
East Cape BCS Fishing - Pangas?

Argentino - 5-1-2017 at 03:19 PM

Anywhere on the east cape (closer to San Jose) that I could find someone with a panga to take me out fishing for a half day? I'm not looking to pay the $1000 a day gringo-centric fishing charters, just something small and simple for my wife and I. I know in more rural parts of Baja this is a regular thing, just not sure where it's such a tourist area.

Cancamo - 5-2-2017 at 08:09 AM

La Playita was the go to place for reasonable panga fishing for many years. Not so sure now that it is "Puerto Los Cabos".
Tomas at the beach palapas handles the details. Just go there, he'll find you. Don't know what they charge now. Keep in mind fishing has been real slow so far this spring on the East Cape, without the inconsistent tuna bite we wouldn't have much to talk about.

baja_01 - 5-3-2017 at 11:40 AM

Cooperativa prices keep most panga operations in the east cap about about 300 or a bit more. You might be able to find someone cheaper but it will be harder to do since they usually don't advertise it.