
Mi amigo Fernando (FDT)...

BajaNomad - 10-11-2016 at 05:22 PM

I just spoke with Fernando's daughter Danielle, who confirmed that FDT passed away yesterday.

This is devastating for friends and family.


BajaGringo - 10-11-2016 at 05:45 PM

OMG - Shocked and so, very, very sorry. You will be missed amigo.


David K - 10-11-2016 at 05:52 PM

Oh my, what a shock... so sorry for the family and hundreds of people touched by his kindness.

I have known Ferna for 16 years. He was always kind and willing to share his Baja California with everyone.

Edit to add the first photo I took of Ferna back in early 2000 on the San Clemente Pier at perhaps the first organized meeting of "Baja Internet" people.

[Edited on 10-12-2016 by David K]

BajaGeoff - 10-11-2016 at 05:58 PM

So very sad to hear about this. Fernando was a truly kind and wonderful person with a heart of gold. Even when going through hard times himself, he would dedicate countless hours to organizing the annual Dia de Reyes toy drive so that some of the poorest kids in Baja would receive a toy for Christmas. He loved sharing Baja with others and always had a smile on his face.

Rest in peace will be missed dearly!

DENNIS - 10-11-2016 at 06:02 PM

Ferna passed away? I am saddened and confused beyond words.

rts551 - 10-11-2016 at 06:19 PM

He was a great ambassador for Tijuana and not afraid to set someone straight for unclear/wrong information. He will be missed.

BajaNomad - 10-11-2016 at 06:19 PM

This was just posted by his family:

"This goes to all Fernando's Facebook friends and relatives. regretfully we would like to inform everyone that Fernando has passed away peacefully in his sleep at home of natural causes. He is survived by his wife and three children Fernando, Danielle, and Sofia. Thank you for those who have expressed condolences, your thoughts and prayers are with us. For those who are able, Mass will be held at the "Iglesia San Francisco Javier" Wednesday October 12 at 6 pm, located at Av. Club 20-30 (Av. de la Televisión) #3357, Juarez, 22158."

BajaNomad - 10-11-2016 at 06:21 PM

ferna.jpg - 32kB

MMc - 10-11-2016 at 06:21 PM

DEP. Fernando was a great guy, the world would be better if they're more like him. My heart goes to his family.

DianaT - 10-11-2016 at 06:48 PM

OMG -- such horrible news. He was such a great person and he did so much to promote Tijuana. And the toy drive, ---- damn, it is just so unbelievable. ----

I so remember when we shared the joint effort to rescue Diver, and his family== he was always one we knew we could call on for help. Damn, this is just so sad.

He was a really a special person!

woody with a view - 10-11-2016 at 06:55 PM

Really sorry to hear this. He was a really nice man. Really nice. Damn.

Bob H - 10-11-2016 at 06:57 PM

So very sad indeed. I am in shock. He was such a great guy, always smiling, and volunteering his time to promote Baja and do whatever he could to help those in need in Baja. He will be sorely missed. Condolences to his family. RIP Ferna.

Don Jorge - 10-11-2016 at 06:59 PM

Such sad news. Fernando was unselfish, kind, caring and gave himself to others as a matter of course, always. He is going to be missed by many.

CaboMagic - 10-11-2016 at 07:06 PM

A candle has been lit and a prayer has been said in our home.

Doug, please convey our condolences - we wont be able to attend the mass, but our prayers and hearts will absolutely be with them.

Rest in peace Ferna - your legacy of kindness, compassion, and generosity will live on through your family, friends and loved ones.

Tommy & Lori Garcia

DianaT - 10-11-2016 at 07:08 PM

I am just in such shock -- we always carried Ferna's phone number with us just in case we needed help in his area. And the memory of how we worked together with Roberto and Ferna to rescue Diver and his family is a good memory.

And for his family, I so remember when Ferna had the open radio station and his daughter, Sophia who was 5 years old at the time, shared the mic. Sophia was totally bilingual with English and Spanish, but when she was asked in what language did whe dream, she answered, Japanese. It still makes me smile.

