
Smoked Fish in Loreto?

Mula - 9-3-2016 at 02:37 PM

Who smokes fish in Loreto?
Need a phone number and name.

I'm in Lopez and don't have the time to run over there to investigate myself.


bajabuddha - 9-3-2016 at 02:43 PM

Just a thought; as close as you are to La Paz, buy a smoker and learn the trade; you'll have an exponential explosion of friends. Find some good mesquite source, get a good soak/dry rub recipe and go for it! Doesn't have to even be an electric smoker (I know a guy in San Lucas starts his with diesel).

Mula - 9-3-2016 at 02:56 PM

Thanks Budda.
I am actually closer to Loreto than La Paz. 2 hours to Loreto and 3 hours to La Paz.
I was born and raised in SE Alaska and have been smoking fish all my life and have a smoker here - in Lopez. But old.

I smoke my fish. I am not going to smoke someone else's.

In all my shopping trips to La Paz in the last 10 yearslof living here full time, I don't think I have ever seen a smoker for sale there.

Friends are going fishing in Loreto and want to have their (hopeful) catch smoked.

larryC - 9-3-2016 at 03:00 PM

Here is s good recipe once you have your smoker. 1 part Montreal steak seasoning to 4 or 5 (depending on how sweet you like it) parts brown sugar.
Coat fish evenly with dry mixture (do not add any water or liguid) and put coated fish into a ziploc bag in the refer for 48 to 72 hours. Then remove fish from bags and put into your smoker. I do my smoker at fairly low temp 180 to 190 degrees for an hour or 2 checking and sampling until I like it.

Mula - 9-3-2016 at 03:09 PM


I don't want a smoker, or a recipe.

I need the name and phone number of someone in Loreto who smokes fish commercially for sport fishermen - who might be open in Sept and October.

Must be a really slow week-end . . . .

Thanks, anyway.

Howard - 9-3-2016 at 03:21 PM

Hi Mula

This might be a little bit of help. I am not arriving to Loreto until the first week in October and I can get you his name and phone then.

In the mean time, if you get to town before me, he is located on the north side of the street somewhat across the street from the El Moro "hotel" and campground which is mostly for long term campers, about 3/4 of block up from the Malecon. He works out of his house but from the road you can see a fish cleaning station and a big smoker and usually has a stack of wood for smoking.

Just ask someone near the Malecon where the El Moro is and look across the street maybe 50 meters in each direction.

Have I confused you enough?

Sorry I couldn't be more help at this time,


Mula - 9-3-2016 at 03:27 PM

Thanks, Howard.

I can forward these directions to the folks.
I know exactly where you are talking about.

Stayed at El Moro when I first pulled in to Loreto 10 years ago.

Howard - 9-3-2016 at 03:34 PM

Will your friends be there before or after around October 6th? If after, I could lead them there.

Also, he will clean the fish if they need that service.

[Edited on 9-3-2016 by Howard]

Mula - 9-3-2016 at 03:37 PM

I don't know what all they will need or exactly when they will be there. Just sometime in the next 2 months.

willardguy - 9-3-2016 at 03:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
Will your friends be there before or after around October 6th? If after, I could lead them there.

Also, he will clean the fish if they need that service.

[Edited on 9-3-2016 by Howard]

does this fellow also sell smoked fish out his house?

Howard - 9-3-2016 at 04:01 PM

Sorry, I don't know but could find out in October if you would like.

bill erhardt - 9-3-2016 at 04:07 PM

Oscar Green in Colonia Zaragosa smokes fish. He works out of his house which is the first on the west side of Manuel Pineda after you cross the arroyo going south. To get there from el centro go south on Madero off Hidalgo at Cafe Ole. Madero becomes Manuel Pineda after you cross the arroyo. Oscar's house the first one on the right. He has a sign advertising his operation.

fish101 - 9-4-2016 at 10:31 AM

Howard those are terrible directions... Mula, you would be lucky if you ever found that place!!! hahah.. There is actually another fellow that smokes fish and it is right on the "dirt street" where everyone parks their boat trailers after launching them. If you turn west on that street and go nearly to the end you will see the two smoke stacks where he smokes them. Usually wants one fish for smoking yours. I think the street is Aqua Dulce..

willardguy - 9-4-2016 at 10:35 AM

how long after you hand him your fish is it done? does it soak in a marinade?

Sorry for the hi-jack but I couldn't resist

Howard - 9-4-2016 at 10:54 AM

This is for Brent.. My directions, easy peasey compared tp:

Bajahowodd - 9-4-2016 at 03:27 PM

I only smoke cigarettes.:P

fish101 - 9-4-2016 at 05:00 PM

I knew that would bring back memories , Howard!!!! I was only rubbing it in a little after I gave you some good directions!!11 hahaa..LOL..

basautter - 9-4-2016 at 05:08 PM

Tell me where, and I am there! I have never seen smoked fish in Baja, but love the stuff :coolup: