
Sept. 2016 Baja Bound Article: Pozo Alemán

David K - 9-23-2016 at 07:08 AM

Previously visited the site in 2012, it was great to go back again last week and see nothing has changed and one may still have a true walking museum tour in central Baja!

Here are the photos I took last Monday:

larryC - 9-23-2016 at 09:52 AM

That is such a neat place with so much history. The last time I was there , there were aboout 8 old car and truck bodies from the 20's and 30's still there. Also there was at least one dry gold catcher (for want of a better word) still in one of the old structures. Did you happen to notice the old pila next to the big house? That is one of the best examples of stone work I have ever seen in Baja. It had a date onit of 1920.

Jack Swords - 9-23-2016 at 10:25 AM

Dry washers (glad to see some are still there)

David K - 9-23-2016 at 10:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by larryC  
That is such a neat place with so much history. The last time I was there , there were aboout 8 old car and truck bodies from the 20's and 30's still there. Also there was at least one dry gold catcher (for want of a better word) still in one of the old structures. Did you happen to notice the old pila next to the big house? That is one of the best examples of stone work I have ever seen in Baja. It had a date onit of 1920.

Yes, and some in the group went over there by the big home. Nobody was there that day. Jesse wanted to check out the big horno (oven) outside... maybe for making pizza?

larryC - 9-23-2016 at 04:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jack Swords  
Dry washers (glad to see some are still there)

Dry washer that what it was. Not there anymore. I saw one my first trip there 15 years ago but my last trip there it was gone. That's probably why the owners have locked up all the remaining structures. I would love to see the inside of the large house, I bet there are all kinds neat things in there.

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 09:03 AM

I am surprised some idiot has not cut the lock.

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 09:05 AM

If I may make a suggestion...The photos in the article from before you were born should have a citation.

David K - 9-29-2016 at 09:21 AM

The source for the 116-year-old photos I shared was a 1992 book and it did not have the name of the photographer of the 1910 photos.

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 10:10 AM

THen you put source unknown.. There are a lot of citation guides for people writing papers. Here is one...

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 04:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
When you write something about Baja's coloful history, you may do whatever you like. In the future, I will be happy to add source unknown if the photographer name is not provided. I wonder why the published book didn't do that with those pictures, if that really is protocol?

I have no way of knowing since no cite was given even to the book you took the photo from... and can not do what ever you like...there are copyright laws... or at the vary least a lot of embarrassment if plagiarism is involved.

[Edited on 9-29-2016 by rts551]

BajaBlanca - 9-29-2016 at 04:53 PM

Those photos are a lot of fun to see!

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 05:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Ralph, I write for educational purposes... that you think Baja should remain secret or only known to intellectuals might be your opinion. Mine is that there is a lot more to Baja than surfing or fishing or off road racing... The people who want to be more than blind followers of whatever the current government says needs to know about the past.

You reply to my posts because of your need for the drama. I respond for others, but talking sense or being nice to you is fruitless.
Thank you, Blanca!

I was being did you get that I wasn't? Baja is not a secret nor has it been for a long time...I just thought if you are going to have articles published in news letters or any other forum that other peoples work should be properly cited so that they get credit/or people know where to go to dig deeper into the photo (so it is not a secret) or that it is not improperly credited to the author. I do not see where that does not make sense or is drama....drama or not making sense is a statement like "When you write something about Baja's coloful history, you may do whatever you like. "

David K - 9-29-2016 at 05:50 PM

Ralph, I always do credit other people's photos... if it is known who took them. In my book, Baja California Land of Missions, there are hundreds of photos, and only one taken in 1918 or 1919 I didn't have a name to credit. Sunbelt, a historical book publisher, had no issue over that one photo.

not making sense is a statement like "When you write something about Baja's colorful history, you may do whatever you like. "

Have you heard the saying: "Don't talk the talk unless you walk the walk"?

[Edited on 9-30-2016 by David K]

grizzlyfsh95 - 9-29-2016 at 06:31 PM

My Gawd, what a bunch of whiny harpies.

dtbushpilot - 9-29-2016 at 06:44 PM

Thank you Ralf for your endless need to chit on DK's posts, it must suck to live like that :(:(

BeemerDan - 9-29-2016 at 07:23 PM

I was being nice....