Damn, damn and damn. He will be so missed and my thoughts are very much with his family. May you find some peace in knowing how much your father was appreciated by so many! He was a special person.

[Edited on 10-12-2016 by DianaT]

woody with a view - 10-11-2016 at 07:20 PM

He once asked me to do a segment for his radio show on surfing in Baja. I laughed and told him, "no Ferna, you'll eventually ask me questions about secret spots and I won't be able to answer you truthfully!" He really got a kick out of that. I'm gonna miss that guy!

Ken Cooke - 10-11-2016 at 08:17 PM

Unbelievable - Fernando would begin gathering toys for the children of Tijuana right about now. So sad..

elgatoloco - 10-11-2016 at 10:01 PM

Very sad news indeed. Ferna had a big heart. We did not get to see him often but when we did he always had a big smile and a positive vibe. He showed by example how to give back to others. He will be missed. Our hearts go out to his family.

MexicoTed - 10-11-2016 at 10:55 PM

So sad to hear. As all of you have already said he was a great, caring person and will be missed. RIP Fernando.

Santiago - 10-12-2016 at 05:49 AM

He once told me that I was the only guy who could get away with calling him 'Flowers'. :(

BajaBlanca - 10-12-2016 at 05:57 AM

Very sad news indeed. I was already thinking about how to squeeze in a trip or two from san diego to Tj to help his beautiful project.

Tears in my eyes say goodbye Fernando. I feel like a friend has passed even tho I never met him personally.


shari - 10-12-2016 at 07:40 AM

Ferna...que descansas ahorra en el cielo y que Dios cuida su familia bonita. Eres grande y los del otro lado tienen suerte tenerte a su lado ahorra.

It has been a tough couple weeks as several friends of ours have passed over to the other side...those of you who know me well know my thoughts on the slow rapture...pondering that at each loss.

BornFisher - 10-12-2016 at 07:50 AM

He was a contributor in so many ways. Very sad. Prayers to family.

wilderone - 10-12-2016 at 08:29 AM

What? I'm stunned. Such an outgoing, energetic man. A heart of gold, and whose compassion touched hundreds of lives. Rest in Peace Fernando. Prayers for comfort for his family at this difficult time.

Udo - 10-12-2016 at 08:45 AM

I am stunned!

He was such a young man.

Very kind hearted, and helpful beyond belief. This is one person that will be sorely missed in all of Baja, not just the Tijuana area.

A tear is flowing as I write this.

sd - 10-12-2016 at 09:56 AM

Danielle, Sofia, Fernando Jr and Simone,

What an extreme loss for all of us.

I love the words of DianaT - "May you find some peace in knowing how much your father was appreciated by so many"

Your family has touched the hearts of mine. With your inspiration the annual toy drive became an event we looked forward to sharing with you.

Today, we share your loss. I will see you tonight, and my daughter Sara and her husband Jesse extend their love from Colorado. We loved your dad! A great man!


Scot, Sara, Jesse and family.

sancho - 10-12-2016 at 10:58 AM

Disheartening, remember his toy drivepost about riding
childrens bikes, one at a time across to TJ, so Mex
Customs would not make a fuss

EnsenadaDr - 10-12-2016 at 01:39 PM

Nice to see a picture of him. He did so much for the kids. He's in a much better place now.
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Oh my, what a shock... so sorry for the family and hundreds of people touched by his kindness.

I have known Ferna for 16 years. He was always kind and willing to share his Baja California with everyone.

Edit to add the first photo I took of Ferna back in early 2000 on the San Clemente Pier at perhaps the first organized meeting of "Baja Internet" people.

[Edited on 10-12-2016 by David K]

AKgringo - 10-12-2016 at 01:50 PM

I never met the man, or his family. I am also too new to this forum to be aware of his story.

I sounds like that is my loss! DEP Fernando.

