
Drive to BAHIA LAS ANIMAS (July, 2004)

David K - 2-5-2005 at 12:13 AM

We Visited Las Animas

You know how I say So Much Baja, So Little Time? Well, it is true... I am big on Baja, but will need many lifetimes to see it 'all'! I have been past the road to Bahia las Animas several times, but never on it... until last Monday (7-5-04).

I have seen photos, Marv Sherrill's (Baja Calendar) video of his school's famous field trip there, and it stares at me from my many wall maps at Casa David K, but I needed to see Bahia las Animas for myself.

I also knew that the Erle Stanley Gardner expedition of 1966 went there just before discovering the ruins that MIGHT have been a mission started, but not completed... called Sant Maria Magdalena on the Jesuit map ( ). Using two photos taken at the site, I have traveled the roads south of L.A. Bay trying to 'see' that same mountain ridge... no luck, yet.

Debra, her son and grand daughter were in her Toyota 4Runner (with a motor twice rebuilt in the last 2 months). My two teenagers, Bo's daughter Andee, and I were in my Toyota Tacoma.

The following is from my trip book notes:

0.0 L.A. Bay where one leaves the pavement heading south from the Xitlala (yellow) market intersection.

3.35 mi. Access road right to the Santa Marta mine tram line seen going up the mountain (next trip).

4.14 mi. Camp Gecko Driveway, office is 0.2 mi. left.

0.0 Camp Gecko Driveway (28-53.96', 113-31.85' Map Datum is NAD27 Mexico)

5.7 Las Flores Jail to the west of road here

8.1 Road bends left, a 'Jeep' trail continues straight 3 miles to the end of the railroad line (terminal canyon) and bottom of the cable tram line from the San Juan mines at the top of the mountains ( )

18.5 Old road south via Valle la Bocana (San Rafael) turns right at No Hunting sign and car door with decals. Continue straight.

22.3 Bahia las Animas road turns left, go left. (28-40.52', 113-21.72')

The 11.3 mile road in is okay for 2WD, but no low body vehicles. At each fork, keep left. Right branches go to the mud flats and may be wet during big tide periods of the month (full and new moons). Mangroves are in the back bay at the end of the road, a small islet is off the point east of the fish camp. GPS at the fine beach near the camp is 28-48.57', 113-21.34'

Fish jumping, birds diving, clear water, hundreds of giant squid beached themselves near here. Friendly pelican allowed Sarah to pick it up and pet it!
Very special Baja place. One family camping on beach. Worth a return and camp. Surf fishing looks promissing.

On the way out, I saw nothing that looked like the photo from 1966... Lost Mission is still lost!

Photos at

[Edited on 2-5-2005 by David K]

Las Flores Railroad (south of L.A. Bay)

David K - 2-5-2005 at 12:19 AM

Here is Doc on the elevated train line near the southern end of the railroad line.
This is surrounded by desert vegetation and virtually unseen until you are right on top of it! Access from side road at Mi. 8.1 above post.

[Edited on 2-7-2005 by David K]

Bahia las Animas

David K - 2-7-2005 at 10:56 AM

Pelican at Las Animas

David K - 2-7-2005 at 11:09 AM

He just swallowed one of the many squid on the beach...

return trip

BajaDanD - 2-10-2005 at 12:22 AM

David When are you going back I want to tag along maybe. or if anyone else is going there this year I would love to drive there Ive been there by boat but couldnt find the way there by truck Im thinking end of May early June maybe. I drive a Toyota Tacoma 4x4

David K - 2-10-2005 at 08:38 AM

I am sure anyone from this web site would welcome you to follow them in... However, I think my trip mileages and GPS give you two ways to find the road (it is signed as well)... should nobody be around when you are at L.A. Bay.

Here's L.A. Bay from Baja Bush Pilot's web site ...

Return Trip

BajaDanD - 2-11-2005 at 12:28 AM

David, I am sure I can find My way with your Gps Way points and Mileages but I dont feel comfortable driving roads Ive never been on without at least another vehicle hopefully one whos driver knows the way and the road. Ive driven all over Baja, not as much as you, just wondering If I can tag along sometime with someone who knows what is where, I am sure I miss alot of nice places because I dont know whats down that almost hidden dirt road that looks like an animal path. We have gone to Baja 5-6 times a year, for the last 10 years. Every year we try to go some place we have never been to before as well as the places we Like/Love. A lot of the places we go to we have gotten the Idea to go there from one of your pictures or Trip reports or from info on your web site. Thanks.

David K - 2-11-2005 at 08:52 AM

That's great to hear Dan!

Of course you are welcome to join me anytime I am in Baja on an adventure...

I have nothing firm planned, as school vacation, money, and ??? guide my ability to travel south.

Check in to my Baja Notebook as I will post there when I am leaving again...

Some ideas: L.A. Bay for Spring Break (Mar. 26- Apr. 3)... possible side trips: Pacific Coast, San Pablo Visita (south of Santa Gertrudis), Lost Mission Hunt VI, ???

Hiking up Arroyo Grande is also on my to-do list (the A.G. north of San Juan de Dios) as Jide, Mexitron, and others want to do this...

Naturally, next time I am near the El Marmol road at Hwy. 1, I will visit the geoglyph we were discussing here. Marvin Patchen ('Baja Adventures by land, air, sea' & 'Baja Outpost') has been emailing me more details and another Nomad sent me a copy of the detailed paper on the site written by Marv and Eva Ewing.

What do I say?: So much baja, So little time!


BajaDanD - 2-11-2005 at 11:02 PM

Thanks David we are going to Guerrero Negro Mar 11th then Back up to San Quintin as we only have 4 days, this time. we will be going down to BDLA at the end of May, also going to try to fit in one more trip between now and then. We like to do the spur of the moment type trips as often as possable. Sometimes the plan is to have no plan. Just go, we have found some of the best places and had some of our best trips that way. Las Animas will have to wait until May, I think, if I can wait that long.