
Selling a Mexican licenced car

Leo - 2-3-2017 at 09:54 AM

Does anyone know the procedure when selling a mexican licence-plated car. We imported the car about 8 years ago and have the PEDIMENTO. Do I have to sign it somewhere or do I have to go into an office to transfer the title?

pacsur - 2-3-2017 at 02:16 PM

A couple of years ago was the last time I bought a used car in Cabo, I live in San Jose.
The seller signs off on the pedimento, but either the whole vehicle or just the plates needs to go the the transito where the vehicle is registered and must get a release of no tickets, ect... I think only plates will suffice and I believe it's the sellers responsibility, I personally have never provided it when selling, but I've had to do the legwork when buying, like going back to Cabo's transito for the release.
Then you take everything to your transito and deal with them, not much money in transfer fees unless a newer vehicle.

Wally - 2-4-2017 at 11:59 AM

A several years ago I handled the sale of a Mexican plated car for a friend that was out of the country. He had purchased the car from someone that had purchased it from someone that imported it. My friend had the original Pedimento and on the back the owner wrote a paragraph stating that he was selling the car (vin, plate #...) to the purchaser. There was a written statement for each time the car had been sold. We did the same thing. The guy that purchased the car from my friend knew exactly how it was supposed to be written, we did it, I signed it (forge) and he took the car (and a receipt we printed up to look like a bill of sale) never to be heard from again. Seemed a little casual to me but I guess that was how it was done.

The process might still be the same but I'd check with someone at the office where you get your motor vehicle and driver's license stuff handled to make sure.

Leo - 2-5-2017 at 10:30 AM

Thanks Pacsur and Wally for your responses. Both sound the same, so is probably the right information. I found the statement in Spanish that should go on the back of the Pedimento. No problema!
Now have to find a buyer for a good running 1998 Suzuki Sidekick convertible. 4 wheel drive and only 70.000 miles. ( 110.000 km, imported from Canada )

bajaguy - 2-5-2017 at 10:55 AM

That is a great Baja car!!!

Quote: Originally posted by Leo  
Now have to find a buyer for a good running 1998 Suzuki Sidekick convertible. 4 wheel drive and only 70.000 miles. ( 110.000 km, imported from Canada )