DENNIS - 10-12-2016 at 02:42 PM

It wasn't our first meeting, but after my stroke, I landed in Kaiser Hospital, and who bops into my room, but Ferna.
I said...WTF are you doing here? "I work here" ...he said. I'm sure glad he didn't have a bedpan in his hand.
Same trip...I was wheeled back to my room from testing and Doug was waiting there to spend some time...and I think Wooosh had dropped by with a few ****ty porn magazines. It's nice to have friends.

Udo - 10-12-2016 at 03:15 PM

Here are a couple of recent photos with Fernando:

I will REALLY miss him!

DENNIS - 10-12-2016 at 03:50 PM

Recent photos? I'll bet Ryland is as tall as Doug now. Better lookin' too. :biggrin:

Natalie Ann - 10-12-2016 at 04:07 PM

Ferna was such a gift to this earth. He was happy and knowledgeable, a man filled with dreams who accomplished many things. Always helping someone while sharing that big beautiful smile. We were friends.... and it has been an honor to know him. My deep sympathies to the family.

As with Diane, his number is in my phone. I cannot bear to delete it.
Rest in Peace, amigo.


SFandH - 10-12-2016 at 04:38 PM

I didn't know him but am aware of his charity.

It's a sad time for family and friends.


Santiago - 10-12-2016 at 06:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Natalie Ann  
Ferna was such a gift to this earth. He was happy and knowledgeable, a man filled with dreams who accomplished many things. Always helping someone while sharing that big beautiful smile. We were friends.... and it has been an honor to know him. My deep sympathies to the family.

As with Diane, his number is in my phone. I cannot bear to delete it.
Rest in Peace, amigo.


Hi Nena, miss your posts. I too really liked Flowers.

UnoMas - 10-12-2016 at 07:02 PM

I never met Fernando but have followed him on this board and his toy drive. Such a very sad day to lose a man that cared so much for the children and made a huge difference in their lives, a gift for Christmas can mean so much to know that someone cares.
He was there for others in need as well. This world needs more people like Fernando.
Sincere condolences to the family and friends that were fortunate enough to have known this man.
RIP Fernando.


Ken Bondy - 10-13-2016 at 05:39 AM

So saddened to hear of Ferna's death. I never met him in person but we had many written exchanges over the years during which I think I got to know him well, and it was all good. He was a truly wonderful person and he will be greatly missed. Que lastima.

BajaNomad - 10-13-2016 at 06:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

Recent photos? I'll bet Ryland is as tall as Doug now. Better lookin' too. :biggrin:

Close. On both counts. ;)

Udo's photo was from a Baja food festival in San Diego a few years ago.

My Sincere Condolences to the Family

GypsyJan - 10-14-2016 at 09:53 PM

What a devastating loss of such a good man.

He freely gave his time to advise and encourage me about setting up a refuge for abused women in Mexico.

My heart goes out to his family.

fishbuck - 10-14-2016 at 10:29 PM

I am crushed! Ferna was literally my wingman a few times when I really really needed a wingman. He had my back.
I honestly wish I could have spent more time with him. I don't say that about many people.
I met his beautiful family and my sincerest sympathies go to them.

sd - 10-15-2016 at 05:46 AM

Fernando's family needs a bit of help if you can assist.

Immediate need is a plumber to install new kitchen water shut off valves, new faucet, and new water heater.

I will pay for material. If you can do the work, or lead me to a plumber in Tijuana it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Ken Cooke - 10-15-2016 at 06:24 AM

BajaNomad - 10-16-2016 at 01:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sd  
Fernando's family needs a bit of help if you can assist.

Immediate need is a plumber to install new kitchen water shut off valves, new faucet, and new water heater.

I will pay for material. If you can do the work, or lead me to a plumber in Tijuana it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


As Scot mentions, the girls are going to need some help.

More on this a.s.a.p.

Ken Cooke - 10-16-2016 at 08:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaNomad  
Quote: Originally posted by sd  
Fernando's family needs a bit of help if you can assist.

