
The natives are getting angry ?

FelizCanadian - 2-7-2017 at 04:25 AM

Hello nomads
I'm new to the site , but I know a few people who use it regularly. My wife and I retired to Loreto a few years ago to live our dream. We love the town, people, weather and everything it has to offer. Until lately, we have notice more hostility to "gringos". My wife was verbally accosted while driving, and I was insulted at the market as well. We think it's because of Trump winning or the peso losing steam against all currencies. Not sure , but theft has increased:, 4 murders in a month, and alarming amount of drug use which we were unaware existed until recently.

Any other foreigners care to chime in?

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 08:24 AM

Welcome to BajaNomad, FC.
I'm left with a first impression that your inquiry is somewhat overloaded for a first post. It kinda has that trolling quality to it, so I'll leave it for someone else.
Do you have any Nomad references?

Hook - 2-7-2017 at 08:25 AM

There has been nothing that I am aware of in my town in Sonora. But at this time of year, gringos make up close to 50% of the inhabitants. The town is very dependent on the gringo dollars. So, I think that mutes any criticism. So many Mexicans speak English here, so we can talk to them about the political situation in the US.

My feeling is that local leaders need to be made to understand that people arent responsible for the actions of their leaders, in most cases. That should be easy for them to understand, given the history of Mexican politics. This goes for the price of oil, the value of the currency, etc.

What we gringos CAN control is the amount we put into the local economy. If we begin to feel threatened, then we will spend less and less time and money here. The locals will feel it much more than we will, as many of us have homes we can return to. Or, we will begin to vacation in other countries.

I am sympathetic to their frustration over the skyrocketing cost of fuel and the resulting inflation in everything else. But turning their anger on us will be counterproductive to their well-being. I dont see the growing middle class in Mexico, that was so evident only a few years back, replacing us any time soon.

Somehow, your local leaders need to be made aware of all this. We are good neighbors. We arent involved in crime, we keep clean surroundings, we employ lots of people, we are generous with our good fortune, when it comes to the needy.

And we are as exasperated with our governance as they are with theirs.

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 08:28 AM


Hook - 2-7-2017 at 08:34 AM

You're suspicious of EVERYTHING, Dennis, and quick to the accusation. That's been apparent for a long time.

Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll.

sancho - 2-7-2017 at 09:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  

My feeling is that local leaders need to be made to understand that people arent responsible for the actions of their leaders, in most cases. And we are as exasperated with our governance as they are with theirs.

It is completely understandable if Mexican Nationals are
are confused, bitter as to how they have been characterized
by what they hear coming out of the US. What else are they
to think? The guy was
elected, to a great degree the US voters ARE responsible for this unacceptable environment. While
some/most of us are embarrassed, there are a heck of a lot
that aren't'. I can't imagine it, but I'm sure his
supporters are behind him, maybe applauding him. This will
be a long 3 yrs 49 weeks left, but who's counting. The OP' s
post appears to be too well written to be anything but legit

[Edited on 2-7-2017 by sancho]

billklaser - 2-7-2017 at 09:33 AM


We have had a vacation home in Loreto since 1990. I spend a fair amount of time there these days. The town has certainly changed since we first came, however for a long time now there have been issues with insults, drugs, and rampant theft. Loreto has had a big drug issue for many years, and the theft issue is out of control. I am sure the Trump Effect will cause some locals to lash out at the Gringo's, but I don't believe things have are all that different.....

Just be vigilant and use common sense.....Enjoy the town!

motoged - 2-7-2017 at 09:48 AM

It is ironic that American citizens are starting to feel the wrath of being "unwanted foreigners" at their winter homes in Mexico...feeling dispossessed in a neighbour's country.

Guys like D. will only consider speaking to white christian males in his SOB digs....other Trump devotees chirp in with their NOB views defending their illustrious leader's gaffs...while others fan the flames of Americans as victims...

My experience with Mexican locals varies re: their views ....some say Mexican leaders need to clean up the corruption/crime issues and focus on their disappointment in their own leaders....some will put their fingers to their lips as if closing a zipper, indicating passive agreement with anti-Trump sentiments ... and some will politely avoid the conversation ...

Those who are SOB and voted for Trump deserve whatever they get ....and those who did not should voice their opinions clearly as to demonstrate not all gringos are Trumpets...

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 10:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
You're suspicious of EVERYTHING, Dennis, and quick to the accusation. That's been apparent for a long time.

Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll.

Vigilance is a virtue.....not a character flaw. Your effort to dissociate from the possibility of an accurate appraisal shows you agree.

motoged - 2-7-2017 at 10:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

Vigilance is a virtue.....not a character flaw. Your effort to dissociate from the possibility of an accurate appraisal shows you agree.

I get the virtue part....but don't follow the "logic" of the latter statement.

Are you saying that if one distances themself from a "position", it inherently demonstrates their approval of it?

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 10:28 AM

If that's what I wanted to say, that's what I would have said, but i'll take your bait cuz I have a few free moments.

"Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll" opposed to the OP.

motoged - 2-7-2017 at 10:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

If that's what I wanted to say, that's what I would have said, but i'll take your bait cuz I have a few free moments.

"Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll" opposed to the OP.

No bait....just a query as to your logic....not all questions are a trap :light:

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 10:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  

No bait....just a query as to your logic....not all questions are a trap :light:

Never lose sight of the trapper. :light:

motoged - 2-7-2017 at 11:01 AM

Dennis, just answer the question....or does your fence-sitting/avoidance suggest that your logic isn't ?

DavidT - 2-7-2017 at 11:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sancho  

This will be a long 3 yrs 49 weeks left, but who's counting.

[Edited on 2-7-2017 by sancho]

7 yrs 49 weeks left, I am. :spingrin:
As the kids say nowadays: FTFY (fixed that for you)

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 11:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Dennis, just answer the question....or does your fence-sitting/avoidance suggest that your logic isn't ?

Gibberish is unbecoming. Have you no pride?

Hook - 2-7-2017 at 11:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
You're suspicious of EVERYTHING, Dennis, and quick to the accusation. That's been apparent for a long time.

Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll.

Vigilance is a virtue.....not a character flaw. Your effort to dissociate from the possibility of an accurate appraisal shows you agree.

Except that I WAS THE ONE THAT GAVE AN ACCURATE APRAISAL of the situation. You punted, in favor of some misguided attempt to what, maintain the reputation of the board against trolls? On the internet? Is this your vigilance you tout?

I think a person who invested in Loreto and is a relative newcomer would pose the same questions he did, without being a troll. What he ends up being remains to be seen.

I addressed the issues. Your paranoia had you punting on first down.

motoged - 2-7-2017 at 11:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Dennis, just answer the question....or does your fence-sitting/avoidance suggest that your logic isn't ?

