
Los Frailes - anyplace to stay or camp?

safarigirl - 12-27-2016 at 08:01 AM

I live in Todos Santos and want to escape to Los Frailes over new year's eve, but I haven't been there in 20 years...anyplace to stay or camp, eat?

BooJumMan - 12-27-2016 at 09:40 AM

I was down there last month, I hadn't been there in about 20 years as well... I got there pretty late, and did not really find anywhere to camp that I liked. There are some people camping in the arroyo to the west of the main road. Where I thought was going to be beach camping was instead a large fish camp of some sort on the beach from the arroyo up north to the cliff side.

I actually ended up driving all the way back north up to Buena Vista and getting a hotel room... but I really do not know that area very well.

Almost camped right north of Cabo Pulmo, but it too just didn't "jive" with me. Close to the road, and wasn't that pretty.

[Edited on 12-27-2016 by BooJumMan]

imlost - 12-27-2016 at 06:33 PM

It probably hasn't changed much since you were there 20 years ago, though as mentioned, there's now a large fish camp set up just off of the beach. Lot's of people camp around there, as it's an arroyo & free. If you're expecting a groomed campground - this place is probably not for you.

The closest restaurants to that area are in Cabo Pulmo, which is about 6 miles to the north. There are anywhere between 3 and 5 eating places to choose from, depending on which ones are open for business when you're there. There's also an arroyo just north of that town where people camp, but again, not fancy.

There are also lots of bungalows for rent in Cabo Pulmo, if you decide you don't want to camp. I'd check ahead ASAP though - sometimes it's hard to find availability.

In Los Frailes, I think there is only one house that's currently being rented (on the pricey side), and there's no longer any hotel/bungalow accommodations available.

safarigirl - 12-28-2016 at 07:51 AM

Thank you! I've been to Cabo Pulmo recently and will probably stay there.

tiotomasbcs - 12-29-2016 at 06:44 PM

Where is there? Frailes or CP? Arbolitos gets lots of traffic these days. I prefer cheap rentals in Pulmo or beaches just to the north. Let us know . Surfari Girl? Quite the tag. Tio

Cancamo - 12-30-2016 at 09:40 AM

Although most obvious camping spots are populated this time of year, there is still good private beach camping in the area if you have 4x4, won't elaborate, you'll find them if you really want too.