Immediate need is a plumber to install new kitchen water shut off valves, new faucet, and new water heater.

I will pay for material. If you can do the work, or lead me to a plumber in Tijuana it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


As Scot mentions, the girls are going to need some help.

More on this a.s.a.p.

I referred Scot to an Interior Design friend of mine in Playas de Tijuana who has lots of contacts and speaks excellent English.

2012 - Downtown Tijuana

FdT's (RIP) house inspection report

Ken Cooke - 11-2-2016 at 08:23 PM

My friend Gabriela reported back to me today about the work that our friend Fernando Garcia Obeso's (RIP) house needs. Gabriela does Interior design and is a real, solid go-getter.

Gabriela at her music event "Eternal" in September

Ok finally got to see the issues with the plumbing...

But anyway... For plumbing its 4 things...

- the water heater is leaking so if theres a way to get it fixd ok but if theres a way to replace it...much better.. But ill ask around of how much for fix it

- the kitchen.. needs to replace the faucet and seal it
- theres the instalation of the drain outside that needs a cap...because of not having it..that it spills everything out

- a shower in the bathroom is being used as storage because it doesnt there i would think of having the plumber put the snake. In to see if that solves it.

[Edited on 11-3-2016 by Ken Cooke]

Ken Cooke - 11-3-2016 at 06:18 PM

Gabriela's house inspection report

Ken Cooke - 11-3-2016 at 06:20 PM

On Saturday, Gabriela is going to take the girls some food and clothing.

DanO - 11-3-2016 at 07:59 PM

Ferna's posts and deeds and the love shown for him are all irrefutable evidence of a man of deep integrity and humanity. I regret never making his acquaintance. DEP.

fishbuck - 11-3-2016 at 11:02 PM

I still have the "Got Baja" sticker he sold me at the Pyramid book signing.
The bidding starts at ...?
All proceeds to the family.

Martyman - 11-4-2016 at 12:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaNomad  
Quote: Originally posted by sd  
Fernando's family needs a bit of help if you can assist.

Immediate need is a plumber to install new kitchen water shut off valves, new faucet, and new water heater.

I will pay for material. If you can do the work, or lead me to a plumber in Tijuana it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


As Scot mentions, the girls are going to need some help.

More on this a.s.a.p.

So...Is there a site setup to help his family with the repairs?

[Edited on 11-4-2016 by Martyman]

BajaNomad - 11-4-2016 at 02:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Martyman  

So...Is there a site setup to help his family with the repairs?

Here's what they setup:

Thanks for the GoFundMe information

John M - 11-7-2016 at 08:26 AM

John and Barbara

plumbing repair

John M - 11-7-2016 at 01:52 PM

With Scot's kind offer to cover the cost of material, Barbara and I are able to help pay for the labor to have these things fixed.

I'm not sure how that would happen, I should think we Nomads can get this act of kindness accomplished without using up the Gofundme money.

Doug or Ken Cooke, can you somehow assist with this aspect?

John and Barbara Marnell

jureal - 11-7-2016 at 03:25 PM

This post needs a better subject line and a sticky.

DENNIS - 11-7-2016 at 04:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John M  

I'm not sure how that would happen, I should think we Nomads can get this act of kindness accomplished without using up the Gofundme money.

Doug or Ken Cooke, can you somehow assist with this aspect?

John and Barbara Marnell

Count me in 100%. I'll keep watching here for details.

CaboMagic - 11-8-2016 at 04:46 PM

Dennis I know you have my email - may I ask you t please keep me/us informed too.
Thanks in advance, L

DENNIS - 11-8-2016 at 06:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaboMagic  
Dennis I know you have my email - may I ask you t please keep me/us informed too.
Thanks in advance, L

Will do, Lori.

jureal - 11-10-2016 at 10:10 AM

The Go Fund Me account is now up to $2765:bounce:

greengoes - 1-12-2017 at 06:31 AM

If the hot water leaks it is one of two things:

The glass liner is shot or the joints were put together badly. The fittings
do look rough and should be inspected. Hopefully that is the issue.

