
Erendira beach camping?

bjthiesson - 1-13-2017 at 01:07 PM

Does anyone know of a good place to camp in the erindira area? We are looking for a scenic yet cheap place to camp for a few days.

hombre66 - 1-13-2017 at 02:03 PM

K181 is about it. It was getting crowded when I quit going there in 1991. Lots of atv's and questionable security if you leave anything unattended.

mcnut - 1-13-2017 at 02:34 PM

Never been there but Malibu RV pops up on lists. About 2.5 miles south of "town". Visible on Google Earth.


ehall - 1-13-2017 at 03:05 PM

Are you wanting to just park on the beach or do you need an rv park?

bjthiesson - 1-14-2017 at 12:29 AM

Just a place to park for a few days

ehall - 1-14-2017 at 06:20 AM

Seen people camped on the rocks north of Erindira , but I really liked the little Sandy coves south of Erindira. We were on bikes so not sure of the road condition to get a trailer in there.

ehall - 1-14-2017 at 06:24 AM

Janzie - 1-14-2017 at 09:10 AM

We have dry camped just north of the village on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific. It can be spectacular. The photo posted by ehall shows it well. It's best to camp in company though.
And the last time we were through there Coyote Cal's was still in operation if you need a place to stay.

BajaRat - 1-14-2017 at 09:22 AM

Explore north or south of town, Beautiful beaches and vistas.
Best not to leave tesoro unattended.
Have fun, some of our fondest memories on that section of coastline :cool:

LukeJobbins - 1-14-2017 at 10:46 AM

same as the rest. I've driven from south to north recently and tons of open space just north of town and just south of the farm on the south side. Both areas are popular for locals to camp on weekends or holidays so don't be surprised to see others there. Super pretty though with supplies or food a few minutes away in town. If anyone wants to play in the water go south. There are sandy places to the south but north is all rock and reef until punta cabras.

LaPlayaENC - 1-14-2017 at 12:39 PM

I've camped just between the village and Punta Cabras plenty. My only advice is don't leave anything out overnight. Las trip, I put my propane tank under my van out of sight and someone P-nched it while I slept.

TecateRay - 1-14-2017 at 12:43 PM

Some nice beach camping just above Punta Cabra and lots of bluff camping just north of town. You could also stay at Coyote Cal's and have some facilities plus a bar.

woody with a view - 1-14-2017 at 07:02 PM

Cut your teeth there and pin your ears back.... adventure awaits!

BooJumMan - 1-15-2017 at 05:20 PM

lots of camping through that area. You'll be fine. Just go N or S.

It is funny though, I've had stuff taken at night myself. Thought I was completely alone but not so much.

Last time I was camped there (2015) I awoke to someone walking around between my tent and my car. I had my flash light and just turned it on and they ran off. Luckily they aren't there to hurt you, just grab anything left unattended.

[Edited on 1-16-2017 by BooJumMan]