Gibberish is unbecoming. Have you no pride?

Stick with your becomes you become it.

JoeJustJoe - 2-7-2017 at 12:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
You're suspicious of EVERYTHING, Dennis, and quick to the accusation. That's been apparent for a long time.

Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll.

Dennis is right, and it's especially suspicious when a newbie, with their very first post, makes a very controversial post, when there is no evidence what they claim is even taking place, and their posts could be nothing more than fear mongering, or paranoid thoughts because they perceived a Mexican looked at them the wrong way.

It's one of the reasons why I rarely talk to newbies with less than 50 posts especially when their posts have possible trolling elements, or seem to be engaged in fear mongering, with the possible hope of spreading fear to others, because others take the bait, and the next thing you know mass hysteria is going on!

pacificobob - 2-7-2017 at 12:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
You're suspicious of EVERYTHING, Dennis, and quick to the accusation. That's been apparent for a long time.

Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll.

some are just living with hate, fear and suspicion. sad!

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 12:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  

Dennis is right,

Hey....that Joey. He's pretty smart, ain't he.
Another red flag is the time on the hour and a half after the California bars close. never done did that, come home from the gin-mills with a load on and hit the keyboard. Right, Joey, huh? :lol::lol:
Oohh well....who cares.

[Edited on 2-7-2017 by DENNIS]

Hook - 2-7-2017 at 12:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
You're suspicious of EVERYTHING, Dennis, and quick to the accusation. That's been apparent for a long time.

Or, maybe you'd care to comment on my post, as I am not a troll.

Dennis is right, and it's especially suspicious when a newbie, with their very first post, makes a very controversial post, when there is no evidence what they claim is even taking place, and their posts could be nothing more than fear mongering, or paranoid thoughts because they perceived a Mexican looked at them the wrong way.

It's one of the reasons why I rarely talk to newbies with less than 50 posts especially when their posts have possible trolling elements, or seem to be engaged in fear mongering, with the possible hope of spreading fear to others, because others take the bait, and the next thing you know mass hysteria is going on!

OK, then, Just Joe with a ringing endorsement of Dennis.

Even IF the OP is a troll, is it OK to discuss these issues? Especially among us that LIVE down here?

Think of it like a presidential press conference or forum. Remember those?

Some nobody at the back of the room asks a pertinent question? Does the moderator simply reply "sorry, you've never asked a question before, and so we can't consider your very legitimate question. NEXT QUESTION!!!!"

It's the answers that count, no whose asking the question. Good questions are good questions.

[Edited on 2-7-2017 by Hook]

[Edited on 2-7-2017 by Hook]

JoeJustJoe - 2-7-2017 at 12:59 PM

This is not really a question from the OP, it's a statement!

The natives are getting angry ?

We use to see that type of statement or headline at the bottom of the TV over at '"Fox News" years ago, when they were spreading mass hysteria about the Mexican cartel's shootings, and acting like all of Mexico was a war zone.

Fox news, did it for ratings among other reasons.

Who knows the real motivations of the OP but I certainly wouldn't take the bait with a long drawn out answer to calm his fears, or stoke his or hers trolling, Trolls love it when they get you to take the bait.

At best I would say something like, "no I haven't noticed any negative behavior of Mexicans towards me or anyone else where I live or visit.

Because of Fox news, Alarmists, and Mexico haters, there is fear of Mexico, but that fear is usually relegated to those that actually never visit Mexico, and you see questions from them like "Is Mexico Safe?"

How do you really answer that question?

For me the answer is tell them, is "No it's not safe" because I;m tired of seeing that question.

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 01:04 PM

Not at all. As I implied earlier, the inquiry had an element of [if I may] overly unstudied curiosity, especially from a US citizen who lives in Mexico.
Hook....your reply was good....informative....appreciated. I'm jes sayin' I believe the pot was being stirred for a chitstorm reply.

Wonder what my new best friend Joey thinks of this?

[Sorry. Posting out of sync here.]


[Edited on 2-7-2017 by DENNIS]

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 01:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
This is not really a question from the OP, it's a statement!

The natives are getting angry ?

Just one more flag to look at.......a very disrespectful reference to locals from a community guest. Not one I would ever hear from my friends and neighbors.
Anxiously awaiting a further post from the OP, but I won't be holding my breath. :no:

BajaNaranja - 2-7-2017 at 01:32 PM

a lot of wasted energy here

I'm gonna go find something constructive to do

have a good one!

JoeJustJoe - 2-7-2017 at 01:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
There has been nothing that I am aware of in my town in Sonora. But at this time of year, gringos make up close to 50% of the inhabitants. The town is very dependent on the gringo dollars. So, I think that mutes any criticism. So many Mexicans speak English here, so we can talk to them about the political situation in the US.

My feeling is that local leaders need to be made to understand that people arent responsible for the actions of their leaders, in most cases. That should be easy for them to understand, given the history of Mexican politics. This goes for the price of oil, the value of the currency, etc.

What we gringos CAN control is the amount we put into the local economy. If we begin to feel threatened, then we will spend less and less time and money here. The locals will feel it much more than we will, as many of us have homes we can return to. Or, we will begin to vacation in other countries.

I am sympathetic to their frustration over the skyrocketing cost of fuel and the resulting inflation in everything else. But turning their anger on us will be counterproductive to their well-being. I dont see the growing middle class in Mexico, that was so evident only a few years back, replacing us any time soon.

Somehow, your local leaders need to be made aware of all this. We are good neighbors. We arent involved in crime, we keep clean surroundings, we employ lots of people, we are generous with our good fortune, when it comes to the needy.

And we are as exasperated with our governance as they are with theirs.

I see Hook took the bait, and Dennis wants my comments. OK, I'll give a few of my comments, over what I see is flawed thinking from Hook, and who knows, the OP might be laughing now over all the attention is is getting from his first post.

OK if Mexicans hate Gringos, because of Trump or any other reason. Do you really think those Mexican haters who live in a Mexican town, are going to care that Gringos make up to 50% of the inhabitants? Maybe the local businesses might like the Gringo business, and perhaps the waiters only spit on the food, while they smile and serve you.

But the average Mexican citizen doesn't have to like you, and if they really hate you, they want you gone period.

I see this kind of flawed thinking when it comes to corrupt Mexican cops, American ex-pats, and American tourists, are alarmed that a corrupt Mexican cop would stop an American over a trumped up charge, and then ask for a bribe. The ex-pats, will say things like, " why would a Mexican cop take a bribe, don't they know it's ruins tourism?"

My answer is always, real corrupt Mexican cops don't care about the tourism dollar.

BTW exactly where do you live Hook with 50% of Gingos? Sounds like an mostly all white enclave with high walls.

Hook are you really going to preach to local Mexicans why they should like you?

If I'm a Mexican, which BTW I am. I'm going to wonder why Trump received the majority of the white vote? At least as a Mexican-American, I could tell them that only about 30% of dumb Mexican-Americans voted for Trump, not the near 60% of the white Americans who voted for Trump.

The same thing for your wish Hook that local officials talk to the Mexican locals and tell them not to hate gringos.

Do you really think that will work? It's almost laughable, to imagine the local officials trying to tell the locals to love gringos, seeing that most Mexicans don't respect their local officials.

Maybe, Trump should tell his constituents not hate Mexicans and Muslims, as I would love to see how that would play out.

I'm sorry Hook, but your threatened boycott of Mexico, probably won't help Mexicans love or even like you.

The good news is I don't think Mexicans hate you, or hate Americans, even with the election of Trump, although there is always an element of haters who are going to hate you, and there is little to nothing you can do about it.

Bubba - 2-7-2017 at 03:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
It is ironic that American citizens are starting to feel the wrath of being "unwanted foreigners" at their winter homes in Mexico...feeling dispossessed in a neighbour's country.

Guys like D. will only consider speaking to white christian males in his SOB digs....other Trump devotees chirp in with their NOB views defending their illustrious leader's gaffs...while others fan the flames of Americans as victims...

My experience with Mexican locals varies re: their views ....some say Mexican leaders need to clean up the corruption/crime issues and focus on their disappointment in their own leaders....some will put their fingers to their lips as if closing a zipper, indicating passive agreement with anti-Trump sentiments ... and some will politely avoid the conversation ...

Those who are SOB and voted for Trump deserve whatever they get ....and those who did not should voice their opinions clearly as to demonstrate not all gringos are Trumpets...

You seem to be awful caught up in bashing our politics here in the United States when it looks like you're from Canada. Nobody I know, myself included takes the time to critique and bash your government even though there is plenty of reason. I understand you're a bleeding heart Liberal but those days are over here, at least for the next 8 yrs. America did not create the problems in Mexico, Mexico did. What part of this do you not understand?

willardguy - 2-7-2017 at 03:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaNaranja  
a lot of wasted energy here

I'm gonna go find something constructive to do

have a good one!

what! you can't be tired of cranky old geezers embarrassing themselves already?:lol:

chuckie - 2-7-2017 at 03:26 PM

Canadians in Mexico seem to spend a lot of time telling citizens of two countries that they cant VOTE in how to run those counrties. Canada is a mess...It would seem as if they should devote their energies to their own problems..OR, maybe they have given up?

Bubba - 2-7-2017 at 05:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Canadians in Mexico seem to spend a lot of time telling citizens of two countries that they cant VOTE in how to run those counrties. Canada is a mess...It would seem as if they should devote their energies to their own problems..OR, maybe they have given up?

Simply put, some of them want the best of two worlds without paying anything... I've spent quite a bit of time in both Baja and Canada, it's a funny game they play..

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by Bubba]

FelizCanadian - 2-7-2017 at 05:36 PM

Holy Toledo , I guess I'd better pull up my drawers and move on. Sorry if I upset anyone, my wife and I were just seeing if it was random or not. I always get up early, Union worker for 37 years so its the genes. Stay safe everyone

Howard - 2-7-2017 at 07:59 PM

Dear Happy Canadian

I have no idea why I feel I must apologize for these very unhappy Nomads spouting off about you when they no nothing about you and your family. It appears to me that these people have nothing better to do but spend their lives on this board being negative and bringing very little positive input to the table. I want to scream to them "to get a life" but I am sure after being so hateful and negative they just wont get it.
Being aware of your surroundings is good advise for anywhere in this crazy world, so I say,
Love, peace and tacos and seize the day!

DENNIS - 2-7-2017 at 08:32 PM

First, and only impressions can at times be unforgiving. They're a rite of passage here.
No harm harm done.

willardguy - 2-7-2017 at 08:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
Dear Happy Canadian

I have no idea why I feel I must apologize for these very unhappy Nomads spouting off about you when they no nothing about you and your family. It appears to me that these people have nothing better to do but spend their lives on this board being negative and bringing very little positive input to the table. I want to scream to them "to get a life" but I am sure after being so hateful and negative they just wont get it.
Being aware of your surroundings is good advise for anywhere in this crazy world, so I say,
Love, peace and tacos and seize the day!

nailed it!:yes:

Lee - 2-7-2017 at 09:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

First, and only impressions can at times be unforgiving. They're a rite of passage here.
No harm harm done.

Harm done by your gawdammm drama and disrespect. Butt wipe supporters jumping like frogs. Predictable.

imlost - 2-8-2017 at 02:17 AM

Good morning, Nomads. I'm not going to include my opinion in this conversation, but I will share an observation.

A lot of us are getting too old to be treating each other as we have been. Instead of focusing on our differences and being critical of one-another, maybe it would be better to try focus on some common things that can help bring us together. Is it really important to shove your political point of view in the faces of as many people as you can before you die? Wouldn't it be better to show some love and let the rest slide? You were probably first drawn to Baja because it offered some peace or solace that you needed in your life, perhaps partially because of all of tension in your life in the US. If, for just a little while, we can all focus on finding that peace and solace and common ground again, I believe the rest isn't going to matter as much. Try to be tolerant of one-another. Your political opinion probably doesn't mean anything to anyone else here, especially if it's delivered as an insult.

Go take a look at some of the pictures that Russ posted, take a deep breath, and let all of the rest of this crap go. It's not worth it, brothers.

Hook - 2-8-2017 at 07:29 AM

Boycott? What boycott, JJJ?

If a person feels his family becomes threatened in Mexico and chooses to spend more time elsewhere, that isnt a boycott. That's protecting your family.

Who else is gonna do it down here? The police? The US Consulate? :lol:

I was simply pointing out that disparaging gringos will likely be counterproductive to their lives. So far, I have seen no anti-US sentiment over here.

There are a couple big events over here, this week. Our big pickleball tournament and our largest music festival. Good venues for local Mexicans to complain about gringos being here.

Somehow, I think they will be too busy earning dollars from the gringos...........

As usual, JJJ, there is no there there, in your posts. You travel the internet with blinders on; seeing what you want to see, rather than what is written.

David K - 2-8-2017 at 07:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by imlost  
Good morning, Nomads. I'm not going to include my opinion in this conversation, but I will share an observation.

A lot of us are getting too old to be treating each other as we have been. Instead of focusing on our differences and being critical of one-another, maybe it would be better to try focus on some common things that can help bring us together. Is it really important to shove your political point of view in the faces of as many people as you can before you die? Wouldn't it be better to show some love and let the rest slide? You were probably first drawn to Baja because it offered some peace or solace that you needed in your life, perhaps partially because of all of tension in your life in the US. If, for just a little while, we can all focus on finding that peace and solace and common ground again, I believe the rest isn't going to matter as much. Try to be tolerant of one-another. Your political opinion probably doesn't mean anything to anyone else here, especially if it's delivered as an insult.

