
A really big glitch

BajaBlanca - 7-24-2016 at 01:35 PM

Hi all,

Do you remember a couple months ago I asked for input on which airline to use to send a student from San Diego to Stockton cheaply?

I bought a ticket with Allegiant and was happy with the great price: $272 round trip. My brother and 2 friends sponsored this ticket.

Julian came up from La Paz, we got him packed and sent him off to Ensenada for 2 days and then onto San Diego on a Saturday. He and a friend took the trolley up to where my mom lives, she picked them up and toured the city with them and took them to soup plantation (my suggestion since they surely had never seen anything like it!).

That afternoon, Julian was dropped of at Bajanomad Lori's (who recently ran for mayor) house. She was to take him to the airport on Sunday.

I chose Sunday so there would be little traffic. Julian was to fly out somewhere around 10:45 am.

Well, Lori hit a LOT of traffic due to an accident and when Julian got to the airport, she realized he had the itinerary but NOT his boarding pass. Not only that, they could not find a soul to take his luggage. I believe they were too late to print a boarding pass via kiosk. After some investigating, I now know that the company uses the same counter folk to check in passengers onto the flight so one MUST be there early.

Lori made the executive decision to buy another ticket, and put Julian on another flight later on the same day. He was on his way to spend a month near Sacramento with another bajanomad family. He is studying International Business so this was to add onto his international experience. He aspires to get a job in the US once he graduates.

So, Julian has been and gone. Allegiant was kind enough to honor the return portion of the ticket (and this time he printed the boarding pass 24 hours beforehand and arrived at the airport 3 hours plus before flight). It was a month long immersion into English language and American culture. Julian now speaks so much better! He learned so much about how Americans live. It was a stupendous month which he will never forget.

So, here is the issue: I had sponsors pay for the ticket to and from Sacramento but now there is the extra ticket to be covered! Anyone out there want to help us out?

I have not the cash.

Lori wrote this to me today:

Please let them know (meaning YOU) this was my first time hosting a student, and none of us understood how this particular airline worked. We all thought Julian had his boarding pass. We thought he could go directly to the gate. It was a series of misunderstandings about a small regional airline.


If anyone can help with funds, please contact Lori directly.

Total cost $281.98 and she can email a copy of the cc receipt via email to anyone.

I offered a stay in our B&B for her and a friend, but she has company in August and starts teaching again in September and could certainly use the money now.

Thanks for your ears everyone and I don't know what to do otherwise.

Whale-ista - 7-24-2016 at 01:59 PM

Several people have already offered to contribute - thank you!
I appreciate your help & support for Julian and other students!

Lori (Whale-ista)

[Edited on 7-25-2016 by Whale-ista]

"If anyone can help with funds, please contact Lori directly"

Howard - 7-24-2016 at 02:09 PM

How does one contact her directly? I would like to help.

BajaBlanca - 7-24-2016 at 05:27 PM

great news Howard -I will let her know and have her contact you via U2U.

Whale-ista is her bajanomad name. She is the one who posted after I did.

Folks, if you can give $20, we will get there!

Rossman - 7-24-2016 at 05:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
How does one contact her directly? I would like to help.

Me too. Same question.

BajaBlanca - 7-24-2016 at 05:31 PM

I have asked her to contact you both directly and I will ask her if she has PAYPAL and can put the link here.

Whale-ista - 7-24-2016 at 05:52 PM

Many thanks to those of you willing to help!

I don't have a paypal account, so please send me a U2U (or leave a comment here), and I will send you my address so you can mail a contribution.

I appreciate your help!


Rossman - 7-24-2016 at 06:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Whale-ista  
Many thanks to those of you willing to help!

I don't have a paypal account, so please send me a U2U (or leave a comment here), and I will send you my address so you can mail a contribution.

I appreciate your help!


Sorry, can't do it without Paypal. No mail service down here. If there is someone who is going to help with this cause who has Paypal, contact me and I will send you the money and you can include it when you send Lori the check.


rogbag - 7-24-2016 at 07:51 PM

Rossman and Whale-ista check your U2U

BajaBlanca - 7-25-2016 at 07:53 AM


thanks amigos.

This is Julian!

Whale-ista - 7-25-2016 at 11:10 AM

Nomads- Thank you for your generosity and support for Julian and Blanca's other students. I appreciate your help to cover the cost of Julian's unexpected airfare.

FYI, I wanted to introduce you to Julian- the young man who travelled to Sacramento last month with help from several sponsors. These homestay "immersion" trips are so helpful to learn a new language- but also tiring, take a lot of time, and are expensive.

After I met Julian at the airport last weekend, we headed south and went to a market near Barrio Logan for lunch. I treated him to some carnitas before he crossed the border and caught a bus to Ensenada.
I suspect Julian will be better able to appreciate his new English skills after he returns to classes in La Paz and (hopefully) gets a chance to put them to work as he continues his studies.

BajaBlanca - 7-26-2016 at 12:45 PM

if anyone wants to make a deposit in Mexico, I have a banamex account! U2U me for the account number.

If everyone that has read this post gave 50 cents, we would have reached out goal already.