
Truck Damaged in Bahia de Concepcion

wlynch43 - 10-25-2016 at 05:16 PM

Driving just south of Playa Coyote. Got side swiped by one of the Baja motorcycle race support trucks on their way to meet up and refuel racers. Body damage not too bad on one side of truck but a suspension component broken, damaging steering. Their vehicle messed up as well, plus steering damage also. Many hours later made it in to Mulege where phone worked. Insurance companies had both vehicles towed to Loreto to one of their approved shops. It was their fault and will be covered by their insurance. Mean time wife and I stuck in Mulege Hotel til car repaired. Im worried about quality of repair but have no choice as we are basically trapped. We were scheduled to leave back towards border today. Should we try to get their insurance to also pay for our hotel etc costs while wailting for repair so we can leave? What a mess! Thxs.

Sweetwater - 10-25-2016 at 05:23 PM

Yes, their insurance should be billed for your expenses while your damaged vehicle is not available.

If this is a USA based team, get all pertinent information and revisit it after you return to the states. You may need an attorney since this is what they do.

Sorry to hear that racers have caused you damage and grief, some of them do not realize the impact they can have and the negative press and results they can have.

desertcpl - 10-25-2016 at 05:31 PM

sure is not the first time, support vehicles have caused accidents they drive like idiots

usually with no regard for others on the road

we no longer travel in Baja when we know races and pre races are going on, just not safe

I know I am going to get flamed on this, but it the truth

and sorry for you accident, hope it works out for you

[Edited on 10-26-2016 by desertcpl]

wlynch43 - 10-25-2016 at 05:33 PM

Thxs. They were a Mexico based team I believe. Other than accident pretty good guys really. I have no complaints about them other than being stuck. Messed up their race team as they never made it to refuel point etc. As for us, well just want to get back to states now and the usual apprehension. Anyone ever heard of Gruas del Valle in Loreto? Thats were both vehicles are at.

carlosg - 10-25-2016 at 05:46 PM

...make a staycation of it... and just enjoy your stay: have lunch and/or dinner at "EL Patron" by the beacon light, lunch at "Cocina Economica" behind Hotel Hacienda or try upstairs "Los Equipales"...etc... or call Captain Alex Bukcovecz for a great day out fishing (615) 104-3979 or just enjoy a day in the bay: with "El Burro Baja Tours" (615) 155-9114 ... so many things to do other than waist your time with the insurance guys.... however... if you can: HIT THE $%#@*&'s with all your expenses.:yes:

rts551 - 10-25-2016 at 06:16 PM

Beware. San QUintin Valley wil be a mess during this years Baja 1000. Support crew racing north and south at the same time.

shari - 10-25-2016 at 06:21 PM

any reason you arent in Loreto watching over the repairs? Make sure you check to see all your parts are under the hood like the same battery you had...I have seen yards switch out part on cars being repaired...which is why it is a good idea to be close by and checking in a few times a day bugging them so they realize you are on it.

David K - 10-25-2016 at 06:32 PM

What race is pre-running in Baja Sur now?

bajaguy - 10-25-2016 at 06:40 PM

Your Mexican insurance may cover rental car while your car is being repaired

del mar - 10-25-2016 at 06:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
What race is pre-running in Baja Sur now?

cabo 500?

desertcpl - 10-25-2016 at 07:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by shari  
any reason you arent in Loreto watching over the repairs? Make sure you check to see all your parts are under the hood like the same battery you had...I have seen yards switch out part on cars being repaired...which is why it is a good idea to be close by and checking in a few times a day bugging them so they realize you are on it.

exactly what I was thinking, not a good idea not to be near

rts551 - 10-25-2016 at 07:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
What race is pre-running in Baja Sur now?

Sounds like it was an actual race. Lots of local races going on the last couple of weeks.

rts551 - 10-25-2016 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
What race is pre-running in Baja Sur now?

I know this is no the right location, but for example the Costera 250 is this weekend in Constitucion.

[Edited on 10-26-2016 by rts551]

mtgoat666 - 10-25-2016 at 08:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by desertcpl  

sure is not the first time, support vehicles have caused accidents they drive like idiots

usually with no regard for others on the road

we no longer travel in Baja when we know races and pre races are going on, just not safe

I know I am going to get flamed on this, but it the truth

and sorry for you accident, hope it works out for you

[Edited on 10-26-2016 by desertcpl]


BajaBlanca - 10-26-2016 at 03:55 AM

so sorry for your headache and sure hope that it all works out in the end.

you can easily take a bus to get to Loreto if you don't manage to get a rental car, everyone is right, best to be nearby so they associate a face with the vehicle.

wlynch43 - 10-26-2016 at 08:42 AM

Thanks for all input. This race started in Ensenada if that will help. If anyone knows the organization that sponsors race please let me know if you dont mind. Had to come back to Mulege as I was alone wife back in Mulege going thru shops, plus I had her diabetes meds with me as I was only gonna be gone an hour or so. Had to get back to her! Adjuster will meet us today in Mulege, I am anxious to talk to her about all issues. And yes those support trucks drive like lunatics. The guys who hit me were rushing to meet bikes with supplies etc aprrox 17 km south of where we were. I do have a few minor, non urgent injuries that need to be addressed as well. They came close to T boning me right into drivers side door, I very well may have been killed or very seriously injured. Thanks

TMW - 10-26-2016 at 10:37 AM

The Cabo 500 does not start in Ensenada and does not run in northern Baja.

Code had a race out of Mexicali Oct 21-23 but it was a 75 mile loop.

Most likely a local race out of Mulege or loreto.

pacificobob - 10-26-2016 at 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by desertcpl  

sure is not the first time, support vehicles have caused accidents they drive like idiots

usually with no regard for others on the road

we no longer travel in Baja when we know races and pre races are going on, just not safe

I know I am going to get flamed on this, but it the truth

and sorry for you accident, hope it works out for you

sorry for your bad luck. i think any of us who have driven the peninsula a lot have seen the race support idiots driving like mexico is their personal playground. my favorite is having all the stadium lighting illuminated in mid day coming around the corners in the wrong lane. what dicks!

[Edited on 10-26-2016 by desertcpl]

rts551 - 10-26-2016 at 12:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pacificobob  
Quote: Originally posted by desertcpl  

sure is not the first time, support vehicles have caused accidents they drive like idiots

usually with no regard for others on the road

we no longer travel in Baja when we know races and pre races are going on, just not safe

I know I am going to get flamed on this, but it the truth

and sorry for you accident, hope it works out for you

sorry for your bad luck. i think any of us who have driven the peninsula a lot have seen the race support idiots driving like mexico is their personal playground. my favorite is having all the stadium lighting illuminated in mid day coming around the corners in the wrong lane. what dicks!

[Edited on 10-26-2016 by desertcpl]

There was a rally out of Ensenada ?????

mjs - 10-26-2016 at 04:18 PM

The Baja Rally only went as far south as Catavina. Support crews cannot work on the bikes during the race so no need to rush anywhere. And no accidents during the event that I am aware of involving any crew or race officials (of which I was one).

wlynch43 - 10-26-2016 at 05:40 PM

One rider broke arm or leg and in hospital in Ensenada. From crew that I had encounter with. They were delivering fuel I believe.

rts551 - 10-26-2016 at 05:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mjs  
The Baja Rally only went as far south as Catavina. Support crews cannot work on the bikes during the race so no need to rush anywhere. And no accidents during the event that I am aware of involving any crew or race officials (of which I was one).