Go take a look at some of the pictures that Russ posted, take a deep breath, and let all of the rest of this crap go. It's not worth it, brothers.

Very well said, thank you!

sancho - 2-8-2017 at 09:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by imlost  

and let all of the rest of this crap go. It's not worth it, brothers

While this may not be the appropriate forum for this topic, there
are some here who feel passionate, their feelings
get the best of them. To call this expression 'crap' is
woefully simplistic. Yes it is worth every bit, it is exactly
that uncaring attitude that got us into this chaotic mess.
While I like a Baja sunrise as much as much as anyone
who is fortunate to witness them, I'm not going to bury my
head in the sand

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by sancho]

bajamary1952 - 2-8-2017 at 09:56 AM

IMO if the majority of expats/Americans/Canadians would attempt to integrate a little more into the local culture they would find people here more receptive. I have had NO problems here but I do speak decent Spanish and attempt to integrate into my surroundings unlike the majority of expats who think they are still in the U.S./Canada.

DENNIS - 2-8-2017 at 10:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajamary1952  
IMO if the majority of expats/Americans/Canadians would attempt to integrate a little more into the local culture they would find people here more receptive. I have had NO problems here but I do speak decent Spanish and attempt to integrate into my surroundings unlike the majority of expats who think they are still in the U.S./Canada.

This may be contrary to studied opinions. If in fact Mexicans dislike North Americans, [and there's evidence to believe some do] it's because of what are....not who we are as individuals.

Lee - 2-8-2017 at 11:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bubba  
Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Canadians in Mexico seem to spend a lot of time telling citizens of two countries that they cant VOTE in how to run those counrties. Canada is a mess...It would seem as if they should devote their energies to their own problems..OR, maybe they have given up?

Simply put, some of them want the best of two worlds without paying anything... I've spent quite a bit of time in both Baja and Canada, it's a funny game they play..

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by Bubba]

So what? Sense of entitlement? Best of all worlds sounds good. Gotta pay something for that? Think not. Name of the game: win as much as you can. Sounds like your Prez.

JoeJustJoe - 2-8-2017 at 11:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

First, and only impressions can at times be unforgiving. They're a rite of passage here.
No harm harm done.

I have to agree with Dennis again, there is definitely a rite of passage on "Baja Nomad' that many veteran posters put some newbies through.

Many Nomad members have a weird sense of humor, and the attacks usually attacks come in a passive-aggressive way, if they don't like what you're saying, or if they're just playing.

I still remember my first days here, I was attacked by Dennis, who I already had a history with, but the Goat, and this ultra conservative teacher, never stopped trying to push my buttons, as well as a few others.

There is also friendly banter on this Baja forum, but I would say this site is not about getting together and singing " kumbaya," as some here in the thread seem to suggest, it will never happen.

I disagree with Dennis, when he claims in fact Mexicans dislike North Americans, without qualifying his posts, and making it sound like all Mexicans dislike North Americans.

He might have got away with his post, if he said, some Mexicans dislike North Americans, but then Dennis doubles down, and says there is some evidence of this hatred towards North Americans, without supporting his wild allegations.

It's probably just " transference" on Dennis' part, where he dislikes Mexicans, and he is just turning it around.

DENNIS - 2-8-2017 at 01:43 PM

How many times have I presented this point: when Ernesto Zedillo was minister of education, prior to his term as president, he brought out a series of public school text books that presented a USA/MEX history portraying the USA in a much more forgiving manner than the prior, and current way the government wants their public to know us.
Their reasoning.....we, the USA, offer a scapegoat for the problems in Mexico that are a direct effect of their own mismanagement.
Zedillo was overruled and the books went to the furnace.

fishbuck - 2-8-2017 at 03:11 PM

I've been trying to stay out of these type of debates here on Nomad.
1st off welcome to FelizCanadian. Sorry you got turned off. Please don't runaway.

I have often wondered of the deep feelings of the native Baja Californians regarding vistors and expats.
I have to think some are welcoming but that some might be resentful of our presence there. I suppose it depends on whether they derive a direct benefit or not.
Having been a poor person living in a rich place I have felt resentment towards the elites. I live in Newport Beach, Ca. and was lucky enough to live oceanfront for over 10 years. I wasn't exactly poor but it's relative.
That is where I came up with my famous saying " You can't make the beach better just more expensive".
So when money comes in it just starts driving up the price of normal things and some the basics of life become a luxury. And soon things start getting walled off and access denied.
Think SoCal coast and the elites trying to block off (illegally) access to the beach.
Now think of us viewed as the elites trying to block off the locals to the things they need by driving up the costs of everything. Sure it's cheap for us but now almost unobtainable to the average local.
I survived in Newport by not caring or even acknowledging the rich. I enjoyed seeing some of the pretty boats and cars but never envied the rich.
I only cared about the sand the sun and the surf. The richest guy in Newport couldn't enjoy those things anymore than I could. I 'd say my enjoyment was better because it was more pure. And much cheaper.
The dynamic there and everywhere has changed. I don't think I could afford to live in Newport anymore. And if I could I 'm not sure it would be worth it. So the elites have driven me out but driving the price up so far that only other elites can or are willing to afford it.
And if I didn't have Baja I would be very disappointed. I can find places that the elites don't care about... yet.
I can only imagine that the Baja natives view me as I do the elites of Newport Beach.

JoeJustJoe - 2-8-2017 at 03:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

How many times have I presented this point: when Ernesto Zedillo was minister of education, prior to his term as president, he brought out a series of public school text books that presented a USA/MEX history portraying the USA in a much more forgiving manner than the prior, and current way the government wants their public to know us.
Their reasoning.....we, the USA, offer a scapegoat for the problems in Mexico that are a direct effect of their own mismanagement.
Zedillo was overruled and the books went to the furnace.

I guess that settles it. All Mexicans hate North Americans, because they all pushed back against Zedillo's text books he was pushing that put the USA in a more favorable light, and I noticed that you Dennis, repeated this same thing often on "BN" without any links to back up your words.

Some in Mexico would disagree with you Dennis. It wasn't only about the text books about the USA. What many Mexican's were outraged about is the new text books, was the revision of Mexico's history, so it wasn't just the attitudes towards the US or North Americans. It was mostly about the re-writing Mexico history in those new school text books

The concerns of the new thinking was the old text books, made Mexico's leaders, and others in Mexico history as either heroes or villains, and the new text books took a more forgiving manner towards just about everyone, not just Americans.

Most likely the outrage was like Texas school text books that white wash the history of slavery, like it never happened.

