
aaaa-OOOOOOO !!!!

bajabuddha - 6-20-2016 at 08:02 PM

Hope y'all enjoyed the moon rise tonight. A 'Stwawberry Moon" last seen in early 1960's ('62? maybe '67) and won't be seen again for another 60+ years.... on the solstice that is. Solstice today (MDT) was at 6:42 MDT, so I hope a few of you closet wiccans got yer wish tonight.

Personally, I got mine; as the moon was just barely full my neighbor's dogs were on their usual sunset bark for food..... I just helped out their plaintiff cry a little. Four or five good howls from the depths got 'em really going, even though mine weren't as deep or lengthy as they used to be.


AKgringo - 6-20-2016 at 08:29 PM

It is a bit cloudy to the east here in Anchorage, and beside that, the sun won't even set for another four hours or so!

About nineteen and a half hours are sunlight this time of year, and the rest are twilight conditions.

bajabuddha - 6-20-2016 at 08:46 PM

Solly Charrie...... t'was beautiful here in Baja NM.... the 'strawberry' lasted an hour, now it's just .... another.... full moon...

But both on the solstice, once every 60+ years. Kewl beans to my eyes. Even got out my horn-rimmed testicles to watch it.

Again, happy Solstice for the folks who appreciate it. AK, you have your own multi-spectacular visits in your land up in the Great White North, even if it is Los Ankorage. Keep smilin', buddy.

Fernweh - 6-20-2016 at 10:33 PM

Summer Solstice Moon over Los Angeles

Picture by P. Volger

BajaBlanca - 6-21-2016 at 06:29 AM


it was cloudy here

That is a very beautiful photo of the strawberry moon!

bajabuddha - 6-21-2016 at 08:17 AM

For those who love to howl, it should show up 'strawberry' for the next few nights at moonrise.... just have to wait an extra 40+ minutes each night. The red fades after about a half hour or so, but man, is it peachy..... I mean, strawberry... :coolup:

And Fernweh, what are those objects in the distance to the left of Mr. Cheesehead? Are they aircraft? I count at least 7, looks to be on a glide-path for landing.....

toneart - 6-21-2016 at 01:39 PM

Those are UFOs. They cannot be seen with the naked eye during a Strawberry moon, but they can be caught on camera.:D