The PVC work under the sink is horrible and should be completely redone. The bottom 90 going to the wall doesn't even have a compression coupling. (almost guaranteed to leak)

The shower issue can be due to years of soap building up in the pipe (think of cholesterol blocking arteries) and can be cleaned out. The black fitting at the top of the pipes looks like a one way air gap which is good but if it is just a cap it should be replaced to an air gap so water will flow freely.

Help for Ferna's family

John M - 1-12-2017 at 12:41 PM

Greengoes, there is an older thread titled "Mi amigo Fernando" - I'd link it here but don't know how.

2/3 of the way through that thread is mention of a GoFundMe account that had been established to assist Ferna's daughters. I've communicated with one of the daughters and she relates that the money raised was indeed accessible to the family. Unfortunately more pressing issues than plumbing necessitated action first. The plumbing issues remain (as of two weeks ago).

Ken Cooke and I have been trying to come up with something to help the daughters - something like the plumbing repair. It is a sad situation at their home. The daughter and I exchanged messages in which she explained it, but I don't have her permission to repeat what she said - suffice it to say they are having a difficult time, complicated by little working plumbing.

In the thread I referred to earlier, a Nomad I do not know, "SD" offered to pay for plumbing material if a plumber could be obtained to do the work. I am not in position to attempt to locate a reliable and competent plumber in Tijuana. "SD"'s offer was on 10/15/2016 and I have not attempted to contact him since simply buying material is only half of the solution.

Doug Means (Super Administrator) & moderator, is aware of the family issues and dynamics and has visited the home several times. He has been helpful but at this point, both the efforts of Ken Cooke and Doug (the two apparently most prepared to help) has stalled a bit.

My wife and I are also prepared to help pay the labor involved in the plumbing repairs as long as the effort is credible.

John M

[Edited on 1-12-2017 by John M]

David K - 1-12-2017 at 01:07 PM

Here is the thread, John:

Here is the GoFundMe link from that thread:

[Edited on 1-12-2017 by David K]

BajaBlanca - 1-12-2017 at 01:43 PM

Boy, we need someone in TJ to help with this is what it sounds like to me.

Are they trying to sell the house or it is just in need of urgent repairs?

Ferna's daughters and family

John M - 1-12-2017 at 02:23 PM

Blanca, in my exchanges with whom I believe to be the eldest daughter, it appears that they intend to stay as long as it is possible. She was, as I said a couple of weeks ago, trying to find decent employment. Another family member, and I apologize for not recalling more detail, will or has moved in to help the girls.

Ken Cooke and his friend Gabriella are probably the best contact persons. I understand from Ken that Gabriella has local Tijuana contacts.

John M

Ken Cooke - 1-12-2017 at 04:46 PM

I am on standby..

David K - 10-11-2021 at 11:30 AM

Remembering Ferna de Tijuana, five years later.

BajaBlanca - 10-11-2021 at 12:24 PM

5 years already? Wow. Good guy, for sure missed.

Don Jorge - 10-11-2021 at 01:01 PM

Fernando was a good man. The toy drives he organized were wonderful. But boy did he manage to get himself in some deep do do crossing the toys and bikes to give away.

The border rules and the game we were all familiar with for so many years had new rules, enforced rules no less, and we all learned new lessons, expensive ones at that, about this new border, quickly.

Yet no matter how deep the do do was, he managed to keep his happy positive attitude front and center. And somehow, usually thanks to Doug and Baja Bound Insurance, he managed to bail the goods out of customs and get everything across and given away to some very deserving and appreciative people. Well almost everything.

Wonder what happened to those 200 soccer balls from China with Pakastani paperwork? ? :lol:

vacaenbaja - 10-11-2021 at 02:53 PM

Some people leave a wake in their passing. This man leaves a void.

Hopefully his acts in life of charity will be carried on in his

remembrance. D.E.P.