That is the only race originating out of Ensenada recently. The 250 in BCS originated in Constitucion and ended in La Paz.

wlynch43 - 10-26-2016 at 06:37 PM

Thanks. Only relaying what these guys said. Mystery, lies deepen. Got a call morning after accident from one of the "support crew." Identified himself as Benjamin Obeso, Said both vehicles impounded, neither can be released til both parties there. Said he was at fault, cleared repairs with his insurance company. Repairs to be made by one of the best in baja, Gruas del Valle. Please come to Loreto ASAP to gef both vehicles released so repairs, covered by his insurance company, could start. I didnt go and after talking to insurance adjuster today, said no authorized repair shop in Loreto. Said other gentlemans insurance did not authorize any repairs for either vehicle. Turns out Gruas del Valle is a TOWING company. Gotta love Mexico...I wil never again step foot in this country, especially after dealing with ACE insurance adjuster today.... caught her in multiple " misnomers", shes as bad as one Benjamin Obeso. Cant wait to get this cluster of a fiasco over with and leave this place forever....little wonder all the raised eyebrows when I said.....goin to Mexico!

bajaguy - 10-26-2016 at 06:53 PM

Who did you purchase your insurance from??

Quote: Originally posted by wlynch43  
Thanks. Only relaying what these guys said. Mystery, lies deepen. Got a call morning after accident from one of the "support crew." Identified himself as Benjamin Obeso, Said both vehicles impounded, neither can be released til both parties there. Said he was at fault, cleared repairs with his insurance company. Repairs to be made by one of the best in baja, Gruas del Valle. Please come to Loreto ASAP to gef both vehicles released so repairs, covered by his insurance company, could start. I didnt go and after talking to insurance adjuster today, said no authorized repair shop in Loreto. Said other gentlemans insurance did not authorize any repairs for either vehicle. Turns out Gruas del Valle is a TOWING company. Gotta love Mexico...I wil never again step foot in this country, especially after dealing with ACE insurance adjuster today.... caught her in multiple " misnomers", shes as bad as one Benjamin Obeso. Cant wait to get this cluster of a fiasco over with and leave this place forever....little wonder all the raised eyebrows when I said.....goin to Mexico!

willardguy - 10-26-2016 at 07:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wlynch43  
Thanks. Only relaying what these guys said. Mystery, lies deepen. Got a call morning after accident from one of the "support crew." Identified himself as Benjamin Obeso, Said both vehicles impounded, neither can be released til both parties there. Said he was at fault, cleared repairs with his insurance company. Repairs to be made by one of the best in baja, Gruas del Valle. Please come to Loreto ASAP to gef both vehicles released so repairs, covered by his insurance company, could start. I didnt go and after talking to insurance adjuster today, said no authorized repair shop in Loreto. Said other gentlemans insurance did not authorize any repairs for either vehicle. Turns out Gruas del Valle is a TOWING company. Gotta love Mexico...I wil never again step foot in this country, especially after dealing with ACE insurance adjuster today.... caught her in multiple " misnomers", shes as bad as one Benjamin Obeso. Cant wait to get this cluster of a fiasco over with and leave this place forever....little wonder all the raised eyebrows when I said.....goin to Mexico!

:lol:...well we appreciate your candor, you're not the first to have a bad experience here!

mtgoat666 - 10-26-2016 at 07:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wlynch43  
Thanks. Only relaying what these guys said. Mystery, lies deepen. Got a call morning after accident from one of the "support crew." Identified himself as Benjamin Obeso, Said both vehicles impounded, neither can be released til both parties there. Said he was at fault, cleared repairs with his insurance company. Repairs to be made by one of the best in baja, Gruas del Valle. Please come to Loreto ASAP to gef both vehicles released so repairs, covered by his insurance company, could start. I didnt go and after talking to insurance adjuster today, said no authorized repair shop in Loreto. Said other gentlemans insurance did not authorize any repairs for either vehicle. Turns out Gruas del Valle is a TOWING company. Gotta love Mexico...I wil never again step foot in this country, especially after dealing with ACE insurance adjuster today.... caught her in multiple " misnomers", shes as bad as one Benjamin Obeso. Cant wait to get this cluster of a fiasco over with and leave this place forever....little wonder all the raised eyebrows when I said.....goin to Mexico!

