
Punta Chivato to border

BajaMama - 10-25-2016 at 07:27 AM

Drove home, Punta Chivato to Pleasanton, CA in two (long) days. Left Friday 10/21, Hwy. 1 in pretty good shape except for the usual spots between BOLA exit and Catavina. Some construction north of Colonet.

I usually stay at Baja Cactus in El Rosario but I wanted to be closer to the border Saturday morning so I stayed at the Parisio right off the highway just south of Colonet. More expensive than Baja Cactus (800 pesos for one person with a pet). Walls were pretty thin - between late arriving drunks, crying children and mothers and REALLY LOUD highway noise, it was not a very restful night. I did finally put my earplugs in for some quiet sleep. No frills at this place, took A LONG time to get hot water to shower, styraphome coffee cups, little ineffective soap. Next time I will stay at Baja Cactus and just get on the road earlier. Cheaper and quieter.

Used my SENTRI pass for second time - crossed at Otay - again a breeze worth every penny. Still did not get car inspected, but I did hand over my declaration form - I print up all the items I brought down and bring back on the back, and put all purchased items on the front.

The biggest difference on the trip North this time was that not one time was I asked to open up my car at the military check points - not even at San Ignacio. Maybe because I was a solo gringa? But it does seem they are very polite to tourists, which makes sense if they want our tourist dollars.

Great trip once again - fished, snorkeled, paddle boarded and played Texas Hold 'Em. Thanks once again Punta Chivato for making me feel welcome (and I apologize for my barking dog, his greeting sounds vicious, but he is actually quite friendly).

Meany - 10-25-2016 at 07:39 AM

Glad you had a good time in Chivato and a good trip back North. Thanks for the road up dates. I hope you left me some fish. We will be there next week. Oh Boy. :bounce::bounce::bounce:

BajaMama - 10-26-2016 at 09:02 AM

if you like cabrilla, pargo and cochi, you're good to go! I think there was some luck out by Tortuga. We didn't fish the blue water, just the rocks around the point.

Meany - 10-26-2016 at 09:10 AM

BajaMama..Love all three. Can't wait to get the little tin boat out. :bounce::bounce::bounce: