South of San Quintin is La Lobera very cool place to stretch you legs. This is not a destination, just a stop. It's on the right as you head uphill
towardsEl Rosario, there is a sign. I would pass on it if it's raining.
BDLA is a day's drive from Ensenada. Before Cativina is a old mining area called El Marmol. It was a Onix mine, it is going back to the desert
slowly. The Onix School house falls down a little bit more every year.
I would check out Santa Rosalillita. That town is changing fast and seeing it now is a good thing. Easy day drive from BDLA. The church at San Borja
is also cool. There are some indian rock paintings going from BDLA to San Borja also worth seeing.
Just some ideas for you, have a great trip. |