Miscommunication and confusion are common in Mexico. More so when dealing across a language barrier. Take a chill pill, roll with the punches, it will all work out. Always look on the bright side of life. Seriously, just keep forging on and laugh, it will all work out. Don't write off Mexico yet.

Who was you insurance agent? Maybe call them to get them to straighten out ACE.

mjs - 10-26-2016 at 07:49 PM

I should clarify that there were no accidents involving civilian or support vehicles during the Baja Rally that I am aware of. A few racers got hurt but none seriously. And fuel was supplied by the race organization via Baja Pits at prearranged locations or at the Pemex in El Rosario.

Did you get a name of the "race" team? Maybe this was some sort of tour group?

wlynch43 - 10-27-2016 at 06:21 AM

looking at pics I took, their sign appears to read Sons of Baja. Perhaps a tour, private group of riders??? Anyway tired of the gross incompetence of these hokey Mexican Insurance companies and their reps. I wasted two days waiting for adjuster, who would chane her answer multiple times for 75% of questions asked. Total incompetence. Will catch a bus into Loreto, bring a change of clothes, go to tow company, find out what the heck is going on for real. I will then see if I can get inner outer driver side tie rod ends expidited shipping to Loreto and fix them myself. Will drive truck with damaged bidy back to Tijuana, take truck in to authorized body shop and negotiate cost myself. Let this be a lesson to you...never fall for the rhetoric you read on insurance sites like bajabound etc. You are on your own once policy sold to you and the staff they have here in Mexico are apalling. And this cant be blamed on communication as my wife is Mexican and 1000% fluent. The issue is, well, the gross lack of competency of the staff here in Mexici.....never again people!

Mula - 10-27-2016 at 06:45 AM

Maybe it's just me, but this whole scene seems unreal.

willyAirstream - 10-27-2016 at 07:40 AM

There is a great mechanic in Loreto who will help you. He may be able to get parts for you also. His name is Fili, shop is on the highway, west side, just past the airport turn off, long conc block building, no sign. Tele 613 137 8316 He has tow truck if needed. If you need to order partsfrom the usa, fed ex, dhl can get your parts to la Paz in 2 days, then it is sub contracted to Ram delivery, which comes to loreto/mulege on tuesdats and fridays. Most parts are available in baja, what kind of truck? If you need a ride or want to borrow a van, let me know. There have been no local races around here that would require a chase crew, must have been a private tour.

Insurance Broker

bajaguy - 10-27-2016 at 08:15 AM

Who did you purchase your insurance through???

And did you contact them??

BajaGeoff - 10-27-2016 at 12:15 PM

Hello wlynch43,

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time with this situation. If you have a policy from Baja Bound please give the office a call at 1-888-552-2252 and we would be happy to look into this on your behalf. We are in regular contact with the ACE claims department and can also follow up regarding the adjuster that you have been working with.

wlynch43 - 10-28-2016 at 11:44 AM

Hi Geoff, we have phone issues here in Mulege, will contact you when possible, thanks. Returned from Loreto, the tower, Mario at Gruas del Valle said they have heard zero, nothing, nada from our Mexican insurers. We paid from our own pockets for towing, supposedly covered by insurance, and had vehicle towed to local garage. Also too, our adjuster, Alexandra Perez, told us she had gone to tower to view vehicle. Yet the staff at the tow company said no one had been there as of yesterday afternoon. I thought it funny that adjuster hemmed and hawed around when asked what her estimate is. She finally came up with a "number" but said may not be accurate. Anyway ended up on own nickel, having local shop order inner and outer tie rod end from LaPaz. Parts will be in late today and they will install. Funny thing is when asked about getting repaired in LaPaz as towing to LaPaz was supposedly 100% covered, Alexandra said yes but unfortunately in LaPaz repair would take up to four weeks due to lack of parts. Low and behold Dodge Mexico is actually in LaPaz, parts readily available! We will get truck driveable in Loreto, drive it with damaged body back to Mulege, pick up our utility trailer here, then drive to Tijuana ourselves to do body repair. That way will not have to drive back to Mulege to pick up trailer. I am waiting to hear back from insurance on this. Beginning to think we will not only not get reimbursed for towing and steering repair paid out of pocket, doubt very much if ANYTHING will be covered by this hokey Mexican insurance company. From our experience, little wonder why so many in states view so negatively anything Mexico.