According to this article below, they talk about the US on page 284, if you don't want to read the whole thing. Some Mexican's felt that because of NAFTA, and the upcoming elections in the US, that the Mexican government was pandering to US opinion and undermining traditional Mexican nationalism, but again that was only a small part of the outrage about the new text books.

Bubba - 2-8-2017 at 04:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Quote: Originally posted by Bubba  
Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Canadians in Mexico seem to spend a lot of time telling citizens of two countries that they cant VOTE in how to run those counrties. Canada is a mess...It would seem as if they should devote their energies to their own problems..OR, maybe they have given up?

Simply put, some of them want the best of two worlds without paying anything... I've spent quite a bit of time in both Baja and Canada, it's a funny game they play..

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by Bubba]

So what? Sense of entitlement? Best of all worlds sounds good. Gotta pay something for that? Think not. Name of the game: win as much as you can. Sounds like your Prez.

If you live in this country he's your President also... Get used to it...

DENNIS - 2-8-2017 at 04:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bubba  

If you live in this country he's your President also... Get used to it...

Ohhh...that's just Mr. Lee....jarhead without a country. Pay no nevermind to his wishy-washy ways and don't let him join you in a foxhole without first shooting him.

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by DENNIS]

imlost - 2-8-2017 at 06:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sancho  
Quote: Originally posted by imlost  

and let all of the rest of this crap go. It's not worth it, brothers

While this may not be the appropriate forum for this topic, there
are some here who feel passionate, their feelings
get the best of them. To call this expression 'crap' is
woefully simplistic. Yes it is worth every bit, it is exactly
that uncaring attitude that got us into this chaotic mess.
While I like a Baja sunrise as much as much as anyone
who is fortunate to witness them, I'm not going to bury my
head in the sand

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by sancho]
Sancho, Thanks for your opinion, though I think you may have missed my point. I'm not for a second, suggesting that people shouldn't be passionate about what they believe in, nor should they be passive about the the current political climate. However, if delivery of that passion requires abusing or attempting to degrade others to get your point across - that, my friend, is crap.

Regarding personal political viewpoint: I still doubt that many people who frequently post their viewpoints here, actually care about the viewpoints of others. It seems more like pontification than dialogue, to me. It's also unfortunate that a lot of the potentially meaningful conversations degrade to matches of insult-flinging.

bajabuddha - 2-8-2017 at 07:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
Quote: Originally posted by Bubba  

If you live in this country he's your President also... Get used to it...

Ohhh...that's just Mr. Lee....jarhead without a country. Pay no nevermind to his wishy-washy ways and don't let him join you in a foxhole without first shooting him.

[Edited on 2-8-2017 by DENNIS]

I was going to stay out of this mess, but this time dennis, you've gone way over the line, like your Fuhrur did with McCain. What ever happened to "The Band of Warriors"? I would never vote for him as POTUS (McCain) because even though he is a true war hero, he has PTSD and is unstable and a potential detriment highlighted by his choice as VP (Palin)..... however, what tRump did to him is unconscionable. He was shot down behind enemy lines, and unlike Berghdal, didn't just 'walk off his post', and was interned and tortured repetitively for several years. He still can't raise his arms above his shoulders.

Lee served proudly, probably more than I. For you to say "and don't let him join you in a foxhole without first shooting him''.. is way out of line, over the top, and you owe him a true apology. You have now dis-earned my respect as a Veteran, and as a true grunt, glad you never had MY back. Nor will you. Lee was at Khe San... wtf did you do? REMF? I doubt you've ever been in a foxhole, let alone have to dig one under fire.

Hope you're comfortable living with so much hate inside.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by bajabuddha]

DENNIS - 2-8-2017 at 08:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha Lee was at Khe San... wtf did you do?  

Can't spend time giving you an answer right now, a-hole. I'm busy taking my psych meds for my 100% service connected disability. When I'm done, Ill give you specific instructions on where and how far up to shove it.

bajabuddha - 2-8-2017 at 08:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha Lee was at Khe San... wtf did you do?  

Can't spend time giving you an answer right now, a-hole. I'm busy taking my psych meds for my 100% service connected disability. When I'm done, Ill give you specific instructions on where and how far up to shove it.

Well, then we're even, aren't we, a-hole??? I knew it was a waste of time and ergonomics. I'll send you a free tube of KY.

BTW, you still owe Lee an honest apology; not me though, I deserve all of your black vitriolic.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by bajabuddha]

LancairDriver - 2-8-2017 at 11:42 PM

Great attitude fishbuck, and very well stated.

Quote: Originally posted by fishbuck  
I've been trying to stay out of these type of debates here on Nomad.
1st off welcome to FelizCanadian. Sorry you got turned off. Please don't runaway.

I have often wondered of the deep feelings of the native Baja Californians regarding vistors and expats.
I have to think some are welcoming but that some might be resentful of our presence there. I suppose it depends on whether they derive a direct benefit or not.
Having been a poor person living in a rich place I have felt resentment towards the elites. I live in Newport Beach, Ca. and was lucky enough to live oceanfront for over 10 years. I wasn't exactly poor but it's relative.
That is where I came up with my famous saying " You can't make the beach better just more expensive".
So when money comes in it just starts driving up the price of normal things and some the basics of life become a luxury. And soon things start getting walled off and access denied.
Think SoCal coast and the elites trying to block off (illegally) access to the beach.
Now think of us viewed as the elites trying to block off the locals to the things they need by driving up the costs of everything. Sure it's cheap for us but now almost unobtainable to the average local.
I survived in Newport by not caring or even acknowledging the rich. I enjoyed seeing some of the pretty boats and cars but never envied the rich.
I only cared about the sand the sun and the surf. The richest guy in Newport couldn't enjoy those things anymore than I could. I 'd say my enjoyment was better because it was more pure. And much cheaper.
The dynamic there and everywhere has changed. I don't think I could afford to live in Newport anymore. And if I could I 'm not sure it would be worth it. So the elites have driven me out but driving the price up so far that only other elites can or are willing to afford it.
And if I didn't have Baja I would be very disappointed. I can find places that the elites don't care about... yet.
I can only imagine that the Baja natives view me as I do the elites of Newport Beach.

lencho - 2-8-2017 at 11:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
Butt wipe supporters jumping like frogs.
Hey, *I* support them! Beat the heck out of corncobs! :light:

lencho - 2-9-2017 at 12:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
If in fact Mexicans dislike North Americans, [and there's evidence to believe some do] it's because of what are....not who we are as individuals.

I believe there are more than we might think (who dislike Gringos), but it takes about 3 seconds to manifest oneself as a fellow human who happens to have been born north of the border. Spanish *really* helps...

DENNIS - 2-9-2017 at 07:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha.  

