

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-15-2016 at 05:26 PM

going to san quintin crossing south at san ysidro.

we are taking my 9 year old grandson and his father WITHOUT a notarized letter from my son's ex-wife. she's a real BI--CH and it was a nasty divorce. still is !!

my son does have primary custody from the court and does have an email saying she would send the notarized letter allowing us to take him south. she did the same thing in 2012 and never sent a letter so my son didn't want to take a chance and possibly lose custody so i went by myself as all hotel and boat reservations were already made and prepaid.

is it recommended to just cross and not get the visa ? will this invalidate our mexican insurance ?

also...mexican law to my understanding allows only two fishing poles per person. due to the possibility of tuna popping up offshore, i would also like to take a couple of roller rods for trolling and hopefully, pulling on some bigger fish thereby putting us over the two rod per person law. has anyone had any problems with taking too many rods and being turned back ?

i would really appreciate some feedback to put us at ease.

i thank you in advance.


BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-15-2016 at 05:30 PM


crossing in june at san ysidro, is the work being done to get to the toll road done ? if so and if not, is the route well signed or should i go into the past posts for directions.

i thank you in advance,


SFandH - 5-15-2016 at 05:34 PM

The boy is his son, that's all the border cops need to know. How would they know anything different? Your son and grandson have the same last name on their IDs I assume.

Do minors need FMMs? I dunno.

Don't have any fishing answers.

SFandH - 5-15-2016 at 05:36 PM

Road conditions at the crossing may change between now and when you go. The TJ construction project isn't finished. Ask just before you go.

willardguy - 5-15-2016 at 05:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT  

crossing in june at san ysidro, is the work being done to get to the toll road done ? if so and if not, is the route well signed or should i go into the past posts for directions.

i thank you in advance,


its a non issue, just stay in the left lanes (centro) up the hill (actually a bridge) and make the 1st right, puts you right on international. :yes:
have a great trip!

[Edited on 5-16-2016 by willardguy]

Bob and Susan - 5-15-2016 at 05:57 PM

they all need visas...the boy is 9...
he's a man going fishing...he needs a fishing license too...

the border people don't care about the wife...if he's with "dad" you're good to go

you play you pay

insurance doesn't care if you have a visa or not unless you do something illegal and get in the news...they are only concerned about the car...mexico is not like the usa

the border people are looking for people taking stuff across to sell...
not bothering tourists going on a fishing vacation
... i'd take the rods

down here the fishing guides have lots of loaner stuff if you ride with them...maybe up there too

David K - 5-15-2016 at 06:20 PM

Took my two kids without their mother multiple times... as well as a friend of theirs (without either of his parents). Never was stopped or asked for anything from the missing parent(s).

I did have a notarized slip from the other kid's parents, however.

KurtG - 5-15-2016 at 06:26 PM

Many years ago I was faced with the same situation. I was divorced with full custody of pre-school son and daughter. The Mexican immigration folks wanted a letter from the mother approving their travel. I carried the court documents that gave me "complete care, custody and control" of said minor children and pulled it out when needed. It was unusual for a father to have custody back then and we traveled a lot in the US so I always had those papers at hand. Worked in Mexico also when we stayed in Baja for months at a time.

If Dad has full custody just carry the papers that say so.

Jozee - 5-15-2016 at 08:26 PM

I used to travel with my son frequently south of the border, without any notarized letters from his dad. I obtained FMM visa for him during those trips and never had any issue. If he was bringing a friend, however, I would bring a letter from the friends parent stating that I could authorize emergency medical care/make decisions.

You should be fine. Enjoy your trip!

mtgoat666 - 5-15-2016 at 08:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT  

we are taking my 9 year old grandson and his father WITHOUT a notarized letter from my son's ex-wife. she's a real BI--CH and it was a nasty divorce. still is !!

is it recommended to just cross and not get the visa ? will this invalidate our mexican insurance ?

i would really appreciate some feedback to put us at ease.


It is rare they ask for proof of permission from absent parent, but it can happen.

Not having visa only effects insurance of the insured, not the pax.

Re the angry divorce,... It takes 2 to tango,... And parents need to do what is necessary for well being of children, regardless of whether it is fair. Life ain't fair, and parents must put needs of children first.

