
FMM Card

RenoJoe - 8-7-2016 at 01:39 PM

What is the easiest way to get a FMM card online in U.S. with information in English?

Udo - 8-7-2016 at 02:51 PM

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 8-7-2016 at 03:49 PM


you will still need to have it stamped at the border.


RenoJoe - 8-7-2016 at 09:53 PM

Thank You Baja desert Rat. Bob Thanks You

Martyman - 8-8-2016 at 09:00 AM

You should run around all over the place to save that two minutes it takes to fill it out at the border.

Bajahowodd - 8-8-2016 at 04:05 PM

The fact that it must be stamped, means you have to park and walk over to the IMM office. The new facility at San Ysidro allows you to pay the agent directly, and not go to the bank. So, obtaining the FMM online does not save very much time.

David K - 8-8-2016 at 05:09 PM

Same story at Mexicali... enter Mexico, park at first spot you can on the left by the INM building... walk in with your passport (and a pen would be wise)... get a free 7 day FMM (which MUST be turned in before you drive out of Mexico at an INM office)
Buy a 180 day FMM and keep it for the 180 days, use it for multiple trips, and throw it away when it expires.

BajaGeoff - 8-9-2016 at 02:59 PM

The online FMM application now has a version in English and can be found here:

As many have said though, you still have to stop at the border to get it stamped.

BajaWarrior - 8-9-2016 at 07:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGeoff  
The online FMM application now has a version in English and can be found here:

As many have said though, you still have to stop at the border to get it stamped.

Geoff, DavidK did you see this?

"The applicant acknowledges herein that the FMM has a maximum validity of 180 calendar days and shall be valid for one entry only."

I'm pretty sure we have discussed this on the board many times. Do you happen to know any different?


[Edited on 8-10-2016 by BajaWarrior]

BajaMama - 8-10-2016 at 02:59 PM

Guess I am getting another FMM in October. Was hoping that you could do more than one entry but apparently not.

sancho - 8-10-2016 at 06:49 PM

This is a 1st for me, but I have to back DK up. I was also thru the Mexicali West crossing 2 mo's back, was told the same thing
by a Mex Imm officer, who spoke perfect English. They wanted
the 7 day free fmm back and that the 180 day fmm CAN be used
for mulitiple entries. Going back and forth to the US. This info
pertains to that office, Mexicali West, others may do things
differently. 1 can walk across into TJ with an existing 180 day
fmm without a problem. Web site info does not always reflect
what is practiced at the Mex Imm offices

BajaGeoff - 8-11-2016 at 09:12 AM

What Sancho said...

When we attended the INM (Instituto Nacional de Migración) forum last year, Rudolfo Figueroa presented the recent changes to the FMM program for the Baja region. He is the federal delegate of INM for the Baja region. The four main points he presented are as follows:

1. All visitors are legally required to obtain an FMM to visit Mexico regardless of the destination and length of stay.

2. The same FMM may be used to enter and exit multiple times through any land border crossing in the state of Baja California. Therefore you may get an FMM for the maximum 180 day term available, and then use it to cross back and forth for an unlimited number of times during that period. The FMM may not be reused at ports of entry outside of Baja California, nor will you be able to reuse it for air travel from a foreign airport into any destination in Mexico.

3. The FMM does not have to be returned to an immigration official when leaving Baja California by land.

4. A new FMM may be issued consecutively after one expires. This means that there is no waiting period.

Hope this helps.

David K - 8-11-2016 at 09:19 AM

Super duper!

While returning the free 7 day FMM at Tecate was pretty painless, since you can easily drive to and park by the Mexico entrance gate, where the INM office is. Trying to drive to the Tijuana or Mexicali INM office (to return the FMM) has got to be some kind of nightmare with traffic and to then go the miles to the end of the northbound line in those cities.

We will only buy the 180 day FMM from now on so that we can throw it away at the end of the 180 days, using it as much as possible during that time. Viva Baja!

BajaBlanca - 8-11-2016 at 01:42 PM

Viva Baja!

BajaMama - 8-12-2016 at 04:32 AM

Yay! No new FMM for October but I will miss those immigrations guys who stamp it!

Bajahowodd - 8-12-2016 at 03:48 PM

Am I the only one that finds this absurd? The BS about returning an FMM has been going on for years.

Up to now, the Mexican security hardware has seemingly never been able to detect any fraud.I really have to wonder if Mexico actually cares about who is crossing the border.

They need the revenue.

So, since the FMM is a requirement for anyone crossing the border, even if they are going to visit a dentist in Tijuana, or spend a night in Rosarito, are there any statistics that show how may folks just blow by this and go anyway?

David K - 8-12-2016 at 04:53 PM

Pedestrians at Tijuana don't have an option... all are checked southbound. The FMM is FREE for up to 7 days if they choose not to buy a 6 month one.

Autos are not possible to all stop as the back log would prevent entry into Mexico for hours if not days! They must need to presume most already have a 6 month FMM?!

The last two times I got an FMM (Mexicali) not one other American came in to get one, yet a stream of cars was crossing south behind me. Sure many may be Mexicans going south, but not all. You know we few Nomads are really the most committed to doing things by the book!

I still have not had to show my FMM since 2007 (at the Eagle Monument, 28° Parallel). Including trips into Baja Sur again in 2009, 2012 and 2015. IF they don't check everyone at some point south, away from the border, then everyone won't be getting one. On the mainland, there's no avoiding the migra checkpoint. There used to be one just south of Maneadero, on Hwy. 1. That ended in the 80s. There never was one on Hwy. 5.

sancho - 8-13-2016 at 02:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
Am I the only one that finds this absurd? The BS about returning an FMM has been going on for years.

Up to now, the Mexican security hardware has seemingly never been able to detect any fraud

BS, absurd call it what you want. It's up tp the individual to
observe Mex Imm regs, do so or not. There was a post here a while back referring to tourists who choose to comply with Imm
regs as 'goody two shoes'. I believe Mex Imm can tell, computer wise, when a
tourist has obtained an fmm. There has been at least 1 Gringo crossing at Mexicali West who was denied the free 7 day fmm
because he had not returned his previous 7 day fmm, was given
the option of buying the 180. Some here take some sort of pride
a badge of honor, in never complying. Don't turn it in, heck
avoid it all together, if that makes sence to you

[Edited on 8-13-2016 by sancho]

Bajahowodd - 8-13-2016 at 04:49 PM

Never have turned one in upon return. Never have had a problem getting a new one when entering Mexico. Seriously do not think they have the ability to track this stuff.

MulegeAL - 8-13-2016 at 05:04 PM

I just stick the old ones on my 'fridges, some norte, some sur!

David K - 8-13-2016 at 06:49 PM

Getting the free 7 day FMM, our passports were run through a scanner, and stamped, in Mexicali. We left at Tecate and when we turned in the FMMs, our passports were again scanned and stamped.

They want to make sure you leave on the free FMM and aren't using it to get out of paying for a longer vacation.

The 180 day pay one does not need to be returned or tracked, as they got their money. When I get one in a couple of weeks, I will report if my passport is scanned. Last year, no scan for the 180 day FMM, just the stamp.

Borregoman - 8-15-2016 at 03:22 PM

I read that they can be renewed, but no option to do that online that I have seen.