
dog food, people food, electronics - I'm so confused

blz - 12-29-2016 at 12:03 PM

We're taking our first ever trip to Baja in February, going to San Felipe. I am researching what you can bring into Mexico and am now so confused.
Dog Food - Can you bring in dog food? It sounds like you can't because dry and canned dog food contains beef. So I thought I'd just feed them people food until we could go to the store but...

People food - You can't bring in meat! Or grains, like rice? How about canned chicken or tuna? I'm trying to find a comprehensive list of just what is acceptable but if you look in more than one place you get different answers. Here's the food I'd like to bring with us:
Canned Chicken soup
vegetables (fresh or frozen)
bread and lunch meat for sandwiches
Rice (for the dogs food)
Any canned meat (for the dogs food)

Electronics - I am totally confused by the what you have to pay duty on. I want to bring a Kindle Fire, a handheld GPS, and a smart phone. My husband wants to bring his tablet and phone. What is the $300 limit about and how do they determine the value of your stuff?

Any advice would be greatly appreciate. Thanks so much!

DENNIS - 12-29-2016 at 12:29 PM

Unless you're relocating, electronics are considered personal items. Within reason, no problem.
Food is permitted as long as you aren't driving a semi-truck full of the stuff.
Pet foods.....50 lbs of dry I've never had a problem with.

Keep in mind, Costco and WalMart are here and you may pay a bit more for the convenience of imported items, but they're available.

Trying to find a list of approved items will be a futile search. It would change as it's being written.

just're tourists....not immigrants. Sorry to see how you've been terrorized by misinformation.

stay tuned for other opinions..............

By the duty required.


[Edited on 12-29-2016 by DENNIS]

sancho - 12-29-2016 at 12:32 PM

As D said,you will shortly find out, that regs in Mex are not enforced
in an across the board fashion. Was a report of someone crossing, Mex customs warned them about groceries,
I have been in Mex secondary a time or 2, with camping eguip,
they never say a thing. You are allowed certain things, like
1 computer per person. I personally would not balk at taking
reasonable amounts of anything you mentioned. Nothing
new looking, like in a packaged box. Chances of them looking
are slim, it does happen though, unless you are unlucky to get
some not so friendly Mex Custom Inspector,
you won't have a problem, but as always has been said,
it's Mexico

rts551 - 12-29-2016 at 01:52 PM

Personal use electronics are permitted.
Dry dog food ok as long as not made in China.
Buy your vegies in Baja. They are good.
Meats are depending on the inspector but usually allowed.

Do not be afraid to buy groceries in Mexico...They are generally very good quality.

Do not get too confused and eat the dog food, giving your prime beef to the animals!

AKgringo - 12-29-2016 at 02:32 PM

Under the 'any advice' heading, make sure you at least have proof of vaccinations for your dog, and I believe a health certificate is still required as well.

I was asked for the shot records last week at Tecate, but he did not ask about the certificate.

Which point of entry do you intend to use?

DENNIS - 12-29-2016 at 02:41 PM

Ohh yeah....don't forget your tourist permit...whatever it's called these days....FM sumthin or other.
Never drive at night, and "you can't litter aluminum."

rhintransit - 12-29-2016 at 04:35 PM

I wouldn't worry about anything you've listed. Check the dog food as suggested. Just pack it so it's not obvious. Freeze meats and put them in the bottom of the cooler. Eggs? Plenty of eggs and veggies available here, why bother? All your electronics are permitted for tourists. Nothing to declare. If you get a red light, they will 99 times out of 100 just look in the windows and wave you thru. Pack and go, have a great time.

hombre66 - 12-29-2016 at 07:07 PM

Dennis, educate me. What does "you can't litter aluminum" mean?
I threw a Coors can on the ground the other day and figured, if I didn't pick it up, it's litter.
BLZ , as others say, watch the quantities, especially the beer and liquor

mtgoat666 - 12-29-2016 at 07:09 PM

Dont worry, be happy

They might take away your meat n veggies. But rest assured, they have grocery stores in mexico.

DENNIS - 12-29-2016 at 08:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by hombre66  
Dennis, educate me. What does "you can't litter aluminum" mean?
I threw a Coors can on the ground the other day and figured, if I didn't pick it up, it's litter.
BLZ , as others say, watch the quantities, especially the beer and liquor

if you threw a Google stock certificate out the window, would you call it litter? time you drain a can of Pacifico on the road, come to a screeching stop, get outta your ride, and hurl the empty to the ground as though it's an endowment to City Of Hope.
Heaven will be your reward.

chuckie - 12-29-2016 at 09:25 PM

Geezo! When did it get so complicated to go to Baja? For almost 40 years, I put my stuff in the truck, and went to Baja. I hid nothing, faked no receipts and once in a while paid a small duty...easy peezy...

chuckie - 12-30-2016 at 06:32 AM

AND! Its a lot more fun to shop in a small Mexican grocery than in a Safeway or what not......

MICK - 12-30-2016 at 07:45 AM

Going they Mexicali seems to be always is easier than some of the smaller crossings like tócate or algodones. They don't seem to care what you bring unless it is big or expensive looking. As for the things you mentioned, we bring all of those things across all the time and they have never once cared. If you need veggies after you cross, headed south about a 1/2 mile after you go by Costco in mexicali there is a great open air marketing the right We live about 1/2 way between mexicali and San Felipe so if you have any problems let me know.