
Bay of LA to Cabo route questions

Jinete Viejo - 1-24-2017 at 02:32 PM

A group of us on light-weight dirt bikes will be making a loop from Bay of LA to Cabo and back in late February / early March. If I can figure out how to get the pdf of my map under 250 KB I'll attach it to another post. Anyway, I am wondering about our planned route into and out of Mulege. Is the road from La Purisma to Mulege by way of Guajademi Canyon OK for dirt bikes? Likewise for the road from Mulege west to La Ballena (north of Scorpion Bay). It's been several years since we rode both of these and I'm not sure what recent hurricanes have done. Also the road from San Luis Gonzaga into Constitucion. Any insight would be appreciated.

motoged - 1-24-2017 at 03:03 PM

Guajademi Canyon is closed due to last year's storm damage....confirmed within past week; West of Mulege to San Juanico via San Raymundo route is passable but challenging in west half due to numerous water crossings and boulder-strewn arroyos....two bike and Kia Sportage did it last week of November...

Have fun !

Jinete Viejo - 1-24-2017 at 06:36 PM

Thanks for the update. I'm sure you saved us some grief. We didn't do any checking last year and rode the No Wimps trail, much to our chagrin.

I suppose San Pedro Canyon out through San Jose de Magdalena is still not passable?

motoged - 1-24-2017 at 08:22 PM

The route west of Magdelena will take a long time to be, yes, it is impassible....the road from La Purisma to Comondu to San Javier is open and very rideable...

Have more fun....:saint:

AKgringo - 1-24-2017 at 08:51 PM

I agree with Ged's suggestion of La Purisma to San Javier, it was a nice drive in my Kia, and should be better on 2 wheels. From San Javier, it is an excellent paved road to Loreto, or you could head south and west to the highway north of Ciudad Insurgentes.

It has quite a few arroyo crossings, but it is much better than the San Raymundo route, with shallower water crossings.

I am sure there are alternate routes to the paved road through Ciudad Constitution, but I don't know them. From Constitution, or just south of it, head south and east to the Cortez side near San Evaristo then follow the coast to La Paz.

TMW - 1-24-2017 at 08:54 PM

Several have done the No Wimp Trail in the last couple of months, mostly in 4 wheel 4x4s. Try the Agua Verde dirt trail to Constitucion, word is it has been graded and is now open. Also from Constitucion to La Paz via San Evaristo.

Jinete Viejo - 1-25-2017 at 05:55 PM

Lots of good suggestions here. I hadn't thought about going from Loreto to Mulege by way of Comondu. We could head east from La Purisma to the highway and slab it into Mulege but still have plenty of dirt riding for the day. Agua Verde is on our Constitucion to Loreto route so good to hear of the improved conditions.

Jinete Viejo - 1-27-2017 at 12:12 AM

Figured out how to get the maps under the KB limit. The attached still shows Guajademi Canyon which we are going to change. If anyone sees any other known problems, feedback would be appreciated.

Baja Nomad 17a.jpg - 89kBBaja Nomad 17b.jpg - 107kB

motoged - 1-27-2017 at 01:21 AM

When are you passing through Bahia Asuncion?

Jinete Viejo - 1-30-2017 at 02:52 PM

We'll be in Bahia Asuncion on 26 February. Staying at Shari's Inn.