E-hall and jbcoug, thanks for the info.
I realize the Delorme is an excellent product. The two main reasons that I bought the sat phone are:
1. It was inexpensive, an impulse purchase and was something I thought would work. I have posted on another board for more opinions and info.
2. I wanted to be able to get more than one forecast as the reliability and detail of forecasts for the Sea of Cortez are a bit lacking compared to
what we have in Canada or the U.S.
I would normally just buy the Delorme but it only has one forecast(although I could receive others from voice mail- hmmm....) and although it might
seem like I'm an electronics collector, quite the opposite would be the fact. A bit of background:
I was planning a trip to the central Baja area in October with the intent to paddle my kayak across the sea via the mid-riff islands. Now I'm
considering doing it in January or February 2017, because it feels better heading south after putting up with the cooler temps and rain here for a few
months. So reliable weather forecasts are a must for me or this kind of trip!
Most likely I will buy the Delorme(or maybe rent?) but I will see what the sailors have to say about it.