
Maximum Fuel Prices effective September 1st, 2016...

BajaCactus - 9-1-2016 at 04:26 PM

Maximum fuel prices in Mexico starting September 1st, 2016...

Magna..............$ 13.98 pesos per liter
Premium..........$ 14.81 pesos per liter
Diesel...............$ 14.45 pesos per liter

These prices are in liters... since 1 gallon = 3.7854 liters and today (September 1st, 2016) 1 dollar = $18.50 pesos (+/-), we can calculate the approximate price per gallon:

Magna.............$ 2.859 dollars per gallon
Premium..........$ 3.029 dollars per gallon
Diesel...............$ 2.955 dollars per gallon

Remember that these are maximum prices allowed, which means you may find different prices at some Gas Stations, specially when taking into account the dollar/peso exchange rate.

Also fuel prices along the border are still matched with those at the US border side, so they are different than in the rest of the country.

"Where Baja is so much more than a dream..."

durrelllrobert - 9-2-2016 at 08:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaCactus  
Maximum fuel prices in Mexico starting September 1st, 2016...

Magna..............$ 13.98 pesos per liter
Premium..........$ 14.81 pesos per liter
Diesel...............$ 14.45 pesos per liter

These prices are in liters... since 1 gallon = 3.7854 liters and today (September 1st, 2016) 1 dollar = $18.50 pesos (+/-), we can calculate the approximate price per gallon:

Magna.............$ 2.859 dollars per gallon

Premium..........$ 3.029 dollars per gallon
Diesel...............$ 2.955 dollars per gallon

Remember that these are maximum prices allowed, which means you may find different prices at some Gas Stations, specially when taking into account the dollar/peso exchange rate.

Also fuel prices along the border are still matched with those at the US border side, so they are different than in the rest of the country.

"Where Baja is so much more than a dream..."

But prices may go down 2% -5% on January 1, 2017 (a year earlier than planned):

MulegeAL - 9-2-2016 at 08:33 AM

But but...what's the minimum liter size allowed? :)

AKgringo - 9-2-2016 at 08:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MulegeAL  
But but...what's the minimum liter size allowed? :)

Good point! There is a station just west of La Paz that has three pump islands. After a few fill ups's (one which exceeded the capacity of my tank) I realized that locals never used that island, and I was always directed to it.

One of the attendants even chuckled when I refused to use it anymore.

David K - 9-2-2016 at 08:56 AM

Thank you, Antonio!

I appreciate you taking the time to do this every time the government messes with the prices you can charge. It is extra special to know your pumps are 100% accurate and any available profit (as little as selling gas provides) helps both the people of El Rosario and all the travelers on the highway for great distances away with your ambulance and fire rescue service...

A friend just bought pesos at Costco Chula Vista for a trip next week, and they were sold to him at 17.805 per dollar. (I think the international exchange rate was like 18.60 that day, close to what you posted the rate was).

Anyway, for anyone else who may be in that boat... the steps to convert what you bought pesos for into the cost per gallon are shown in this example, using the price of Magna (13.98) and the exchange he got (17.805:1):

Pesos per Gallon= 13.98 x 3.785 = 52.91
Dollars per Gallon= 52.91/17.805 = $2.97 per gallon of Magna

Sweetwater - 9-2-2016 at 09:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by MulegeAL  
But but...what's the minimum liter size allowed? :)

Good point! There is a station just west of La Paz that has three pump islands. After a few fill ups's (one which exceeded the capacity of my tank) I realized that locals never used that island, and I was always directed to it.

One of the attendants even chuckled when I refused to use it anymore.