Be legal

bajaguy - 5-15-2016 at 08:54 PM

Get the FMM's

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-15-2016 at 09:24 PM

hola mtgoat666,

yup ! it does take two to tango but if only one wants to dance, there's a problem.

my son lives in california and went to court in california and won primary custody of his son. that is really an achievement in california as the wife usually gets custody. SAYS SOMETHING !

my son is a fine single parent and has raised his son since the age of two and has done a wonderful job and keeps a fine household and keeps his son busy with sports, karate and homework and the boy does great in school.

does that have any meaning to you ?


Bob and Susan - 5-16-2016 at 05:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
...Not having visa only effects insurance of the insured, not the pax...

I'm pretty sure this is wrong

BajaMama - 5-16-2016 at 06:30 AM

You need your grandson's passport and you still need to get him an FMM either before (from a travel club) or when you cross the border. Get it stamped at the border by immigration regardless where you obtain it. They will stamp the passport, too. Anything other than that, you are not legal in Mexico. It is up to you. I could be wrong but I hear that not having an FMM invalidates insurance should you need to make a claim. I would not want to enter back into the USA without his passport.

Re: fishing.
Our understanding of fishing regulations: If one person is on the boat, you can have two trolling lines out working, but you can have multiple rods on the boat.

sancho - 5-16-2016 at 11:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
I could be wrong but I hear that not having an FMM invalidates insurance should you need to make a claim

That theory has been tossed around for yrs., never read any
incident that is the case. 1 or both of the San Diego based
Mex Ins Co's state the lack of an fmm does not have an effect on the
Ins Co's they represent. But for me, I would not want to be
asked for an fmm, either by Fed Hwy cop or city cop. and not
have one. Haven't heard of that happening though. I do
get a kick out of posters claiming this or that has never happened to them, therefore it will never happen to anyone.
It is Mex, cover your bases as well as you can

toronja - 5-16-2016 at 12:59 PM

I was told four rods per person, and a google search suggests the same, though I didn't take the time to find the official info. We have crossed at both SY and Mexicali carrying four rods per person several times.

AKgringo - 5-16-2016 at 01:16 PM

DA RAT, I don't have any useful suggestions about taking your grandson south, but will appreciate any updates on the process. I also want to take my mine south sometime soon!

In your situation, I don't know if the ex would ever read this forum, but I suggest you edit your first paragraph to head off unwanted drama!

Since it has been quoted already, the other posters would have to do the same.

Have a great trip! my folks took me to mexico at that age, and I did the same with my kids, now it is the grand-kids turn

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-16-2016 at 04:02 PM

hola AKgringo,

thank you for your input. fortunately, my son's ex isn't aware of any baja sites and she was never involved with anything we did regarding baja during their short marriage other than knowing i lived in baja for about 8 years.

we will take the primary custody papers as well as the email saying she would allow us taking my grandson to baja.

most of the input i received advised us to just take him and usually, they don't even get involved with this situation. this info is from this site and also

we will stop at the border and get fmm's as they are legally required when we go fishing as well as fishing licenses.

we all have passports.

thank you again,


BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-16-2016 at 04:08 PM

hola sancho,

i have always done things correctly whenever going to mexico.

one time at the cabo airport, the federal police were pulling people over and checked my registration against the license plate and also wanted to see my visa and i showed them my FM3 as well as my passport.

yes, whenever i travel, i carry all, just in case.

as always, be polite and if you're legal, there should e no problems.


BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-16-2016 at 04:13 PM

hola BajaMama,

thank you for your advice. we all have passports as they are required in order to get the FMM'S and we are aware that the FMM'S are free as we are only going to be in baja for less than 7 days.

the rod counts are still questionable.


David K - 5-16-2016 at 06:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bob and Susan  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
...Not having visa only effects insurance of the insured, not the pax...

I'm pretty sure this is wrong


Baja Bound Insurance owner has posted here there is not any "punishment" from the insurance company applied if you can't produce an FMM. Yes, you need to have it to be "legal". No, you don't lose your insurance if you can't find the FMM, after an accident.

woody with a view - 5-17-2016 at 06:19 AM

Bring dozens of rods. Your Capt will let you know what's up.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 5-17-2016 at 08:03 PM

Hola Nomads,

i thank everybody for your comments and have passed them along to my son to make the decision.