
Atm Santa rosalia

bjthiesson - 1-28-2017 at 08:32 PM

How do I find the atm in Santa rosalia? I've never driven around in that town, just the highway through.

BigBearRider - 1-29-2017 at 02:35 AM

There are several. If you drive up the Main Street through town, you will have the locomotive at the entrance on your left as you drive up towards the center. Pass the Eiffel church on your right. First there's a bank on your left and then one one the right on the next block. Banamex and Bancomer, IIRC. There's also one on the southeast corner of the town square next to the Government Building. I'm sure there are others. Probably at Ley and the big Pemex

bjthiesson - 1-29-2017 at 11:03 AM

Gracias you saved us lots of time

Udo - 1-29-2017 at 05:33 PM

There is also one in the local Calimax.

bajabuddha - 1-29-2017 at 05:53 PM

If you go to the two banks in town, about 8 blocks up the main drag, Banamex is first on the right and Bancomer is on the left just past it, 'catty-corner' from each other at a main intersection. Bancomer's machines are usually in working order, Banamex not so much. There is usually a City Policia directing traffic on the corner. Both are just past the French Boleo Bakery.

Parking can be a real hassle during the day, so expect to hoof it one way or the other for a block or two when you find a place to park; and near the banks BE AWARE, the green-curb zones are for taxi's only, and you WILL get in trouble if you try to park there. If it's a busy town-day, expect to go around the blocks a few times, and by all means watch the "one-way only" signs (just arrows) the town is full of. You can also tell which is what by the direction people are parked in on the curbs.

Also, if you turn right at that bank intersection and go only one street farther there is a 'parking garage' area on the right that charges (I don't know how much now, guessing 20-30 pesos) where you can park as long as you like, securely, and is a good central spot in town if you want to take a few hours to stroll the town. Across the street and east just a tad is a cool lil' grocery store (small abarrotes) that usually has some mighty fine fresh produce you don't find elsewhere, and the gal that runs it is a sweetheart.

Addendum: if you keep driving 'up-town' past the banks another 6 to 8 streets is a yellow taqueria on the left that only serves carne asada tacos, but as those of us who've lived there know, they are some of the tastiest in Baja. The relish trays are chuck full with goodness, and the meat is marinated and grilled over charcoal to perfection. If you want a beer with lunch there are two depositos nearby, you can buy and bring your own, they only serve sodas at the taqueria. GREAT lunch spot.

[Edited on 1-30-2017 by bajabuddha]

BajaBlanca - 1-29-2017 at 07:32 PM

I heard this weekend from locals that the ATM inside the Ley supermarket is the best in Santa Rosalia should anyone have trouble with the downtown ones.