Yes, saw that list posted a while ago, yet planes still are landing at some, so who know if the lack of license was short-lived or it just doesn't
matter?LancairDriver - 7-31-2016 at 03:09 PM
It seems they look the other way most of the time and recommend filing your flight plan to a "legal" licensed airport to satisfy the paperwork. Then a
lot of pilots fly off to their desired airport, licensed or not. As with many Mexican laws, some are enforced and some are not. Pick and choose at
your own peril.
Yes, saw that list posted a while ago, yet planes still are landing at some, so who know if the lack of license was short-lived or it just doesn't
BigBearRider - 8-1-2016 at 09:38 PM
That list of more than two years old. At a minimum, I'm pretty sure that Alfonsina's and La Serendidad are still open. I assume BOLA is, too.shari - 8-2-2016 at 08:24 AM
FYI....the air strip at Bahia Asuncion is very long and well maintained as the hospital and government planes use it as well as visitors and Flying
Just message me and we can pick you up at the strip and lend you a vehicle to get around in too. Pilots in the know avoid any potential problems by
listing their destination as a different airstrip when clearing customs.David K - 8-2-2016 at 09:09 AM
FYI....the air strip at Bahia Asuncion is very long and well maintained as the hospital and government planes use it as well as visitors and Flying
Just message me and we can pick you up at the strip and lend you a vehicle to get around in too. Pilots in the know avoid any potential problems by
listing their destination as a different airstrip when clearing customs.
One of the best runways in Baja, over 4,700 feet long...
fishbuck - 8-2-2016 at 11:37 AM
Thanks for the updates!shari - 8-2-2016 at 11:45 AM
One thing I dont agree with in the graphic of the Asuncion air strip is flying over town for pick up. If you can arrange beforehand to get picked up,
and avoid flying over town, it's better as fly overs just announce a new plane at the strip for lookee lous to come out and to alert the military.
Often the military dont even come out...but we urge pilots to just go to the base and show them the papers and let them know you are here so they can
check on the plane from time to time....and out of respect.