BTW, you still owe Lee an honest apology;

I owe Lee less than nothing.
It's "Once a Marine, always a Marine" Lee who owes his commander in chief an apology.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by DENNIS]

Hook - 2-9-2017 at 09:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

This may be contrary to studied opinions. If in fact Mexicans dislike North Americans, [and there's evidence to believe some do] it's because of what are....not who we are as individuals.

Never discount that a substantial portion of a population with simply being angry at their situation in life, and be willing to blame others (who are completely blameless) for their misfortune.

N-zi Germany, Vichy France, Russian pogroms of the early 20th Century, Reconstruction in the South, comes to mind.

Even the willingness to vote for The Donald can be attributed to this. The US has a lot of angry people right now. For the first time in our history, we have successive generations who are less wealthy than their parents. Left or Right, Republican or Democrat. That's not supposed to happen in the US. That has NEVER happened in the US. Our culture apparently demands an ever-increasing upward spiral of wealth. :rolleyes:

Our leadership, at the behest of corporations (IMO) have gotten wealthy with a program of shipping good paying jobs in the US overseas, in exchange for cheap, crappy overseas products.

In the meantime, we print bucket loads of money, make lending historically cheap...........and personal income still stagnates. The VELOCITY of the money (how fast it changes hands and creates new wealth) isn't increasing as corporations sit on piles of cash and buy back their own stock to artificially inflate the value of stock their management team holds.

Certainly exorbitant union demands had a part in this, too, over the years.

Mexicans probably feel the same way, after seeing their wealth shrink in the face of gasolinazos and generous pay/benefit packages for teachers unions, Pemex union, public utility unions. What they read about Trump stokes this anger, especially his demand that they pay for the wall. So, some of that anger has a chance of getting transferred to gringos, especially Americans (when they can tell us from Canadians). But, so far, I havent seen it.

I did have a conversation with the workers building a WALL on my lot, yesterday. (I am paying for the wall, not them!). I'm replacing my original cyclone fencing that blew down in Hurricane Newton. An American building a wall, right now, does make for some good jokes at parties and among the workers, of course..........

Anyway, they seemed to have no anger for Americans; only for The Donald. And it's not really anger. They're, like, incredulous. They knew all about his claims to make Mexico pay for The Wall. But they look around themselves and see how poor Mexico is and know that Mexico can't afford to pay for reliable water or good schools, much less The Wall.

Actually, I think Mexico COULD pay for all of that. But corrupt leadership and greedy corporations get in the way. Sound familiar?

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by Hook]

DENNIS - 2-9-2017 at 09:53 AM

My contention from the beginning stands today: a brick and mortar wall was never intended by anybody. All smoke 'n mirrors.
However, militarization in a limited fashion will be the compromise. That wall is already paid for, and in the end it will be a magnanimous gesture to relieve Mexico of the financial burden.

I believe there is a treaty in place presently that prohibits militarization, but ratifying that will be part of the negotiations.


[Edited on 2-9-2017 by DENNIS]

mulegemichael - 2-9-2017 at 09:59 AM

I had my 70th birthday party this past week at a bar owned by mexicans, we had a mexican beatles band playing, half the folks attending were local mexicans, my wife danced with mexicans all night long and i'm as gringoized as they get...lots of smiling faces and hugs...i'm not sure where all this anger is coming from???...sheesh!

DENNIS - 2-9-2017 at 10:07 AM

I would hope that most people just don't care to get all caught up in it.

Hook - 2-9-2017 at 10:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

My contention from the beginning stands today: a brick and mortar wall was never intended by anybody. All smoke 'n mirrors.
However, militarization in a limited fashion will be the compromise. That wall is already paid for, and in the end it will be a magnanimous gesture to relieve Mexico of the financial burden.

I believe there is a treaty in place presently that prohibits militarization, but ratifying that will be part of the negotiations.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by DENNIS]

Yeah, a brick and mortar wall makes no sense at all. Well, unless you are feeding contracts to build it to your cronies, I guess. We can control our border with other means; mostly personnel and electronic surveillance.

Of course, the best solution is for Mexico to get their chit together, economically and in terms of security, and give their people no reason to leave. Who wants to leave their family and go through what they do, to get here?

I have no problem with the US securing their border. What nation doesn't take that seriously?

Well, except Mexico, actually. What irony.

You can drive right into Mexico and you are basically on an honor system to get a permit. And almost no one checks for that permit once you are in. They encourage immigration because anyone coming in adds money to the economy. And they encourage emigration because it lessens the headache of trying to pay for their downtrodden AND they send money back.

They want it both ways.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by Hook]

David K - 2-9-2017 at 10:38 AM

Is the need for drama that high?

I was all around there for 10 days and experienced no anti-American issues. I saw a Donald Trump piņata in front of a Loreto gift store if that is 'hostile'... I think it was meant to be funny. Kind of like the toilet paper they sold with Obama's face on each sheet.

Us debating on Nomad isn't changing anything beyond our attitudes to each other.

How about a nice landscape photo or campfire story, instead?

willardguy - 2-9-2017 at 10:42 AM

great....pauls liquor is back..:rolleyes:

DENNIS - 2-9-2017 at 10:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  

I have no problem with the US securing their border. What nation doesn't take that seriously?

Well, except Mexico, actually. What irony.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by DENNIS]

Hook - 2-9-2017 at 10:59 AM

I saw a Trump pinata destroyed quite angrily at the Carnaval parade in Mazatlan last year. It was done by young, male "thugs" but there was some cheering by the bystanders. I didn't feel threatened at the time and thought it somewhat humorous. Back then, he was a far-fetched joke as a presidential candidate.

My, how times have changed.

Carnaval coming up, soon. I will almost guarantee there will be a Trump pinata at any parade. DavidK, remember what happens to pinatas, after they leave the store. Far different than a harmless, hanging pinata in a store.

It might be a good year to avoid large crowds where the pack mentality could surface.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by Hook]

DENNIS - 2-9-2017 at 11:20 AM

I can't imagine a Peņa Nieto piņata would last much longer.

JoeJustJoe - 2-9-2017 at 12:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hook  
Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

This may be contrary to studied opinions. If in fact Mexicans dislike North Americans, [and there's evidence to believe some do] it's because of what are....not who we are as individuals.

Never discount that a substantial portion of a population with simply being angry at their situation in life, and be willing to blame others (who are completely blameless) for their misfortune.

N-zi Germany, Vichy France, Russian pogroms of the early 20th Century, Reconstruction in the South, comes to mind.

Even the willingness to vote for The Donald can be attributed to this. The US has a lot of angry people right now. For the first time in our history, we have successive generations who are less wealthy than their parents. Left or Right, Republican or Democrat. That's not supposed to happen in the US. That has NEVER happened in the US. Our culture apparently demands an ever-increasing upward spiral of wealth. :rolleyes:

Our leadership, at the behest of corporations (IMO) have gotten wealthy with a program of shipping good paying jobs in the US overseas, in exchange for cheap, crappy overseas products.

