
La Paz and Los Barrilles

BajaBlanca - 5-5-2016 at 09:32 PM

We got an invite to dtbushpilots 2 de mayo we decided to go down and have some fun. Rex and dad are concentrating on the road!

First stop was in Santa Rosalia to drop off plastic. Anyone who lives in La Bocana, Punta Abreojos, Santa Rosalia, or Punta Chivato should really do it! If you wash the containers, there is absolutely no smell nor ants. Apparently China loves plastic because Baja is shipping it to them. The workers at the dump told us to just leave the bags by the gate. I get anyone who is headed south to take a bag for me .... simple way to help the environment:

Then we drove by Mulege and I thought of you toneart! Sure wish you still lived down here:

Next stop was del borracho -they open at 11 and we arrived right on time for our del borracho hamburgers:

Arrived in La Paz, checked into our hotel. We always stay at the BAHIA DORADA. It is far from the downtown area, but it is close to the college students. I had arranged to meet with 3 of the 5 I sponsor in La Paz. I am so proud of these kids from our village!

Enrique, on the left, just started last August and is studying engineering at the TEC university.

Alfonso is to the far right. He watched Rex for us - we call him Rex's uncle because they really like each other. Poncho is studying International Business with views to intern with the state government offices in La Paz and land a job there. This is a kid whose dad is a recovering alcoholic! He is one of the kids who needs a laptop and it looks like he is about to get one donated by bajanomad Tom. Yeah!!

Next to him is Clarissa, who is studying Marine Biology. She loves her chosen major. I am so glad because it is incredibly demanding. She is down to earth and blossoming as a human.

Absent were Julian who went on a class business trip to Guadalajara. Can you imagine? First time on a plane? First time outside of Baja? First time seeing huge companies? He is back already and loved every moment.

Absent also is Mary, future biochemist. Her classes are now 100% in English (she is in her last year) and she had to prepare for her class presentation that day.

We took Alfonso to school the next morning, so he got an extra photo in front of the university:

Now, as I mentioned, we had a big 60's flower power party to get ready for! Les wanted a costume, so we went hunting and found this:

From the costume store, Les left me off at DOCE CUARENTA or the Got Baja store. I relaxed for a while, while he took the truck for some repairwork. Bajanomad Fernweh came to visit with me .... I love meeting folks we read comments from. He reminded me that he once made a drop off of stuff for me at the corner restaurant at the turnoff to Abreojos - so he is special in my book! We did have a picture taken so I shall have to hunt for it.

This is on the café door:

Next day we head for Los Barrilles with a stop in EL TRIUNFO. I see these arts and crafts in a corner shop and I bought one. The straw work is actually done by someone in El Rosario (the tag states). It is so unique and I love my new one:

Of course we stop at the café and buy a whole blueberry strudel. No photo of the strudel, but here is the ceiling:

and some really beautiful things on a beautiful piece of furniture:

We stopped in SAN BARTOLO since a la bocana neighbor told us that the honey here is especially delicious.....he forgot to mention that there are more delicacies so I bought some goodies for my amigas here in town:

From San Bartolo we skedaddled to Martin Verdugo's hotel/RVcamp.

and this is the INCREDIBLE view from our room. Oh my Oh my

so very beautiful - temps not too hot -water warm enough to swim in. A bar with a barman right in front hahahaha I swear, I thought I had gone to heaven and they forgot to tell me.

hotel -our room is #13 to the far left of the porch.

and that evening -drum roll - THE PARTY!!!!

This is the view from the top first floor looking down:

all the guests in their costumes, for some reason these photos seem too small and I don't know why.

David and I:

ummmmmmmmmmmmm some folks took the "going back to the 60's quite seriously" hahahaha

and that is about it....the party had live music and food and great folks. The trip back was uneventful and we are now home, safe and sound.

Tonight is the 5 de mayo party - much bigger than the 2 de mayo party. We had to get home since we have regular guests at the B&B that Les wanted to personally make breakfast for.

It was so much fun and sure wish we could have stayed longer.

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by BajaBlanca]

ehall - 5-6-2016 at 05:30 AM

Those are great pictures. Looks like everyone really got into the party.

BajaMama - 5-6-2016 at 06:44 AM

Looks like a fabulous trip! Can you please let me know the specifics on where to drop off plastic in Santa Rosalia? I can't tell from the pic but I will keep ours in bag and drop it on the way North.

David K - 5-6-2016 at 07:34 AM

Great report Blanca.

BornFisher - 5-6-2016 at 07:59 AM

Bright futures for those young students for sure! Congrats to all.
Are you sure Les didn`t go to the Fred Flintstone party?
JK, great report!!

TMW - 5-6-2016 at 08:16 AM

Excellent, beautiful pictures. Thanks

AKgringo - 5-6-2016 at 08:36 AM

t looks like a fun party, thanks for sharing! For that real 70's look, there should be lots of tie dye, and of course, 'some flowers in your hair'!

At least these days, I don't need to take anything to get to that 'altered state', just skipping my meds should do it.

BigBearRider - 5-6-2016 at 03:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by BajaBlanca]

Mmmm, panocha... :saint:

[Edited on 5-6-2016 by BigBearRider]

BajaBlanca - 5-6-2016 at 03:43 PM

hahahaha AKGringo -that surely goes for all of us!

bigmama - the santa rosalia dump itself has a gate in front...simply drop off any bag right there. The workers love it! They are so grateful whenever we bring stuff - money in their pockets.

Les would fit in a Fred Flinstone party LOL

Clarissa (the future marine biologist) will be studying English intensely this summer because her classes at the UABCS will also be in English. Pretty amazing.

Maron - 5-6-2016 at 03:52 PM

Super report and pictures. We learn so much from trip reports like this.


Udo - 5-6-2016 at 04:27 PM

Great trip report, Blanca!

Looks like you all had a lot of fun.
(BTW...the fourth photo from the bottom looks similar to DT's home)

Bajahowodd - 5-6-2016 at 05:10 PM

Holy crap, Blanca. I have been through the area numerous times over the last several decades. Never even knew this place existed. Thank for posting. We will be looking to stop there.

Fire Tree seeds

Osprey - 5-7-2016 at 07:45 AM

I saved 200 Fire Tree seeds (Royal Poinciana, Tabachin, Flamboyan) hoping someone would stop by my place in La Ribera, take them where and when they travel the Baja to play "Juan Semilla Manzana". Baja Blanca tried but got too busy so the seeds wait here for Mr. or Ms. Adventure to come get them.

Whoever plants them will love the colors.

Fire tree frame.jpg - 209kB

David K - 5-7-2016 at 07:47 AM

Wild! Thanks Osprey!