
Central Desert Flower Update?

Don Jorge - 2-5-2005 at 08:51 AM

Planning a trip. Does anyone have a current report or estimate on peak of flowering for the Central Desert Region of Baja. I know it is coming soon and any info would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Joaquin Suave - 2-5-2005 at 08:58 AM

Wait a minute!!!

Your supossed to be the expert in flowering plants!

Have a fun trip you Bat Rastard!

Let me know if you desire to stay a night or 2 at the rancho...

I'll write you a note for the boys.


Don Jorge....flowering in central Baja..

Pompano - 2-6-2005 at 01:43 PM

My wife and I just returned from a quick trip to San Diego and back to Conception Bay. We saw lots of flowers everywhere...a very colorful desert landscape..and many varieties of flowers. This picture does not do them justice.

flowers in central Baja...........

Pompano - 2-6-2005 at 01:46 PM

DianaT - 2-6-2005 at 03:52 PM

Not great photos, but they show the green and flowers at the end of January. Have never seen it so green.

DianaT - 2-6-2005 at 03:53 PM

Picture by Santa Ynez Rancho--Catavina

Hola, Don Jorge,

Hook - 2-7-2005 at 10:58 AM

fellow SJC resident.

Cant speak to Baja as I wont be down until March but Anza Borrego is sure going off. The best early season the old timers can ever remember; looking to be even better than the El Nino years. Even the late bloomers like the Desert Lily are abundant. But they predict the peak will be in Feb., not the usual March peak.

Possibly some conclusions for the northern and central Baja deserts can be drawn from these observations.

I am going for the Prez Day weekend, somewhere below Scissors Xing. Still no charge for primitive camping in ABDSP.

Don Jorge - 2-8-2005 at 05:46 AM

Thanks everyone for the info. Looks like now is good. Even the local hills and mountains are going off early as I discovered Sunday. Wow, this year is going to be a fun trip!

We had rain last week here in Mulege area

Mexray - 2-8-2005 at 11:23 AM

The end of last week it rained off-an-on all night long, with some heavier 'pours' on our palapa roof...sounded appeared to travel north-west from here, so the desert up towards SI and BOLA sould have gotten a nice 'sip' of agua to brighten up the flora...

Alas, we're heading back north this Thursday, so will have a first-hand report to offer in a few days...

Here's a pic of life on Bahia Concepcion this week....

More rain possible

Hook - 2-9-2005 at 10:28 AM

this Thursday and Friday in northern Baja as a sub-tropical system is expected to come on shore from the southwest.

This could extend the peak in Alta and Baja well into March!

will someone to something to make it last until early April?

BajaVida - 2-9-2005 at 06:52 PM

we'll be in BOLA on 4/8

Yeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Barry A. - 2-10-2005 at 09:56 AM

We will be spending 3 weeks in Anza-Borrego (Borrego Springs) starting on Pres. day weekend-------been waiting for a "bloom" like this for years. This is going to be great!!!! Thanks, Hook, (and others) for the heads-up. Barry

Barry A.

Hook - 2-10-2005 at 10:05 AM

Where you gonna be on Prez Day? At the main campground?

Have you seen the Desert USA wildflower report recently? Good info on where to go. The usual spots in the north are good but it's tough to beat the variety of the south.


Barry A. - 2-10-2005 at 11:53 AM

Not familiar with the "Desert USA Wildflower Report".

We are lucky enough to have the use of a hacienda at the old "de Anza Country Club", a couple of miles north of the main Palm Canyon Campground. We will be driving an old-style 4-dr '89 White Isuzu Trooper 4x4 with a small luggage rack on the top.

Our plans are not set in stone, yet, but tentatively we will arriving in Borrego Springs mid-day on Sunday, 2/20. There are a lot of loose ends that we have to clean up before leaving our home in Redding, CA (way up north) so who knows if we will stick with this plan, but we hope to. Thanks for asking.

What do you all drive?


Oh, sure, the De Anza area.

Hook - 2-10-2005 at 02:16 PM

Look for signs of fast-moving water that came through last year. Believe it may have taken out some homes in De Anza. Also caused much damage in the main campground itself, including the destruction of some of those stone structures they had in there.

Here is the wildflower link:

....and this place has nice dining.

I drive a Ford F-350 with a Lance but will probably just park it at our camp in the south part of the park. A friend is supposed to bring his H-2 Hummer along and that is what we will use to get around. Although, I expect we will do more hiking than anything. Still, never been in a Hummer. Probably point him up or down Carrizo Wash and see how it does.


