
Getting from Tijuana to El Rosario

leilanlady - 12-14-2016 at 10:35 PM

Hello Nomads! I'm heading to Baja for the first time tomorrow, with my bike. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get from Tijuana to El Roasrio by bus, and would welcome ANY advice!!



larryC - 12-15-2016 at 08:19 AM

Never done it myself but I would guess that it is as simple as taking the trolley to the border, take a taxi to the bus station and then buy a ticket to El Rosario.

BornFisher - 12-15-2016 at 08:33 AM

I guess there is a problem riding your bike to the TJ bus station?

sancho - 12-15-2016 at 09:39 AM

I've bussed a few times from the Central TJ bus station which is 4 mi. or so east of the border, there is another small bus station
4 blks from the border, this station is referred to as Autobus Estacion La Linea. That is where I would catch tha ABC bus south. Busses that go
from La Linea, MAY only go only to Ensenada or San Quientin,
you might have to catch another bus at one of these places to
go further so. to El Rosario. A few yrs. ago I inquired about
putting a bicycle on the bus as luggage, was told that is
possible, space permitting, it always has to be said though, that was then. Saw a you tube video of a bicycle
guy walking across at TJ, he went thru the ped crossing east
of Hwy 5, at the border, there is a turnstile there along with
some stairs, so I'm thinking it MAY be better to go to the
Chaparal vehicle crossing, not sure if that is appropriate for
bicycles though, enjoy your adventure

[Edited on 12-15-2016 by sancho]

[Edited on 12-15-2016 by sancho]