An incredible trip of 10 days that included great weather (a bit cold at night), great Baja Nomads, some I met for the first time, and great but
rough dirt roads. I went to many missions and visita sites. Here is a list:
San Ignacio, Muleg�, San Juan Lond�, Loreto, Lig��, San Javier, El Horno, San Jos� de Comond� (1736 site), San Miguel (Comond�), La
Pur�sima, Comond� Viejo (1708 site), and San Borja.
I traveled most of the known roads to the beaches between Santa Rosal�a and Ensenada Blanca (below Loreto) and the rough roads between San Javier
and Comond�, on to La Pur�sima and back east to Hwy. 1. |