Barry A. - 2-10-2005 at 05:54 PM

Hook----we heard about the floods----my sisters house in de Anza survived, so we are still "in luck". We will keep our eyes open for a hummer----they are not hard to see (-: -----

sorry to hear about the "stone structures" being damaged, or destroyed-----I camped in those stone structures back in 1945, and for the years after, and I really have some good memories----they protected us more than once from the hellacious winds that can come down Palm Canyon. Oh, yeahhhhhhhh!!!!


Don Jorge - 2-11-2005 at 06:03 AM

More rain! This is going to be an epic year for desert bloom. We are going to the central desert region Feb 25- March 3.
Going to Anza tonight for a few days.
Be safe!

Another 3/4 inch

Hook - 2-11-2005 at 10:23 AM

reported in the CAnebrake region overnight.

This is going to be incredible!

BornFisher - 2-11-2005 at 12:58 PM

The desert out toward Arbreojos was a carpet of gold 2 weeks ago. I`ll try to post a pic here.....

David K - 2-11-2005 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Hook
reported in the CAnebrake region overnight.

This is going to be incredible!

Canebrake? Are Marvin and Aletha neighbors of yours?

bajajudy - 2-11-2005 at 04:55 PM

I took this shot on the way to San Ignacio Lagoon. With all the new rain anyone taking the trip down #1 will have an eyefull.

bajajudy - 2-11-2005 at 04:59 PM

That didnt turn out as good as I had hoped. But this is a closup of the flowers. These were both taken last Sunday

No, David.....

Hook - 2-11-2005 at 08:36 PM

....they are not neighbors, but my wife and I have visited them a few times. Even made it into the hot tub with the, uh, interesting dress code. Hey, I grew up in the '60s...what the hell!

We like them alot......Marv is still a great storyteller. Has also taken us around in that Mitsubishi/Dodge "jeep" of his. c-cktail Ridge, Tapiado,, I'm name dropping.

My source is Frank, a neighbor of theirs, who has an extensive email distribution list of weather data from the area.

Desert Lily

Don Jorge - 2-14-2005 at 03:30 AM

Just getting better in the deserts!

yankeeirishman - 2-14-2005 at 09:01 AM

the whole desert is full of colors now. Even the Dantilillo (Yuca Tree) in the Victorville area is in full flora bloom.

You Watch!

Pappy Jon - 2-17-2005 at 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Hook
But they predict the peak will be in Feb., not the usual March peak.

I don't think I can agree. As long as it keeps raining the wildflowers will continue until the weather cooks them off, usually late March in the low desert. This is, by far, one of the best seasons I've ever "seen," in quotes because I'm stuck looking at the pics at Desert USA and getting reports from friends in Palm Springs.

I have full confidence that by the time I get there the middle of March the flowers will still be up and blooming. There is my prediction. If anything the shrubs and trees will be going full blast.

Enjoy it folks. This is a once in a lifetime bloom.

I posted that....

Hook - 2-17-2005 at 09:39 AM

...before the last rain storm and updated it in a subsequent post.

Mid-March for the low deserts, early April for the high deserts

Don Jorge - 2-17-2005 at 10:18 AM

We did did Anza this past weekend. The desert lily is just beginning to bloom. Many, many flowering plants still in young vegetative state.
This bloom has legs and will last till the cookoff indeed.
This is as good as it gets or at least as good as I have seen in the 30 years I have been stopping to smell the flowers.
We cannot wait to get back to the central desert of Baja!! It is going to be awesome!

Pappy Jon - 2-17-2005 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Don Jorge
This is as good as it gets or at least as good as I have seen in the 30 years I have been stopping to smell the flowers.

Did you realize that when you smell a flower you are sticking your nose into the sexual organs of another species?


cochino malcreado

BajaVida - 2-17-2005 at 05:56 PM

Don Jorge

Hook - 2-17-2005 at 09:36 PM

Where did you go? At what elevation? Is your avatar in Vallecito Wash?

We are leaving after work Friday and are still undecided. Rain will not stop us....only force us to consider where washouts may occurr.

Fritz C. on Channel 4 News says it is possible for the coastal areas to get 4-8 inches between now and Tuesday AM!

[Edited on 2-18-2005 by Hook]

Don Jorge - 2-17-2005 at 10:06 PM

We went into the Indian Gorge area this trip but everywhere is going off. That avitar is from that zone. Lots of water and signs of recent water in the usual slick spots.
Also, are you PJ of AllCoast?
Don't pay any attention to Fritz, this storm doesn't have the energy he thinks it does.
Have a great trip!

