
ensenada, la buff weather?

cliffh - 1-23-2017 at 04:18 PM

Hi Udo and Bajaguy, how did the country club fair with all of the rain? Udo hope your beautiful new casa came through the weather just fine. Cliff

ELvIGIANTE - 1-23-2017 at 06:07 PM

You don't seem to care about Dennis and I totally understand.

bajaguy - 1-23-2017 at 06:11 PM

Course has greened up nicely and the lower lakes are filling with water and waterfowl

We received a little over 4" of rain in December and as of today have received almost 3" of rain for is pouring as I write this.

Things are looking good and the course is getting increased play

Come on by!!!

Udo - 1-23-2017 at 06:53 PM

Thanks for asking, Cliff!!

We had our share of problems as most everyone did in Punta Banda. I think that BCC was spared.

Here is a list of our problems:

Lost about 8 bundles of roofing shingles, which in turn caused 3 leaks.
Everything that was not tied down, blew away. We had as much as 78 MPH wind!
Lost 8 Talavera outdoor pots with plants.
My outdoor dining set blew over and am not sure about it's roof yet.
Lost 4 window screens.
One of my garage doors is now broken and it is either open or closed, I have to use a crow bar to open or close.
Lost 3 hummingbird feeders.
All of my red tile roof tiles (in preparation for a new tile roof on the house) blew away.
Several of those tiles hit Jana's FJ cruiser.
My landscaped cacti all blew over.
Lost electricity for 3 days.
The internet just came back on about an hour ago. We have been without it since Thursday of last week.

DENNIS came out OK with no visible wind damage.
Robert Durrell lost a bunch of red roof tiles.

Today I spent ½ the morning helping the maintenance people here to upright the guard shack and move it to another spot. I used my winch, and four guys did the grunt work. Then the FJ got mired in some bottomless mud and had to use the winch to pull myself out.

DanO - 1-23-2017 at 07:11 PM

Things got a little damp south of you guys in La Bocana de Santo Tomas. The lagoon overflowed and flooded the road and the campground. These shots are from Sunday morning, before the last storm. Current conditions are unknown.

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Udo - 1-23-2017 at 07:14 PM


cliffh - 1-24-2017 at 04:14 PM

Glad to hear everyone is ok. Will be at my favorite RV park mid may for 4 to 5 weeks. Stay dry Cliff

DENNIS - 1-24-2017 at 04:48 PM

All is well and mostly reassembled. Blew down my fence, but it's back up and running.
Can't say enough about the modern day TELNOR and CFE crews. They were on problems ASAP.
What a difference twenty years and a few bazillion dollars/pesos can make. I am truly impressed with their customer service responses.