wlynch43 - 10-28-2016 at 01:05 PM

Hi Geoff. We will be sending you a private mail via this forum. I will include policy and claim number plus way to contact us at hotel. Need help as we have now entered the Twilight Zone. When we met with adjuster,we were told she was Alexandra Perez. We were all talking, using her name, etc etc. She even left us Alaxandras email address for communication. We used a local land line minutes ago to call Alexandra Perez to confirm everything and verify she got email. We were talking to Alexandra at office. When we questioned her she said she knew nothing about our claim, that she is Alexandra and she was not the person who met with us, that was someone else who came and spoke for her! She said we are confused and she knows nothing about meeting, claim etc. Twilight Zone for sure. This is just unbelieveable. I rest my case.

wlynch43 - 10-28-2016 at 01:23 PM

Noticed no email on ur account Geoff, we have contacted bajabound via website.
To person who keeps asking about wife, stop reassigning blame, my wife is fully versed in Mexican culture, being from Juanajato(sp). She didnt even speak english til 8-9 years old so pleeeease stop!

norte - 10-28-2016 at 01:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wlynch43  
Noticed no email on ur account Geoff, we have contacted bajabound via website.
To person who keeps asking about wife, stop reassigning blame, my wife is fully versed in Mexican culture, being from Juanajato(sp). She didnt even speak english til 8-9 years old so pleeeease stop!

so sorry you have had this problem. We know what it is like to deal with Mexico and it is tough. They are corrupt. I would take your discussion elsewhere since any negative comments on this forum will get you immediately attacked. It will be all your fault. Best of luck and hope your USA contact can help. Maybe your can get to San Diego for repairs.

BajaGeoff - 10-28-2016 at 02:29 PM

Hello Walter,

I just sent you an email. I contacted the ACE office in Tijuana and they will be calling the hotel to start getting this figured out. I will call the hotel in Mulege shortly as well to follow up.

Bob and Susan - 10-28-2016 at 03:11 PM

and this is why you buy from bajabound...

when IT happens you get support...if you ask

motoged - 10-28-2016 at 03:33 PM

Did they buy from Bajabound?

Geoff first asked who their insurer was....I assumed he was just being helpful even if they didn't buy from him.

I just purchased 6 months of insurance from Bajabound....and hope I won't need to talk with Geoff :coolup:

elgatoloco - 10-28-2016 at 03:39 PM



KurtG - 10-29-2016 at 08:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wlynch43  
Hi Geoff, we have phone issues here in Mulege, .

I don't understand this part, phone service from Mulege to the states has never been a problem for me whether with a Mexican cell or land line. If you don't have access to a phone just walk over to La Tienda, buy a Ladatel phone card and use the phone in the store. Easy and cheap.

TMW - 10-29-2016 at 10:11 AM

Having dealt with insurance companies covering three wrecks in Baja over the years I can only say be patience, patience and more patience. It took me 6 months to get my 91 chevy 4x4 back. In all three cases I did most of the leg work in getting the paper work completed. The only crooked cops I dealt with were the Federal police in Mexicali as well as the city cops there. Pay off is expected.

A side note, the Federal Police will not speak to you in English when dealing with a wreck claim. If you don't speak fluent Spanish bring someone who does.

shari - 10-30-2016 at 11:26 AM

I want to thank Geoff for responding here....very big of him...and I really REALLY wonder if wlynch had insurance from Baja Bound...and if not, why he bashed it? Several people have asked who he had insurance with...why no answer?

Alm - 10-30-2016 at 01:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wlynch43  
Should we try to get their insurance to also pay for our hotel etc costs

You may try. Will they pay or not, depends on what insurance contract says.