Arthur - 2-18-2005 at 09:31 AM

Irishman, what was that image that you posted? -- looks kinda like a potato vine. Didn't look like any kind of yucca that I know.

Anyway, it's a great shot, and it's now my wallpaper. Thanks!

Pappy Jon - 2-18-2005 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Arthur
Irishman, what was that image that you posted? -- looks kinda like a potato vine.

Solanum xantii. You'll need to look up a common name. It's mostly a chaparral plant, but does creep over the mountains to the desert edge.

Hook - 2-18-2005 at 06:37 PM

Also, are you PJ of AllCoast?

Si, amigo.

We will be pretty close to Indian Gorge; we have a few secret spots (shhhhhh!) along Vallecito Wash.

Which fork did you take in Indian Gorge? Did you overnight it? I have never noticed any camps other than the ones at the dead ends.

Natalie Ann - 2-18-2005 at 11:30 PM

Solanum jasminoides - Potato Vine
a vine with either white or blue blooms about an inch across with blooms in clusters of 8-10

Solanum xantii
and evergreen shrub, erect or sprawling to 2 ft. with purple inch-long flowers in late winter, spring.

an evergreen shrub or tree , many species but all have clusters of tough, sword-shped leaves and large clusters of white or whitish flowers.

*Info courtesy of Sunset Western Garden Book, 6th edition

[Edited on 2-19-2005 by Natalie Ann]

Mexitron - 2-19-2005 at 10:32 AM

Actually, its Solanum hindsianum(Mariola or Ojo de Libre), and grows from the San Quintin area south to Cabo and some into Sonora. Its a common component of the Central Desert Flora....beautiful plant. Always seems to be in bloom. Solanum xantii is, as mentioned, a chaparral component, and is found all over the peninsula but at generally speaking higher altitudes(Sierra Juarez, San Pedro Martir, San Borja sierras, and so on) where the chapparral community is accomodated.

Pappy Jon - 2-19-2005 at 02:23 PM

Well, if that pic was taken in Baja I might agree depending on where it was taken. Baja nightshade has silvery leaves and lighter blue flowers. I've grown it before. The flowers in that pic look too dark for S. hindsianum.

So now the Yank needs to tell us where the pic was taken.

Mexitron - 2-19-2005 at 03:45 PM

It looks like the central/eastern peninsula desert area in the photo.....I checked out Munz and Wiggins, can't find any S. xantii, or varieties, in the desert areas....but I've been wrong before:cool:

Natalie Ann - 2-19-2005 at 03:53 PM

Victorville - he says it's in that area. Where is that? I'd really like to know the identity of this plant... would like to know its approximate height/size of leaves/flowers.

Just got back from ABDSP yesterday.

Hook - 2-21-2005 at 10:50 AM

Cut short our visit by one day due to the weather reports.

We traveled ABDSP from the San Felipe Grade as far south as Carrizo Wash, including forays into Vallecito Wash, Carrizo Wash, Bow Willow Wash and Arroyo Tapiado.

At least in the south part of the park, I would say the peak has yet to occur.
the heighth of the desert lilies and heliotrope/phacelia and the cactus' are a few weeks away. Ocotillo are still a few weeks away, too (at least), as well as the hedgehogs and teddy bears. Verbenia and monkeyflower in full form as well as Dune Evening Primrose.

Conventional cars can travel south on the Vallecito creek road as far as the entrance to Tapiado. After that, 4WD is recommended.

Two GREAT spots....the southeast facing knoll behind "Hollywood and Vine" and the west facing slope just past the entrance to Tapiado along Vallecito Creek.

Here's a shot

Elevations about 2000 feet in the south are nowhere near going off, especially Blair Valley area.

[Edited on 2-21-2005 by Hook]

Mexitron - 2-21-2005 at 02:24 PM

Nice photo! Thanks for the info.

Nice shots everyone.

Don Jorge - 2-21-2005 at 04:50 PM

I was back at ABSP, returned this morning. Sunday afternoon tried to bag Granite Peak and turned back in the rain and fog at peak 5120?
We are leaving for Baja, Thursday 24th.
ABSP is as close to Baja as California can get, but we all know Baja is thee Sonoran Desert and I am chomping at the bit to make multiple runs there this epic season.
FYI: some photos of ABSP these past two weekends:
Keep the updates coming, this flower season is going to last a long time as different species and elevations go off on their own clock. Kinda silly ain't it, grown men chasing flowers?

Joaquin Suave - 2-21-2005 at 08:18 PM

Don Jorge!!!
I'll be in Ensenada on Saturday!

How fast are travelling south?

Wana hook up for a taco?