Same experience I've had in Loreto. It would be good to have a list of Pemex's that should be avoided, the locals seem to be a very reliable indicator.

chuckie - 9-2-2016 at 09:08 AM

WOW! Diesel is .80 per gallon more in Baja than it is here

Bob and Susan - 9-2-2016 at 12:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
WOW! Diesel is .80 per gallon more in Baja than it is here

only 15 cents different from California...

you MUST be in kansas

chuckie - 9-2-2016 at 12:16 PM

Even cheaper in Texas and Oklahoma...and going down...

bledito - 9-2-2016 at 03:05 PM

cheaper in baja than chitcago by 35 cents

Ateo - 9-2-2016 at 03:19 PM

Thanks for the update and info Antonio. I stopped by last week to purchase some Halcones T-shirts but they were outta stock.

Ateo - 9-2-2016 at 03:22 PM

Quite a Bombero force building up in El Rosario. Gracias.

Ateo - 9-2-2016 at 03:23 PM

Bajahowodd - 9-2-2016 at 04:09 PM

Whenever I see a post about Pemex prices, I have to ask, is there anyone out there who is not going to travel to Baja because of the price of gasoline? It's a long drive from the border to Cabo, and of course I don't want to get screwed by a retailer, but I'm not going to let it ruin my trip.

AKgringo - 9-2-2016 at 04:58 PM

I drive a small 4x4, with a small tank. The distance to the next Pemex is of more concern than what I will pay for the fuel!

rts551 - 9-3-2016 at 08:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
Whenever I see a post about Pemex prices, I have to ask, is there anyone out there who is not going to travel to Baja because of the price of gasoline? It's a long drive from the border to Cabo, and of course I don't want to get screwed by a retailer, but I'm not going to let it ruin my trip.

Agree on this. It does help plan the trip budget if you know what things cost in advance. Pemex might be the Baja business that gets the most money when you are a traveling/camping Nomad.

The other question that gets posted a lot, that really doesn't matter to the hardcore Nomad is "What are the road conditions?"

I mean seriously, are you going to cancel Baja because of a detour or some potholes? It is interesting to know the conditions, but not to base your decision to visit Baja or not. I mean, Baja was made famous because of bad, unpaved roads. Other than fly-in fishing resorts in the 50s and 60s, it was the bad road challenge that brought so many to visit Baja for the first time.

Bad roads also meant a degree of privacy and solitude. If another did show up at your beach, then he proved his worthiness by crossing over than bad road and would become your new comrade. "Bad roads bring good people", after all!

What BS. I have known BAD people that have traveled over BAD roads and Great people that stick to good roads. Road conditions reports are extra important during hurricane season.

durrelllrobert - 9-3-2016 at 08:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Thank you, Antonio!

I appreciate you taking the time to do this every time the government messes with the prices you can charge. It is extra special to know your pumps are 100% accurate and any available profit (as little as selling gas provides) helps both the people of El Rosario and all the travelers on the highway for great distances away with your ambulance and fire rescue service...

A friend just bought pesos at Costco Chula Vista for a trip next week, and they were sold to him at 17.805 per dollar. (I think the international exchange rate was like 18.60 that day, close to what you posted the rate was).

Anyway, for anyone else who may be in that boat... the steps to convert what you bought pesos for into the cost per gallon are shown in this example, using the price of Magna (13.98) and the exchange he got (17.805:1):

Pesos per Gallon= 13.98 x 3.785 = 52.91
Dollars per Gallon= 52.91/17.805 = $2.97 per gallon of Magna

Our local PEMEX (the only one in Punta Banda) is still offering a 50 centavo discount per liter and I just used pesos that I got at 18.08/ US$ (including all fees) to fill my 33 gallon tank. Therefore: 13.98 minus .50 x 3.785 = 50.95 pesos per USGallon divided by 18.08 P/US$ = 2.81 US$ /US gallon for Magna. Even though that's higher than the current San Diego price I get better mileage with PEMEX magna than with US unleaded allowing me to drive to DR. appointment plus some running around shopping in SD and return on half a tank,

rts551 - 9-3-2016 at 08:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Can we vote Ralph off the island?

Thank you, Bob, isn't ethanol-free gas a great thing!

Oh my. Because I raised the BS flag.

