
East road to/from Scorpion Bay

densatake - 3-28-2016 at 12:44 PM

Does anyone have up to date information on the road from Purisima to El Rosarito? This is the one that makes a nearly straight 35 mile shot from Purisima to Hwy 1 just south of El Rosarito (south of Bahia Concepcion). The last I can find is dated mid November and says the road was in bad shape and took 9 hours, but I can't tell if they are referring to the correct road of if they are referring to the slightly more northerly (69 mile) route that heads to Mulege. This shows up on Google Maps as another Hwy 1 for what it's worth. Thanks for any help. I am crossing the border Wed morning 3/30. Gracias!

AKgringo - 3-28-2016 at 01:56 PM

First things first, welcome to the forum! I was hoping that someone with more recent experience could have answered by now, but the road is used regularly by two wheel drive ranch vehicles.

What are you driving? I would not want to drive a motor home, or heavy camper, or tow a boat over that road, but any vehicle with decent clearance should be fine.

I like that road! Hopefully someone will reply soon with more current info, mine is over a year old.

Sweetwater - 3-28-2016 at 02:15 PM

Two of us rode motos across that road just 10 days ago. Compared to previous trips of 2-6 years ago, I thought the road was more rocky and in worse condition than it has been. I was blown away by the breach in the small reservoir about half way to San Isidro and there were a couple of hills with concrete vados that were fun on a moto but would be a challenge for a 2WD crate.

I agree with AK that clearance and patience would be good to bring on the ride. Not everybody has a 4x4 or reinforced suspension, it wouldn't be fun to have a breakdown out there, the only traffic we encountered was another moto group going the opposite direction.

AKgringo - 3-28-2016 at 02:30 PM

In my previous reply, I mentioned that the road is used by Baja ranchers driving 2wd trucks. I should point out, that is comparable to one of us driving a 4x4 with an off road package!

densatake - 3-28-2016 at 03:10 PM

Thanks! I am driving a 4wd van bit don't really want to beat the he'll out of it. I'm chasing a group of dirt bikes and am trying to figure out the best way from San Ignacio to scorpion Bay I thought I heard that the road had been improved.
I guess it's either take my chances on the north road or bite the bullet and head all the way around to Insurgentes.

Does anyone know the current status of the North low-Road through Datil? I don't really want to sink my big heavy rig in the salt flats.

woody with a view - 3-28-2016 at 04:59 PM

gonna have to check the tide charts, sack up and go!

Sweetwater - 3-28-2016 at 05:28 PM

Once again, all Baja is relative to what you want and how badly you want it. A 4x4 van that has good clearance will make the trip but you're going to need to take it easy over several stretches. Much of the road on either end looks like this:

I don't have pics of the central section because I was busy riding it. I'm sure it's doable but wouldn't want someone to think it looks good or easy for the entire length. I know it will shake some rattles into your rig and jumble up your load if it isn't very secure. I've done the north roads, both high and low on motos as well. All roads to San Juanico are beautiful but can be a challenge. Even the pavement has a lot of washouts from that last hurricane, most are obvious but if you stop and look into those holes, you'll get a new appreciation for how deep you could fall.

densatake - 3-28-2016 at 06:33 PM

Thanks, my van could make it. It's a jacked up Sportsmobile on monster tires. My fun days on this trip are the days I'm riding my dirt bike though. I signed up for van duty from SI to San Juanico. I'm not looking for an adventure this day. Just want to get into San Juanico before my buddies on bikes drink all the beer!

Also, did I mention I'm dragging a short little moto trailer... I did that road on a big ADV bike about two years ago and thought it would be challenging in the van. Then I read somewhere that it had been improved and was the preferred way in now. I guess not. Again, thanks everyone for your info.

AKgringo - 3-28-2016 at 07:19 PM

When I last drove that area, I did a loop. I drove south from San Ignacio, through Datile to San Juanico, then east to Mex 1 through La Purisma and San Isidro. I recommend that you do the same, it is a fun drive.

I was driving a soft top Kia Sportage and pulling a small utility trailer with 15 inch tires. Due to a noise that cropped up in my front axle a couple of days earlier, I did not have my hubs engaged unless I was doing a water crossing (insurance) or leaving the road.

You won't have any trouble with your van, or the trailer either if the tires are large and soft enough. I did not air down for the stretch east of San Isidro, but I would if I drove it again.

densatake - 3-28-2016 at 09:10 PM

Thanks AK gringo. When was that? Did you hit the highway near El Rosarito or mulege?

AKgringo - 3-28-2016 at 09:40 PM

I drove it in late November 2014. It had been impassable after Norbert and Odile had washed over the penninsula, but repaired enough to run the Baja 1k on it.

The repair at that time was by bull dozers, which left it passable, but rough on the steeper grades. Low range came in handy pulling my trailer through a couple of the rocky areas with my little four cylinder engine, but I did not tear anything up!

I lost track of how long the drive takes, because I camped halfway through the pass. While I was camped, the only vehicle I saw on that road passed by.

I thought that by now, a grader or two would have finished the repairs that were going on at the time, but from what Sweetwater said, maybe not!

It does intersect hwy 1 just south of Rosarito, and the eastern portion was pretty good road.

loreto115 - 3-29-2016 at 06:17 AM

We just went over to Scorpion Bay from Bahia Conception (KM59) a few weeks ago. We have a Ford Ranger 4x4 on BFG All Terrain tires. Pretty good clearance. We had no problems getting over to La Purisima and never had to use the 4wd.
I recommend you stick to the blacktop after Purisima because the old road to San Juanico gets a little confusing and one ends up at the front door of someone's casita on a small rancho. From there its a run up the arroyo to the coast.
Better to take the road south from the old SJ turnoff to Las Barrancas and head all the way into SJuanico on the blacktop.
We also did the back route to San Javier from the Insurgentes - Purisima hwy with no issues. Nice country through there.

densatake - 3-29-2016 at 08:42 AM

Thanks loreto115, is km59 the turn near El Rosarito south of conception? Roughly how long did that take you?

TMW - 3-29-2016 at 09:10 AM

The turn off is at KM59/60 south of Conception Bay. The sign says either San Isidro or La Purisima or both I don't remember for sure. It's about 35 miles.

woody with a view - 3-29-2016 at 09:52 AM

Last I saw it it was San Isidro. Seems like it took about 3 hours.

densatake - 3-29-2016 at 03:37 PM

Awesome. Thanks everyone. I will post an update when I get back to the rat race.

TMW - 3-29-2016 at 07:27 PM

Do you know the road from La Purisima to San Juanico? You can either take the paved road which is much longer and goes south then west to La Barrancas then north to San Juanico or the dirt road that crossed the water arroyo just before the paved road goes up the hill west of La Purisima.

densatake - 3-29-2016 at 09:04 PM

Yes. I do. Did the direct way about 7 or 8 years ago on a big BMW and a bum leg and it was crazy. Barely looked like a road. There were people out there working on the road with hand tools! I don't know if it's in better condition now, but I don't think I will take it in the van.

loreto115 - 3-30-2016 at 05:43 AM

Woody has it right...roughly three hours to cross from KM59 south of Bahia Conception to La Purisima. That was few weeks ago.

Sweetwater - 3-30-2016 at 09:34 AM

Look for the buzzards at the turnoff......;D

And bring stickers, the kids in La Purisima seem to expect them.