In the meantime, we print bucket loads of money, make lending historically cheap...........and personal income still stagnates. The VELOCITY of the money (how fast it changes hands and creates new wealth) isn't increasing as corporations sit on piles of cash and buy back their own stock to artificially inflate the value of stock their management team holds.

Certainly exorbitant union demands had a part in this, too, over the years.

Mexicans probably feel the same way, after seeing their wealth shrink in the face of gasolinazos and generous pay/benefit packages for teachers unions, Pemex union, public utility unions. What they read about Trump stokes this anger, especially his demand that they pay for the wall. So, some of that anger has a chance of getting transferred to gringos, especially Americans (when they can tell us from Canadians). But, so far, I havent seen it.

I did have a conversation with the workers building a WALL on my lot, yesterday. (I am paying for the wall, not them!). I'm replacing my original cyclone fencing that blew down in Hurricane Newton. An American building a wall, right now, does make for some good jokes at parties and among the workers, of course..........

Anyway, they seemed to have no anger for Americans; only for The Donald. And it's not really anger. They're, like, incredulous. They knew all about his claims to make Mexico pay for The Wall. But they look around themselves and see how poor Mexico is and know that Mexico can't afford to pay for reliable water or good schools, much less The Wall.

Actually, I think Mexico COULD pay for all of that. But corrupt leadership and greedy corporations get in the way. Sound familiar?

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by Hook]

You know Hook I could agree with some of your posting here, but at times you completely lose me, like your other posts where you were carefully explaining to the OP of this thread, ways to get Mexicans to like you.

Here is a suggestion, because the things were were advocating I don't think will work.

How to Win Friends & Influence People: DALE CARNEGIE ...

Where you completely lose me is when you blame Mexico's plight on generous pay/benefit packages for teachers unions, and at Pemex.

Really, Hook, it's the teachers unions, that is ruining it for everybody in Mexico?

I know you and your ilk, also blame teacher unions, and all unions in the states too. But unions have been dropping since the 70's, where now there are very few unions in the US, or Mexico. If anything we need more unions in the USA and especially Mexico, so there could be a real middle class,

The middle class is disappearing in the US, and although there are many reason for this, one big reason for wage stagnation, is the disappearance of the unions in the private sector, If you want a good job and good benefits, one of the few places you could still get that is with a government job.

David K - 2-9-2017 at 12:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

I can't imagine a Peņa Nieto piņata would last much longer.


For the record Hook, I feel safer camping in Baja than in the U.S.
Since you live in Mexico, I am guessing you have no fear of daily harm.
Mexico can't be worse than Chicago, right? Or, most other American cities where daily murder news is the normal, albeit sad reporting on TV.

Alm - 2-9-2017 at 02:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
...not all questions are a trap

Define a "trap".

There is an increasing number of semi-professional www spammers, I think the PC term is "internet writer". 20 bucks per article plus once cent per click. Semi-professional because most of them have no clue of the subject that they are trying to sell, and spammers because this is what the result usually is.

They are coming here, asking questions that sound, as Dennis put it, "loaded". Like, "please tell me where people live in Baja and why". Or, the recent escapade of a solar aircraft "pilot". The giveaway sign is that their questions sound what I would call "odd". Another sign, and a very typical one, is that the poster's reaction is limited that of a 6-years old child, - either meaningless "Oh how wonderful" or "People are so unfriendly here, I'm out".

mtgoat666 - 2-9-2017 at 02:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

I can't imagine a Peņa Nieto piņata would last much longer.


For the record Hook, I feel safer camping in Baja than in the U.S.
Since you live in Mexico, I am guessing you have no fear of daily harm.
Mexico can't be worse than Chicago, right? Or, most other American cities where daily murder news is the normal, albeit sad reporting on TV.

Most of usa federal land is safer for camping than mexico public lands. I agree much of remote baja is safe, but acre for acre, usa is safer. Just saying.

Mexico can be worse than chicago. MANY places in mexico are much worse than the bad neighborhoods in chicago (much of chicago is safe, great city, love visiting there).

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by mtgoat666]

TedZark - 2-9-2017 at 03:09 PM

I suspect that most Mexicans are well tuned in to everything that is happening.

Recently, I was kidding a local business owner about his office being closed on Constitution Day and asking him if they did that EVERY year?! He motioned and said their constitution is "broken" to which I replied, "So is mine". We both laughed and agreed that life goes one and you just do your best.

Mexicans know the common man has no real influence in what goes on. They don't, we don't.

I think Mexicans are more "with it" than we are. They've certainly had their fill of "junk" politics. And that is no matter which side of the issues you are supporting/p*ssing on.

Hook - 2-9-2017 at 04:14 PM

You clearly have NO IDEA where I am coming from, JJJ.

I was simultaneously enrolled in TWO educational unions for virtually my entire working career. But being in them helped me see the excesses of them, in many cases. Still, I am pro union because without them, corporations are out of control, with respect to wages paid versus profits earned.

No, JJJ, the middle class has disappeared because corporations found really cheap ways around them by sending the jobs overseas. Unions excesses were partly to blame, but American workers were never going to work for the slave labor wages of China or Mexico, even if the unions were broken.

Now, we are wondering why we cant kick start our economy by simply reducing interest rates. It's because we no longer have that many good paying jobs where people will put SERIOUS money back into the economy, for survival sake. The rich can afford to sit on bucket loads of money, because they own everything they need. They are waiting for the day they can once again earn 4%+ for no risk. The rest of us have to spend to live the lives to which we are accustomed.

Imagine what it's going to be like when the generation that earned defined benefit pensions dies off and we are left with a retiring population with nothing but Social Security. Even less VELOCITY of money.

Of course, the multi-nationals won't care. They will be busy identifying the next countries they can hang out to dry like they did American workers. China is the perfect country for this. The quasi-Communist leadership means there will probably be no strikes allowed and heavy wage controls.

Trickle down economics has been shown to be a sham. Trickle UP is the way to go. Put money in the hands of the middle class and they will spend and create wealth for ALL the classes. That's what make America great. Make the rich EARN the money from the middle class, instead of handing it to them (in the form of tax cuts) and HOPING they invest it. Money in the hands of the middle class increases the VELOCITY of money.

Trump talks that talk, especially while in the midst of a campaign. Let's see what he does. I am not hopeful, with the makeup of his cabinet. I see he has announced some kind of major tax proposal very soon. The stock market over reacted, as usual.

Lee - 2-9-2017 at 07:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha.  

BTW, you still owe Lee an honest apology;

I owe Lee less than nothing.
It's "Once a Marine, always a Marine" Lee who owes his commander in chief an apology.