Another example. "The other question that gets posted a lot, that really doesn't matter to the hardcore Nomad is "What are the road conditions?"" Yet you spend a lot of time on HWY 5 conditions... What it only matters when YOU post?

Nah, just because I am not a part of your chicken coup does not mean I should get booted....but go ahead and try!

rts551 - 9-3-2016 at 02:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Chicken coop? You mean people who know how to think? Do you know how to be nice... to anyone or only if they agree with your ways?

What was not nice? is this an incorrect statement in our world? "What BS. I have known BAD people that have traveled over BAD roads and Great people that stick to good roads. Road conditions reports are extra important during hurricane season."

What are "my ways"? Maybe you should have a mirror handy when you post?

David K - 9-3-2016 at 03:29 PM

I NEVER mentioned BAD people, Ralph. Read again.

The very well known phrase is "Bad Roads Bring Good People... Good Roads Bring ALL Kinds of People" and is credited to the late Anita (Mama) Espinoza of El Rosario, in 1973 when pavement reached her home of El Rosario, and anyone in any car could no easily get there. I am surprised you did not know that.

But, you are correct, bad people can drive over bad roads... Punta Abreojos didn't get a paved road until 2007 or 2008, right?. How long have you been going there?

rts551 - 9-3-2016 at 04:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Chicken coop? You mean people who know how to think? Do you know how to be nice... to anyone or only if they agree with your ways?

What was not nice? is this an incorrect statement in our world? "What BS. I have known BAD people that have traveled over BAD roads and Great people that stick to good roads. Road conditions reports are extra important during hurricane season."

What are "my ways"? Maybe you should have a mirror handy when you post?

David you did not answer the questions. You only supported my statement about Bad people.

bajabuddha - 9-3-2016 at 04:14 PM

rts, gawd love ya, you're letting yet ANOTHER thread turn out to be all about DK and running off-topic. He owns half this here spread, told me himself. You have to THINK... like he says... and skew the topic a) all about his martyrdom, and b) all about his skewed take on reality. Not that you're wasting your time, but everyone else's too..... has he EVER..... ONCE...... backed down (other than deleting his own posts)?

[Edited on 9-3-2016 by bajabuddha]

rts551 - 9-3-2016 at 04:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
rts, gawd love ya, you're letting yet ANOTHER thread turn out to be all about DK and running off-topic. He owns half this hear spread, told me himself. You have to THINK... like he says... and skew the topic a) all about his martyrdom, and b) all about his skewed take on reality. Not that you're wasting your time, but everyone else's too..... has he EVER..... ONCE...... backed down (other than deleting his own posts)?

You are absolutely correct. I apologize (seriously). Should I go back and delete all my posts?

This thread Trumps them all

SFandH - 9-3-2016 at 04:32 PM

it's an very understandable situation:

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Chicken coop? You mean people who know how to think?

[Edited on 9-3-2016 by SFandH]

bajabuddha - 9-3-2016 at 04:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Please do, let's respect Antonio's post. I already removed every one you felt necessary to duplicate mine. Seeing me once is enough, why do you want to see twice as many of my posts Ralph?

Oh, buddah, it was Ralph with his need to say "BS" that took this off topic into his need to put down anything I share here. I don't follow him around, but he sure likes to sniff my butt on every post!

Oh, brudder do I rest my case. Delete and blame. Pobresito! Go wipe the blood off your palms; your keyboard is getting soaked. And it's "H-A", oh scholarly author.

rts551 - 9-3-2016 at 04:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Please do, let's respect Antonio's post. I already removed every one you felt necessary to duplicate mine. Seeing me once is enough, why do you want to see twice as many of my posts Ralph?

Oh, buddah, it was Ralph with his need to say "BS" that took this off topic into his need to put down anything I share here. I don't follow him around, but he sure likes to sniff my butt on every post!

Don't need to sniff anything to call BS when I see it (no one follows you around David, believe me. It was the original post that interested me) . Nahhh lets leave all the posts here so everyone can see what a nice guy David is.

Amen Buddah.