
soccer weekend

BajaBlanca - 5-8-2016 at 07:58 PM

Mulege got in touch with the president of our soccer club and asked to come over for the weekend.....I offered them the B&B to stay at

if only you could have seen Les's face when I told him we were going to have 16 kids and 2 adults over for free ... ahhhh ......priceless.

It was a grand weekend - the kids were really well behaved

Saturday 2pm - first game - score was 3 to 3:

The opposing team on our front porch - I never did get their team name:

Our guys:

Preparing food for our team (18 kids) and their team (16 kids)plus a couple parents was a challenge. We did roasted chicken (one of the students and his dad prepared it) and Martina and I prepared rice and salad, I made 2 cakes and a friend made jello.

the kids waiting for their comida!

Today we had another game - unusual but we had to make it worthwhile for Mulege to drive 5 hours to get here. The game again was 3 to 3, so they decided to play penalties to decide on a winner - WE WON!

It was a grand day all around! After the game, I explained to the kids that I was supporting their passion (soccer) and that in exchange, I wanted them to support my passion (seeing a litter free world!). So, we did a group clean up: