
Passport or birth certificate

lineman bill - 1-7-2017 at 09:30 AM

I know the best thing to do would be to obtain a actual passport, but, will a birth certificate suffice for travel into Mexico and back into the states? Is there a hard and fast answer?

AKgringo - 1-7-2017 at 09:55 AM

You would be able to return to the US without a passport, but it could cause delays and extra hoops to jump through while they check you out.

To be legal in Mexico, you need an FMM or other documents from Mexican immigration. You will need a passport, or passport card to get that.

[Edited on 1-7-2017 by AKgringo]

Nashville Frank - 1-7-2017 at 09:57 AM

U.S. Citizens and International Travel

If you are a U.S. citizen traveling internationally, you will need to carry your valid U.S. passport.
If you are traveling to or from a country where a U.S. passport is not required, you’ll usually need two documents:

A document to prove your identity, such as a valid U.S. driver’s license, military ID, or a valid government-issued photo ID; and
A document to prove your citizenship, such as a notarized copy of your birth certificate issued by a U.S. State.
If you were not born in the United States, carrying your valid U.S. passport is your best option to prove your U.S. citizenship. You can also use your original naturalization certificate or certificate of citizenship.
Note: Hospital-issued birth certificates, voter registration cards, and affidavits cannot be used as identification.

This is from Homeland Security:

David K - 1-7-2017 at 10:00 AM

Short answer...
to go INTO Mexico (obtaining the tourist card to be legal) you must have a VALID passport or passport card.

To come back home (into the U.S.) the passport or card is best, but any ID will work or answer the questions asked correctly. IF you are an American, the border officers cannot keep you out of YOUR country. However, in order to verify you are an American, it may take longer if you don't have the passport you have been advised to have!

sancho - 1-7-2017 at 02:31 PM

Quoting a Homeland Security site info gives one the official
version, what happens at the US Border coming back is
another matter. You can readily cross back with a DL, birth
cert or no ID. The idea of being in US Customs secondary
for hrs. because one doesn't have a valid passport does
not happen, there are crossers who routinely come back
with a DL, being legal re: getting a Mex Tourist card which
is officially required is a different matter, but if every tourist driving
into Mex stopped for a tourist card at TJ, Hwy 5 would be backed up to dowtown SD

Nashville Frank - 1-7-2017 at 03:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sancho  
Quoting a Homeland Security site info gives one the official
version, what happens at the US Border coming back is
another matter. You can readily cross back with a DL, birth
cert or no ID. The idea of being in US Customs secondary
for hrs. because one doesn't have a valid passport does
not happen, there are crossers who routinely come back
with a DL, being legal re: getting a Mex Tourist card which
is officially required is a different matter, but if every tourist driving
into Mex stopped for a tourist card at TJ, Hwy 5 would be backed up to dowtown SD

So I guess that's why Lineman Bill was curious about it. It's not always clear and he may be in hurry....I went and looked on the Mexico site (that Homeland sent me to) and couldn't find what I needed to help Bill out. I've gone in and out of Mexico with out showing my passport, without filling out the card (like what you said). It was going back to the USA where I needed ID (or something).

[Edited on 1-7-2017 by Nashville Frank]

[Edited on 1-7-2017 by Nashville Frank]

mtgoat666 - 1-7-2017 at 05:34 PM

The short-fingered vulgarian (he of the orange hair) says he will be building a big, beautiful wall,... I am assuming he will require gringos start obeying the law and carry a passport when entering USA, or else! :!:

The only people allowed to enter w/o passports will be Russians :no:

[Edited on 1-8-2017 by mtgoat666]

bajaguy - 1-7-2017 at 05:40 PM

Yeah, but it is the law and I for one would not want to be in Mexico without the FMM

Quote: Originally posted by sancho  

re: getting a Mex Tourist card which
is officially required is a different matter, but if every tourist driving
into Mex stopped for a tourist card at TJ, Hwy 5 would be backed up to dowtown SD

BajaBlanca - 1-7-2017 at 07:18 PM

American passports can be expedited, if that might help.

BajaMama - 1-9-2017 at 09:51 AM

Definitely get a passport to enter Mexico.

bajaguy - 1-9-2017 at 09:54 AM

You need a passport or a passport card to get your Mexican FMM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaMama  
Definitely get a passport to enter Mexico.

JoeJustJoe - 1-10-2017 at 10:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
The short-fingered vulgarian (he of the orange hair) says he will be building a big, beautiful wall,... I am assuming he will require gringos start obeying the law and carry a passport when entering USA, or else! :!:

The only people allowed to enter w/o passports will be Russians :no:

That's a good one Goat. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I remember years ago when Bush was President, and I parked my car and on US side, and took a day trips to Tijuana, and then walked back over to the USA side, they had a fairly large photo of George Bush on the wall, after you cleared U.S. Customs, but you could still still that photo while standing in line.

It took everything I had from just turning around and staying in Mexico, because I hated and disliked Bush that much, especially towards the end of his Presidency, when the economy crashed.

But for the last 8 years, they now have a photo of Obama, and now I'm so happy to return to the USA, after seeing Obama's inviting face on the wall, especially since Obama, turned a bad economy around.

I shutter to think that in less than two weeks, that Obama, portrait photo, will be replaced by an uninviting and intolerant photo of Donald Trump.

Oh I almost forgot to say, I'm a natural born U.S. Citizen, so I don't have to be scared of Trump's border walls, and deportation plans/wishes.

[Edited on 1-10-2017 by JoeJustJoe]

JoeJustJoe - 1-10-2017 at 11:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sancho  
Quoting a Homeland Security site info gives one the official
version, what happens at the US Border coming back is
another matter. You can readily cross back with a DL, birth
cert or no ID. The idea of being in US Customs secondary
for hrs. because one doesn't have a valid passport does
not happen, there are crossers who routinely come back
with a DL, being legal re: getting a Mex Tourist card which
is officially required is a different matter, but if every tourist driving
into Mex stopped for a tourist card at TJ, Hwy 5 would be backed up to dowtown SD

Sancho, is the only one right here. Although you're suppose to have a passport, to cross into Mexico, and back into the US, Americans, mostly Mexican-Americans, by the thousands, and hundreds probably daily, still pass with nothing more than a driver's license, and birth certificate.

And you are not sent to secondary, just because you don't have a passport, unless, the U.S. Custom officials, wants to take a closer look at you because something unrelated.

The worst, I have ever heard, is the American, without a passport, being told about the passport requirement, but that was years ago.

I have also personally taken extended family members by car into Mexico, and back to the US side with nothing more than a birth certificate, and drivers license, with no trouble.

Now entering Tijuana, especially as a pedestrian has gotten a little tricky, because before you could just drive or walk over the border to the Mexican side, with little fear of being stopped by Mexican officials.

Now entering Mexico, as a pedestrian, you are officially required to get a Mexican Tourist Card (FMM) and they had two lines set up, one for Mexican citizens, and one for US citizens, where a Mexican official would fill out the FMM card for you.

The last few trips to Tijuana, I walked right through, or was asked what's the purpose of my trip, and how long I plan to visit Mexico? I told them, just for the day, and I was then waved right through without filling out FMM paperwork.

And like Sancho, says, you could just drive in to Mexico, probably without any hassles at all, although if you get caught by the random red light, your car may be searched.

I'm also just talking about a day trip to Mexico, around the US/Mexico border, but if you want to take a longer trip into Mexico, or flying into a place like Cancun, then you need the passport.

[Edited on 1-10-2017 by JoeJustJoe]

greengoes - 1-12-2017 at 03:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  

The last few trips to Tijuana, I walked right through, or was asked what's the purpose of my trip, and how long I plan to visit Mexico? I told them, just for the day, to slink down los callejons buscando por los pervertidos and I was then waved right through without filling out FMM paperwork.

[Edited on 1-10-2017 by JoeJustJoe]