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by DENNIS]

Dennis, there's a reason your National Guard experience is considered militia, and not military. Army National Guard aren't considered Veterans either. Tell us how comfortable you were sleeping safely in your bed at night.

Your ''100% service disability'' looks like a scam from here. Can you explain how you qualified for disability in California? You didn't serve in the military, you could have, and maybe couldn't qualify to be a Marine. Accept this as a regret in your life.

Must be your ''psyche meds'' talking. Bet you're still drinking.

Too late to pretend you're one of the patriots on this forum. Bet you think John McCain is no Hero. Right?

Prez pu$$ygrabber was a draft dodger choosing 5 deferments. You and that con man have everything in common. Truly an embarrassment on this forum.

DENNIS - 2-9-2017 at 08:18 PM

R.A jughead. Regular Army.

willardguy - 2-9-2017 at 08:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
R.A jughead. Regular Army.

now you're just embarrassing yourself......again:rolleyes:

bajabuddha - 2-9-2017 at 09:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
R.A jughead. Regular Army.

Jeez, and I always thought the National Guard in the 1960's was an easy way OUT of actually having to sleep in a wet cold foxhole in the rain and mud of a rice paddy 5,000 miles from home.

Kinda like bone spur deferment like your (not my) CIC did. By the way, there's a provision in the Military Code of Justice stating that you don't have to obey a direct order if you believe it to be unlawful or unconstitutional; your comment about shooting someone before they come into your foxhole is still way out of line because of an oath that made a lot of needless casualties 40+ years ago that should have been prevented.

Regular Army my azz. REMFs. Too bad you got injured in whatever war you attended. And here all along I thought you were a Veteran.

mtgoat666 - 2-9-2017 at 10:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  
R.A jughead. Regular Army.

Where did you serve?
What did you do in service?
How long were you in service?
How did you stub your toe and get total disability?

Denny boy, I think you are full of chit. I think the only true part of your story is you collected disability, probably for some faked ailment.

JoeJustJoe - 2-9-2017 at 11:11 PM

The way I heard it, Dennis was one of the few who actually saw action while serving in the National Guard. It was during the first Watts Riot, when the National guard was called in.

I understand one of the black rioters somehow got the advantage on Dennis, and held a gun to his head! Somehow Dennis survived the ordeal of a major urban riot in Watts, however, Dennis didn't come out of the urban war with the National guard, unscathed, as the rioting took a toll of Dennis' metal health.

No doubt Dennis suffered from PTSD, as well as the other conditions Dennis has talked about and admitted to over the years.

Here we are 50 years later and Dennis is still suffering from those hot summer nights in Watts over 50 years ago, and he is still is collecting a disability pension.

Laugh at the National Guard, but if this story is true, Dennis probably saw more action that 99% of the real veterans on this forum, and the veteran posers..

[Edited on 2-10-2017 by JoeJustJoe]

Lee - 2-10-2017 at 12:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JoeJustJoe  
The way I heard it, Dennis was one of the few who actually saw action while serving in the National Guard. It was during the first Watts Riot, when the National guard was called in.
[Edited on 2-10-2017 by JoeJustJoe]

Just make this stuff up as you go along. Comic book stuff.

''The way I heard it...''? What the heck does that mean?

''Dennis was one of the few who actually saw action..."? Now I know you're making this up.

14,000 National Guard showed up for the Watts ''disturbance.'' And you think Dennis was one of the ''few'' who got into it?

Please quote your sources if you care to. You're coming across as looney as Dennis who is lying by saying he was regular Army. He was California National Guard and I have that from the source. Him.

JoeJustJoe - 2-10-2017 at 12:49 AM

Like I said Lee, it's what I heard.

If you want, you can file it under, " Believe it or not."

Like I said, I go way back with Dennis, and it wasn't good. There was a lot of information that Dennis posted about himself, and others posted about him many years ago on some obscure blog.

I do believe that Dennis was in the National Guard, and the Watt's riot was ground zero for Dennis.

The comment on the National Guard, was that when recruits joined up they probably did it with the expectation of not seeing any military action like in Vietnam, or on the streets in the US, although the 60's were turbulent times.

I'm sure anyone who was with the California National guard during the Watts riots, were in the shock of their life.

Here are some of Dennis' own posts here on BN.

Dennis wrote: I was in Watts during the Watts Riots, the first ones, and I wasn't shot either. What I'm trying to say is the press exagerates the crime quotient there and it's really a peaceful place....just like TJ. Other than that, they're are some who would say that Tijuana extends as far north as the Canadian border. Who can argue with that?[

Dennis wrote: Yeah....I was there too, for a week. Completely insane. The FD couldn't spend enough time on a fire to put it out, especially while being shot at. You're right about the bodies. The official count was around 17. I saw that many and more. We shot at everything that moved after curfew and a lot of them shot back. Anyway, welcome to retirement and Baja.

DENNIS - 2-10-2017 at 07:38 AM

The National Guard was federalized during the 65 event........RA. Regular Army put then under the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. New swearing in ceremony..the whole thing. I'm done.

As the saying goes..."All good things must come to an end."

ADIOS muthaeffers

PS....thanks David. Got your U2U. This site has turned into a sewage treatment plant.

[Edited on 2-10-2017 by DENNIS]

Lee - 2-10-2017 at 11:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

The National Guard was federalized during the 65 event........RA. Regular Army put then under the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. New swearing in ceremony..the whole thing. I'm done.

As the saying goes..."All good things must come to an end."

ADIOS muthaeffers

PS....thanks David. Got your U2U. This site has turned into a sewage treatment plant.

[Edited on 2-10-2017 by DENNIS]

29 thousand posts, 21 posts on this thread. Who's leading the way ''into a sewage treatment plant''? Go Dennis.

FYI: National Guard not federalized until '67 Detroit riots. Fact check.

Rewrite history man. Who f'reaking cares? Recommend I be shot by another nomad? Too cowardly to say you want to take the shot?

Shoulda gone to Nam, man. You had a shot and didn't take it. Too bad.

Back on subject: I'm not seeing or hearing any animosity down here around US politics. Personally I think it's a non-issue. If you're not online or watching TV news, life centers around very nice and different things. The greatest food in the world -- if it can be grown organic in dirt, it's available here. I eat, sleep better here than up North. Wish it weren't true. Downside is I get lazy, don't exercise enough and drink too much tequila.

I'm not complaining.

DENNIS - 2-10-2017 at 01:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  


FYI: National Guard not federalized until '67 Detroit riots. Fact check.

Shoulda gone to Nam, man. You had a shot and didn't take it. Too bad.

You're just wrong on the date. I was there, but thanks for bringing home the loser trophy. What would we have done without you.

[Edited on 2-10-2017 by DENNIS]