
Tijuana/Rosarito (Near border)

clevenhagenjs - 2-8-2005 at 07:53 PM

An advance message to let you know that the rental were are currently renting and have been for almost 3 years should be available in 4-6 months. It is a 2 bedroom 1 bath with kitchen apartment/home has off road gated and locked parking. I am putting this information out because the landlord who we have rented from have been very good to us and are very nice people and I would like to see it rented instead of sitting for them. They both speak english and I am sure you will be very happy here. email me for more details or better yet I can out you in touch with the people who own the land.

Me and my wife bought a new house and are having more addtions built on to the new house and it should be done in 4-6 months were told.
email me at

[Edited on 2-9-2005 by clevenhagenjs]