Edit-PS: it's Bahia_Concepcion.

[Edited on 10-30-2016 by Alm]

rts551 - 10-30-2016 at 02:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by shari  
Several people have asked who he had insurance with...why no answer?


Why would you say that, Lencho? A leach? Do you know these people? Aas many have said, Mexican insurance companies are not always that responsive.

[Edited on 10-30-2016 by rts551]

norte - 10-30-2016 at 03:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by shari  
Several people have asked who he had insurance with...why no answer?


Why would you say that, Lencho? A leach? Do you know these people? Aas many have said, Mexican insurance companies are not always that responsive.

[Edited on 10-30-2016 by rts551]

Didn't I warn the Original Poster about this site. Share any bad experiences and the name callers come out. Mexican insurance companies are the leaches.

mtgoat666 - 10-31-2016 at 07:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Why would you say that, Lencho? A leach? Do you know these people?

Only from the interaction here: Asking for advice without responding to questions by those trying to help, is in my perception a one-way energy flow.

Nobody here owes nobody nothing.

...and... some of you can't read. The OP earlier said his insurance is with ACE.

wlynch43 - 11-3-2016 at 08:05 AM

Back in USA, no closer to resolution. Will get truck fixed up here. Yes insurance thru bajabound. And no wont not come back due to bad insurance company but will give it much thought about poor narrow road, coupled with big rig traffic etc. Never anywhere and Ive been all over tbe place have I seen so many roadside memorials on one road as in baja, perhaps thats a message to the living, especially when traveling with family who depend on you to do whats best for them.

4x4abc - 11-3-2016 at 06:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by desertcpl  

sure is not the first time, support vehicles have caused accidents they drive like idiots

usually with no regard for others on the road

we no longer travel in Baja when we know races and pre races are going on, just not safe

I know I am going to get flamed on this, but it the truth

and sorry for you accident, hope it works out for you

[Edited on 10-26-2016 by desertcpl]



wlynch43 - 11-4-2016 at 10:15 AM

I have been contacted by insurance company again. Yes support had insurance. My advice to you is not to have someone who speaks spanish be the intermediate person. Even if fluent etc things just get misunderstood or misinterpreted. Ask for english speaking insurance rep and make sure they are truly fluent in english. Have both parties, u and insurance, follow up with email as u will then have written record. I am still not exactly sure what is up. I have had two or three different claim numbers plus two different versions of whose fault it was. Each time I had a different claim number. Honestly I believe there is possibly under the table gratuities, etc going on. My wife had a small accident in the states, within three days we were at adjuster, next day we had a check in hand. Within a week car was repaired. You can talk all you want about the way things operate in baja, the required bribes, the cultural way of things, etc and thats fine. I will opt for the the process up here in the States every time. We get it done up here....most of the time anyway!

bajaguy - 11-4-2016 at 11:48 AM

My experience was just the opposite of yours......

I had HDI Seguros insurance purchased through Bajabound. A wheel separated and ended up rolling my truck while on Blvd 2000. Called the HDI 24/7 number, talked to an English speaking operator and had an English speaking adjuster show up....

Next morning called Bajabound and personally talked to Geoff, informing him of the accident. Met with the HDI adjuster a few days later at the tow yard, moved the truck to a bodyshop in Ensenada and had everything repaired to my satisfaction using genuine Toyota parts.

Geoff and the adjuster were in contact with me once a week during repairs. After the repairs and while back in the states had several more follow-up e-mails and calls from Geoff and the adjuster.

Extemely satisfied with HDI and Bajabound/Geoff

wlynch43 - 11-6-2016 at 02:37 PM

Wish I could report the same. Didnt have HDI but have been told by locals tbey are the best between ACE and themselves. If there is ever a next time I would try them but that is a very long "If." As it stands now they want a cancelled check and honestly I have fears of doing that with them. Big fears. Thanks for your input.

Hook - 11-23-2016 at 08:34 AM

Whatever became of this claim?


a possessor of ACE Insurance through Baja Bound.