terrible year it has been so far for them. As hard as we have had to work this year to find bait the needlefish have been voracious. Strange year too. Who da thunk I would be catching Wahoo and Roosterfish in March!

Genecag - 4-2-2016 at 09:56 AM

That's good news that Walton's wealth is being used to protect the islands.

Capitolkat and Alan, I enjoy fishing and have a boat at Costa Baja as well and not using her as much as I would like. Let's share some beer and fishing lore.


mtgoat666 - 4-2-2016 at 10:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Genecag  
That's good news that Walton's wealth is being used to protect the islands.

A little bit of good sometimes comes from the colossal bad of Walmart.

Alan - 4-2-2016 at 10:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Genecag  
That's good news that Walton's wealth is being used to protect the islands.

Capitolkat and Alan, I enjoy fishing and have a boat at Costa Baja as well and not using her as much as I would like. Let's share some beer and fishing lore.


It would be great to get to meet you. I just pulled the boat this morning because I am headed north Tues but if you're in town now we could meet at Stellas before then. I always jump at the chance to expand my code group. We can set it up with a U2U or do it here in case others care to join us.

[Edited on 4-2-2016 by Alan]

Fernweh - 4-2-2016 at 12:22 PM

Would be nice to join you guys at Stellas.

I am based out of Centenario, and have a BL Trophy at Pingo's Marine.


Genecag - 4-3-2016 at 10:06 AM

Hi Alan and Karl,

We are gonna be in La Paz starting this Thursday till about the 20th. Be great to share some stories and beers.

I will report in when I arrive in La Paz.


Alan - 4-3-2016 at 10:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Genecag  
Hi Alan and Karl,

We are gonna be in La Paz starting this Thursday till about the 20th. Be great to share some stories and beers.

I will report in when I arrive in La Paz.

Isn't that just like fishing... "You should have been here yesterday!"

Sorry I'm going to miss you. I'm headed north Tues. Hopefully others will still be in town.

Alan - 4-3-2016 at 10:32 AM

Karl and Norm, if you want to meet at Stellas around 5 on Mon afternoon just let me know.

capitolkat - 4-3-2016 at 04:16 PM

OK-- I can come at 5, going out to the boat earlier to do some minor clean up. Norm

Fernweh - 4-3-2016 at 07:13 PM

OK, I shall be there at 5:00PM


Alan - 4-4-2016 at 10:47 AM

Perfect. I have white hair and will be wearing a roosterfish tee-shirt

Fernweh - 4-4-2016 at 12:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Alan  
Perfect. I have white hair and will be wearing a roosterfish tee-shirt

Good, I belong to the same hair color club, and will look for a t-shirt