No you weren't, Your hatred for DK has been shining thru your posts for years.
Show a little bit of self control, and some of us might take you seriously

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 08:12 PM

My life is just fine DT.

Dan, I have no hatred for David...He does make it easy to negatively comment on his posts some times and not just by me. His banter makes it easy to continue the game...But that is DK and yes its been that way for years. In this case, excuse me, if pointing out that a published article should properly credit a photo is wrong, well that's NOMADS and as the King says, anything goes. And somehow, I do not worry if you take me seriously or not...I don't know you and based on some of your comments probably don't care to.

Now if the run to protect David is over, back to NOMINDS.

dtbushpilot - 9-29-2016 at 08:49 PM

Not protecting DK ralf, just making an observation.

mtgoat666 - 9-29-2016 at 09:13 PM

I think DK should insert citations when he repeats photos or info from others. He professes to be a historian/researcher, so he should try to do better.

mtgoat666 - 9-29-2016 at 09:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
The source for the 116-year-old photos I shared was a 1992 book and it did not have the name of the photographer of the 1910 photos.

Cite the source you got. Or better yet, don't use material if you can't find/verify original source.

rts551 - 9-29-2016 at 10:41 PM

The photos when properly documented. Not hard to find the source. [img][/img][img][/img]

David K - 9-30-2016 at 08:07 AM

As I said, the name of the photographer was NOT provided.

rts551 - 9-30-2016 at 08:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
My life is just fine DT.

Dan, I have no hatred for David...He does make it easy to negatively comment on his posts some times and not just by me. His banter makes it easy to continue the game...But that is DK and yes its been that way for years. In this case, excuse me, if pointing out that a published article should properly credit a photo is wrong, well that's NOMADS and as the King says, anything goes. And somehow, I do not worry if you take me seriously or not...I don't know you and based on some of your comments probably don't care to.

Now if the run to protect David is over, back to NOMINDS.

DAN ???? You should do better research Ralph and provide correct credit when quoting others!!!! DT's first name is David. :lol:

You need better reading skills...I was addressing BeemerDan..:lol:

mtgoat666 - 9-30-2016 at 09:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
As I said, the name of the photographer was NOT provided.

If you did research at seaver (la nhm) you could most likely find the source, collection, photographer, eh?

David K - 9-30-2016 at 09:39 AM

Funny the published 1992 book that used the photos didn't, isn't it? Yet, you are really bothered by an on-line only web page?

rts551 - 9-30-2016 at 09:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
As I said, the name of the photographer was NOT provided.

If you did research at seaver (la nhm) you could most likely find the source, collection, photographer, eh?

I think he already knew that.. In his 2012 report he correctly cites the source ( ). For this report he conveniently deleted it. Question of ethics. He keeps digging the hole deeper. I am done.

mtgoat666 - 9-30-2016 at 10:14 AM

it took 3 minutes to find the photo online at LA NHM Seaver Collection:

willardguy - 9-30-2016 at 10:50 AM

what the.....ralph made a friendly suggestion and got bagged on.....whats wrong with you people? :?:

rts551 - 9-30-2016 at 11:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
No, I did not cite anything different.
If you have a problem with the editing of the photos or articles take it up with the publisher of them, who sponsors this forum, that you do nothing much more than complain on, non-stop.

BeemerDan - 10-1-2016 at 05:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
what the.....ralph made a friendly suggestion and got bagged on.....whats wrong with you people? :?:

No Ralph tried to troll a DK article as usual. Ralph's life revolves
trolling DK. Ralph has no self control.
Got it? Most here do.

rts551 - 10-1-2016 at 06:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BeemerDan  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
what the.....ralph made a friendly suggestion and got bagged on.....whats wrong with you people? :?:

No Ralph tried to troll a DK article as usual. Ralph's life revolves
trolling DK. Ralph has no self control.
Got it? Most here do.

As I said before BummerDan...You do not know me or anything about my life. Nor do I know you..nor do I think I want to.