
Another magical day in Baja Sur

Rossman - 4-1-2016 at 09:19 AM

I had another magical happenstance yesterday morning in Bahia Asuncion that is so typical of my experiences here but yet continue to surprise me. I have some work that I needed done on my truck. Brake pads, oil change, broken tail gate handle. I had all the parts but have been driving by Danny Boys place (my normal mechanic) several times since I got back in town but it appeared he was out of town. Being Semana Santa time, that didn't surprise me. Well I got in the truck yesterday morning to do another drive by and the truck wouldn't start. Starter would spin but not engage the engine. Solenoid problem I figured. I am standing outside scratching my head trying to figure my next move and this guy drives by and stops. Seen him around and figured he was a mechanico because he was always dirty and oily. No English but asked if I had a problem and could he help. Showed him the issue and he goes to work. Took the started out and totally disassembled it. I mean totally. Turns out the C clip keeper that holds the gear on the solenoid shaft had come off causing a bit of damage to the shaft. Says he can get one locally. Gave him 200 pesos and off he went. Had to push him and his car to get it started which gave me pause. Half hour later he is back and couldn't get the part. Went to work on the shaft with hammer and file and put it all back together. Worked great. Started right up. Meanwhile I had asked him about Danny Boy and he apparently has moved to Vizcaino. So I asked this guy if he could do some more work today. Gave him all of the parts and he went to work again. Fixed everything thing for 43 bucks. Took 2 quarts of my drained oil and put them in his crankcase, another push and he's on his way. Angels come in all shapes and sizes I guess. And they can be dressed in ratty clothes and have oil and grease up to and beyond their elbows.

woody with a view - 4-1-2016 at 09:28 AM

Always be on the lookout for new friends!

bajabuddha - 4-1-2016 at 09:34 AM

Glad to hear El Spiritu Baja is still alive and well!

Had a similar experience in south Mexicali.... in '91 pulled into an abarrotes for a pop on the way home from Puertecitos in my ol' '84 GMC Vandura. Wouldn't start, the starter was shot. A local in a La Bomba Pinto (no back window) pulled in beside me. "Nececito ayuda?" he said. "Si", sez I. He analyzed the problem, took out his tool kit, refused to let me help; pulled my starter, took it to his buddy's mech. shop half a block away, and returned to buy me a Ballena of TKT and 2 plastic cups, which we availed in the PVC chairs outside the little tienda. The mechanic returned 2 or 3 times to ask for a few pesos so he could buy parts.... no problem. He completely rebuilt my starter (and it worked flawlessly for several years, even when the van got sold) and after each of us swapping ballena-buys (about 4 or 5 if memory serves) and 3 hours of chasing parts, he crawled under the van and re-mounted the starter; would not let me do it or even help... and I was on my way. Wouldn't even take a peso for his labor; swapping beers and friendship was payment enough he said. I think the starter fix cost me about $20 back then.

He didn't speak English (or so he pretended) and my Spanish was still pretty puny, so I had my Spanglish dictionary in hand the whole time. He told me he raised Conejos (rabbits) for food... and he taught me immeasurable lessons in humanity and Amistad. Thank you, Ramón Beltrán. Been trying to 'pay it forward' ever since... I see it still exists.

[Edited on 4-1-2016 by bajabuddha]

rts551 - 4-1-2016 at 09:56 AM

Rossman. Does this mechanic have a name? $43 for all that work...I am sure a good propina was in order.

BajaBlanca - 4-1-2016 at 10:24 AM

That is a great story! Both of them. Ross, I say find out where he lives and go hang out and have some cervezas every so often.

BigBearRider - 4-1-2016 at 10:35 AM

Great story. Thanks for posting.

shari - 4-1-2016 at 05:26 PM

good things happen to good people amigo!